<br />$(}~. ~~~'~~j EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE 51987-9
<br />KP:OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Wayne J. Journey and Catherine A. Journey, husband and wife
<br />(hereinafter called the yortgagors) in consideration of the sum ob
<br />Fiftee thousand five hundred dollars and Nof100------------------•Doliars(3**15 SOJ.00**)
<br />toarnM to nMortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha,
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter salted "Gommercral"), its successors and asstgns, the following described real estate, situated in the County of.
<br />}iAhL State of Nebraska, to-wit'
<br />---Lot Eight ($): in Block Twenty Eight (28), in Gilbertrs Third Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.---
<br />TO HAVE ANO TO HOLO THE SAME, with tho appurtananceS thereunto belonging, unto Commercial, its successors and assigns, forever.
<br />Said Mort~gors hereby covenant with said Commordiaf, r25 successers and assigns, Lhat Mortgagors are lawfully seized of said premises, chat
<br />they are tree fra?r cumbrances, and #hat they will forever warrant and defend tke brie to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons
<br />wdsamsoever.
<br />Pravidod, nevertheless, these Gresznis are upcn the io!Iowing conditions:
<br />Tkat akereas the said Mortgagors as members of Commercial have this date executed a note evidencing such loan and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum of money; with interest, in payments as set forth in said smote and have a;reod to abide bt the terms of said note and Charter and By-laws of
<br />t;rammerciat.
<br />7kat whereas ibis mortgage shelf secure any addrtsanal advances. with intorest. which ;nay, at thz option of Commercial. be made fry Com
<br />marciaf h the urrdersignert Mortgagors ar their suciessan in b're far any purpose, at any time before the release and cancellation of this mortgage,
<br />hui PROVIDED. HOiVEUER, at no t,me shall ike aggregate principal amount secured q' this martgagz, being Ne amount due at any limo on said
<br />original Hale antl any addiiianai advances made. exczztl an amount zpual to ii0 nzrcznt of thz amount at the original note, but in no zvent shall
<br />said nab azdozd Lho t^az,mum amain? ponn,#iztl a law. and PROYIOED. HO4EEVER. Tat noth,ng kzrein rantamed sna!i tie considered as !inviting
<br />t?ro amount chat skali }>e secured hzreky~ w",Iert advanczd re praioct thz seiunia~ cr m accordance with cavonants caniainotl in the mortgage.
<br />1idw, rf the sa,d Mortgagors shall pay ar zar,se to 6z aa,d ~ sea sums o' rsoney when due. as set forth ,a sea Holz. and any other note for
<br />~;§oua! advances nab until Sea debt rs iwiy_ porn w,#h mte;?st, then these presents shall W v:+Id~ otherarse, to ~ and remain ,n full force aad
<br />zfiiedt. hri'f deiau?f shout' ~ made:
<br />at In any at ifrz payr»ants due a^ sa,n note and any toe; Holz i;,; admi~~sai advances madz, as inorz,n agreed :a ~ made for tkree months. ar
<br />.bi to aeb?rag ~ r~aver~?s .^ sa,e ~em,~s ,ns:r.ad against lass by rea;;on a` f,re. !~>p±mmg. and afiar hazards included in extzntled
<br />cdvera~ +nsuraoce ,n an amdu~t na*, ~zss ikar, mz unuaa baian:e ,: ~,tl -~,a;igage !aaa. ~n a eampany ar ,,ampanias acceptable to Corn
<br />awrc!a+. 2ne at+ginai ci s;tk pt~?ty .+ tt err:i'S to x he'd a C3'^^c't,a4 y d x,G; a mfr;gage tlau5e attained <`C Sa;d po!,ry Or poiiaos.
