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80--- ~~~~~'74 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MaxrcaGE [.AAN No. L 23,684 <br />Subject to L# 23,676 <br />KNOWAL[.MENBYT@ESEPRESEN'IS:TI'at dames P. Ogden and Geraldine K, Ogden, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether orx or mote. ®wtttddetatiaa of the som of <br />Two Thousand and Nol100------------------------------------------------------------ oou.nRs <br />loaned to aid tnortgagot by The Fyoitabk Building attd I.tran Associa[ioa of C.rattd island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2D sltues of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. ! 23,684 , dtt hereby gent, conxy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foDosvittg <br />described real estate, sitttaied in Hall County, Nebrasta: <br />LOT SIX (6}, IN BLOCK SEVEN (7}, IN GEORGE LOANS'S SUBDIVISION, <br />LOCATED ON THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (WNW>;} OF <br />SECTION TEN (70), IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (17) NORTH OF RANGE NINE <br />(9) WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount or' Eleven Thousand <br />Five i~undred(iw7i,S00.0u) dated Novtier 7, 77t7. <br />tagedeG wnh a9 the teormrnu, hert:ditamrnts and apputtettancts thrrrunur belozzRtng, irttludutg attached floor twverutgs, all wodow staeens, <br />vradow shades, hliads, storm windows, awnttags, heating, av atndrtianirxg, and pltrmhine and Maier eotupment and attssmtits tlrereio,puttrQs, stoves, <br />seftigesata6, aad oihrr frstturs and egeapmettt now nr 4tnrzfter atixlted za o: ustd m ,;.snnert~n wtih said zeal tsute. <br />Attd w!>ertu tM said m;,rtaat tr Aces spmi asd does ~eby agrsr t:-a= the mart~gcv shat! and wilt pay aD taus and assessmrnts le+ied or <br />asse>acd ~ aid prtzre:4s aril vpan :his mortgage attd xhe tw-td secured *hereby befarr the same stall become delinquent: to fu[~h apQtovod <br />iasaaats altoet the btald~s oa said pxetrrisn atuattd is rite sum of S 2 DDD. DO payabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to raid <br />A~A'11rON the polairs for said etrmraxe: and n;tt to rvmmit of permri ary waste on or abc,ut sari Fmmemises: <br />la rase of defintt in the ptrfarrtsta,s of env :>f the tezrnv and amditioas of this mr~rtgagc or the h: rd stiwred hereby, thr rtungpgee shall, <br />as demand, be rrtiitkd to iauoediatc pasc~stiott of the +Tx'rt?agtd premises and the rt,on~~r hereht assaprts, iransftrs and sets over to the <br />aaottgs~x aB ibe rents. rrsea:,es amt interne to M derivrd from the mortgaged prcrrrises dtu-atg such timr ~ t,4r raartgage indebtsdrtess stne6 teruace <br />aapaid: earl the racat~,ae shall have the pavtrr to teppaixtt nay agent ar agents ii tnay desire far the purpas>G of re}niring said premises srd rcnt~ <br />the wane a~ or,Ba4arg the mats, tr,esues and itta>tae, and it may pay out of aid ~a~ntr a6 rsprtues of trt}uirir~ aid premises and necemty <br />oomaimtmz and espcates inaared in rt~axitag and manrlgittE tM ame era! of mlkcitag rentals therefrom; the halantr rcnuining, if any, to be <br />appied toward the dis-.lurgr of aid rnort~tagr mtkt+ttdtra, these rights of thr mtxtfaptx tuax~ tr rsercisesi at ary time dttnrtg the ttduenoe of rater <br />. rtrefpatrve of any teanyxxan~ wailer of the atrte- <br />TAae Presets, tx~wevn, ase upan ahe Corditutn, 7Lat tf t!k said Mortgxbtir shat? rrl~l axe klan ore at befutr the ~.tatzuity of said shares by <br />po}-ettan; pay smxlt!