<br />;n fever a' %ammemaf: or
<br />~. #a eke ~.vm~t at taxes and ass~s;:en~ -evzzd u,~ar, sa,c pri~~-,ses, c~ a;, thrs mortgage- ~tarz they ago dzLnpueni:. r
<br />~di I# mere s a~ ~r~:gz ,r the ~zrsn,t~ ~~i hrz •ea: ;<szte n,arri,,a~_c rteram in• sa'e. z,mer cr~ir,gnt or tin 'and contract o~ ;ri~ ass,gnmeni ai
<br />any ~nterosi mzrean a: anzrw,sz
<br />'than. rn arry 'vi the abGVa szt-farih =',rd-?s .:,' w"",.:_ ~.~trte~;~S~es; h°,e*t se;~rea sra,:. at the cpti~~ o* Ca,'~me{ire!. ir~.~ediateiy in^~e tlve and
<br />payao?a aitkait fiur;ker neirre. antl lice a,;rrarnt nee :,no>r sa, ^ ac?2 aria any anal Hate to' ad."R,ana? advances nva-dz shall. ?;;m the a3te e~ thz zxzrc,se
<br />of sa,tl apflnn, ieaz Intorest at az max,,:,ua +zga Tate iris a,:num aad tir,§ ^artgage may thou oe toreticszd iz sai,sty the. aTaurt aue a- ~~,a adtz. ana
<br />any a'!her irDRe €or atldlhmtal advances. it~emer w,G a" s;:•~S t~,d n ~mnzrna= tnr ,nsirranre. taxes. aSSess~zns and a^staa ua~s,aa thargzs
<br />a,ih rntarest tkeroan #ram the gate o* pay=~ont at "ha naxn'.an :ego! Bate
<br />P#tOBJOED that m no event, o,tnm ~°are ;,• alto, aeiau,t ~a.~ me ,niztes? nuz under sa,d note ono ina aa,igas: and an4 per nc4;' icy 3a-
<br />dihnnat atluanaos made exdrta ine rr.,ax,m;;m ~awtu~ ~r,ierzs? r?te
<br />~NOYtOEO. further_ MaI,n ma z.~en, >nat ; _;ccza ix ?"z naa,ng of lip paynvmtis aaz an sa,d n_te c sr any -he a3.,,t+sna;
<br />ad~nces, as ihe2sn sgri~ed to s de ,-._=rig t^e -amszs .nsvred, as aba+~ pramdzd w a dz9ac!t *u roaac ,n ,..er,t;- -~z m~es
<br />ar assessmann :ewwed upnFl ~ D;P'rszs aovr ~s_r,;,es ~}„ in,s : ?ri~gO, ,erorz may a z b, ,_=a cz: n,,..z t C. ° . a s^aii .. - .. .
<br />t;5 ~ immWltate pdssess{im '..? liFe SarnsS25 sdiue `•_''P.5^:72_ ~getilel k', Ti! ail r~JitS preteens and ,isues 3 ~. ~ ..2 ..'",.5?S. _ ., _
<br />m ai§ ms~tran usz the ~h so ,~ as .t a^zn3 rW`'zSaH r :„ thz ~.*pa52 of sak,ngtzparrs open Me pram sea .. v +;~ z _ „ . _ ,->v a-,_z
<br />p~aums. lazes and assnssraan:s t:,~. ~ t7 pre-~,saa one ta* nz~;.?~sa:y zxpanses ,au.- e ,er!t,ng s?:il p;~t,,szs 3n- ct:z ,? e-r-.. ::aa
<br />to apply same an sand pole anfl am notes ev,aa:r,ng ?ah7rc d413n~5 ner~nder vnhi thz intlektedn?ss secured s fully pa+tl, ana fey surn ^ .poses
<br />tiro ,axd~sr~ad dog kereby se+l assr~ set aver and T?ansi2r unto C3mmerr;a' a!i ai sa,d rats- nrata2ds and ,ncamzs nc r !ao ~nuait
<br />rtb dao =^a.* ors ran, Akre. ..m^:s u, r ^,"° x!:ats~~r t,..,: sa:~ ,.-.~.ty }w ~ .w _tl -,, nt. aatz<ah .... ,t~.. ~«~? 5=,a
<br />~,pID19S' ~Lr3t S113i1.m pa GaSf 212 t~i2 rLS h7a '.a,'tri? L". rr'~u:r£ ~r lnt5. tom- C_~-aCi r£IITS.:~~ 7T p[-Ss'LLte aC46r1S 10 rCOYet nt.SS ~SiAn ,~1 S?,7 :,2?`t:25