_y' xn nerd ASSOClA77{}N of xbc svm spe.:iCrerl m the Barad >LCVtni hereby ss rnserest sod priaiipa} Sn aid loan. on or helots <br />Ibe Twt4riirth day of rm~t and eves. raoaxh, until nerd klatt .ts i tilh~ peed: pay all totes and assessnxnu klxd against said ptenttxs and ors this Martgagt <br />aott thr ]1mt3 snwrd thereby, befwr delingaracy , furnn:., appta td rt:saranre np:*n ilk Isvi'rditrgs thneon to Ito nom of S ? > DOD. ~ payable <br />to said ASSOCdAT1Q~: relay to said .LSSz7CIAi'It>\ zepoa draaxad at1 ~n><ttky by n pxtd for such tests, assessnrnts atwt i»sarana with intsrest ri <br />t•at iega) rate thtrtara fa im datr of paymmx all of wtw-h M.xigaru trrrby agrees is }say: prrmit t,tt wastr an said premises: keep and comply <br />vrsh a3 ~ ads aaet ..._atta~s at zt lla:.l f~ S 2,i~I'tD. fk7 xt•~.ia-y gtvru by ttc ^=:.~i lea q to sa:d ASSiICIATIata', xrsd ~ <br />vri~ aS ffie of rite C:ntuiaa a~ by-lat*s of sad ASSs`7ClA'lIO':; t5rs ti,~t prrsettG shat: butte ntdl amt vcad, otlxtly~ tlx_v <br />sha?s xaam is fad fpm at,d may it fveciatt~ at flu aluxvs of the sari A~A'iCIATIOI+ ester fnlxut fw thrte manilts to make any at said <br />!sue w be fbsee masihs m tttteats m tnakitg said rorxithty payms:ts. ut is ktrp amt comply with the ageemtnrs anti tvnditioas of aid Bond; <br />and lioraEa~ agseea so halt a txlxtivrr nppoiatod fartlnatith in such iveckstxne praaadxngs. <br />sf dame a nay m ai the rral estate mtmgaged tasetn, by ale ar ael,erwae, rhea the entne r®naiittitg indebtedness trrs+eby <br />rrswaad ate, as t#t aptim al7be Bnddsrg and Laver Atraiat,art of taaad ls~ad, Neb,aska, he«tme ieurawiiatdy doe and payable w;thatt <br />5iathta tmtiae, a~ tlae amnoat ,rsaaiaa,g dot ttsdes aid band, and nay att,et tw+ad ftu any addinortal advances made thereunder, shah, from the <br />altos d s:aanme of said aptitaa, 6ev aueree at the toaxbrwm k~ mr, and tba mextgxge may rhea be lareckufed to atisfy tht amount doe oo aid <br />hond,atd say Mater Rand far tt3tMiamai adtartcts, tatret6er wah a6 sttttts poi 1sy saxi i'be 1:gttiat*k Btalding a~ Loan Aaoii:iation of fraud Islami, <br />liti~a #ar its, razes a,d asaeaaaetrts. ~ trrng rxttnsicxt ;#tatgra, mutt first tltexe~, from eau of payment at flee mavmum <br />~~ <br /># paswided ~ she $oad seearttl hereby, whet thn rev*~ rxmatsu m ctle, zhc awrtga&ee ®y brscahn advance additional sums to tltt <br />oaiaat cd aid Hoed, rites asaEns an sox~fatsrs ar tnxtrest. vvluilr srrtm sht6 La' w,thrn zSe srivnty ,d~ zltrs trmgtgtigc tM same u the funds originally <br />saeeaod 13aeay, the farad amamt ~ psitr~ni deb[ orn sa escexd at arty ume for wgttul aaawm of iha raxtgage. <br />,Hraed~s 73t~1 dayxtf February A-!t_.l. 80 <br />,w ~t"- '~- 3 v <br />~. P. g en _- ..y~~ <br />raidirte ~. Ogden <br />~A'°'~° a oath, lath d,y;zt February lv 80 ,>xf~tmt, <br />the tmdersi~aed, a Notary Public in and for aid County, petsaoaliy came <br />eJ~ sot~~t~nt~]dine K. tlgden, each in his and her own riShW~aadeas s~ou~selyokaawn[a <br />mtto 5e she ie"5` , ., ad+nye trams S are afr'ised to ttx above instrumnrt u mortg~ar 5 and they seleraBy <br />adcaarvladyed air®mdtt tobir, - ~''ei r ndantary ar~i and tked. <br />`R[~tESSry~md aa~Nm)Wi Se.. the dasc a:areaid- Y~~~cO~~~ /~ <br />- _ - Notary Pttbiic <br />trassrn - •-° - <br />=ati,,' <br />