<br />"ore ~ tvltt~r a~am: Cnmrrertea? of t~rnnna NoUruska men atlomey ,n fart g,vi-; sa,tl attnmey t~aer ;reveia,s, ea^a; as ,ts ann
<br />name or it§' names Tr takz a,; rce~ressary St~S for praraoaangs c, dart ar otnerwse ru muse sea przm,ses ir- 92 r-aca?zd. to c, i'ect rvnta!s
<br />ar ot}rar ipdntaes tom, apd vken vacant sa rctzt the same io asa..z a.i ,a=_sar:arsie r~a,,r„r ono p:y Taxes o,? of >a,d rzr,is p!=r,is i,~+Hatt =v>,'rrts r-:
<br />irm~ples altd So de ail such things oiler v9 iw ;ter a'i,cess m Ih~ sttr2 ernes nary aattlbr!zzd ana appa,nted by ,t as ,is agent it, sam pt:r;aae ann
<br />is c6ar~t or ~ a r8asdmabka ieF for smch sa+wces all ai :ne aaovt to t~ done at surn i.mas a;,d in s<,ch rrarnc~ a.,d an Barn urns as to mz,. sake
<br />y-rsag . rn~ tuft per c' szksAtT;t nn
<br />The #~rt~-garb ~trereDq agrt~ roof :i Crms~rcrai e:fie* vo;untar,S}~ ai ,nvn;uutaniy brtmrrzs nr :s mace a Gar1l~ to anq s~-,t ar ;,,~x¢~n,r,g r2~a?:rig
<br />#a 1Ae herarn9etore tk~stribod real estate, ~r k ~hs morIgaga a. sam Harz ,a nate§ ait>z~r ;nzn a laret,t suit ~nsnm?zd t3 Con. ~erc,a, Mortgagors w.:-
<br />ter
<br />~im~ t`.o~mMi:rai tar a,! aus[lrrai}a rasa ~,tr,; ~ 3j Caamerdzai ,n ss;5 sa,r es pr;~,;,;;g T`, z ~st~n5tirs t:., agrze that :r i`= r,.:e,:n;~rc,e
<br />rr#~ed ~aat asta~ ar apy ira'rt Yheraal hz raneaartrad antler ifs ~wrer of c'vn+rent doma,n, a-r :s akrerw,se aCQt;,fed for a pubic use, rh2 sa•£ages
<br />ate, ~ ~ptpi•~ ~r 3he ~liir~, antl Tar ttK cnnsidert,aa fat suck aEgurs,iratt is the zzt~+t at ~ tuft amcent ct tna rema,nmg urpea rcaeMZO~
<br />na§S b5' tric ~, }~, and tkey here~~ are., ass~gpea to L'ammarc,al aad snail kz pa,d formw~m'o Cammerr,al to b2 appl~ea on attnrnrt of
<br />~+e tastma9rrmg ip§~!ha~ts ni s~rck enda3itadSleSS-
<br />37ated his 13th pa* ai February 19 $~
<br />__.
<br />gN TtiE ~t~~ :f ~dy~ Ems. .;~_
<br />!~; a
<br />' kayne 3 Journey,'
<br />,~ .
<br />:. _-~: -
<br />STATE OF NEBRA~iA -----___,_~__-- Catherine A. Journey
<br />OOtftiTY OF HdLL >s - -------- -. -___.
<br />Op this __-- 13th.-_-_ .. 9aq et _ -~~~?'~?a?~'_..- _.___ tS &0 ketare mz, a notary puUi,c ,n and far said County. personal:y ca.xe
<br />1# aLcrvenaruad
<br />waya~s J. 3o+ayaray anci Catherine A. Jatuaey, husband and wife.
<br />is ma moat; known m ~ the +oen.rtal prnsan ar persaps whose name ,s a nas,zs are affixed ?a the a~rve mmtg?ge as g,anfar :,, grant+~,~ an:; loop, h,7
<br />or ske. ~ t anstrupraat and itrz exe%::iron tResaat, to he t^%,~ ~:,lur;ta,y act ar14 axed.
<br />#iMOI4i~~M1ia14rnY
<br />lf1TN~5 tl# ~ r fast 8birv5 ar,rtner,.
<br />,1,_ f
<br />~ tamn,iss,an ezp~resan ttlz.. ..~_ . day afi ~~...._-- - :s~~ ,
<br />