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r- <br />:a.= <br />~~°°° ~~~ MORTGAGE <br />This Mortgage is entered into between FRANCIS FISfiER and WiIA'IA 1 ISfiEI? <br />(herein "Mortgagor") and <br />THE OVERLAND NATIONAL DANK OF t~RAPID ISLAND (herein "Mortgagee"). <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 3 ,208.16 , evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />dated 2/5/80 (herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />;~~, if sot sooner paid, due and payable on. 2[20 f 83 , <br />To secure We payment of the Note, with interest as provided thereon, the payment of all other sums, with interest, <br />sdvaaced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of <br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Iriortgagee the following descrl6ed <br />property located in H~Il County, Nebraska: <br />The Westerly Forte (4Q) Feet of Ict Twelve (12) and the <br />Easterly Tttenty-0ne (21) Feet of Ir~t Eleven (ll) in <br />Block One (1) in Westerhoff's First Stiabdivision, in <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall Count}~, Nebraska, <br />Together with ili buildiags, impr3c~atents, ftxtutes, street, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and <br />apputrteaances located thereon ar a an; wise pertaining thereto, az~d the rents. rues and profits, reversions and remainders <br />thereof; including, bnt not limited to, hearing and coot-mg equipment and such personal property that is attached to Lire <br />improvements so ~ to constitnle a fixture; alt of which, Including replacements and additions [het~to, t hereby declared <br />to he a part of the roil estate secured be the lien of ibis Mortgage and ail of the foregoing being referred io herein as the <br />,~~•~m,. <br />Morr~r further ewtveaaats and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows: <br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note. <br />~ Tile. Maatzzgor is the owner of the Property, has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, sad <br />aanaats Wet The lien created hereby i$ a first and prior lien on the Property, except as may otherx-i.~ Se set fonh herein. <br />The Pttipert} is subject to a Mortgage wherein <br />is ~ , recorded a Bonk ,Page of the Aortgage Recart6 of Count}°, <br />lQetrffika, rhich ]ioKgage is a lien prior la the lien created hereh}•. <br />u fiiber prmr lieas or <br />3, Tama, To pay v.-hen due alt taxes, special assesstents and all other charges against the Property <br />+~ open rttT2an dta>Aaod by Mortgagee, to add to Lhe pacrneats requited under the Mete secured hereby, such amount as <br />snay lee srtfSoent to eaaWe the Morsgagee in pay such taxes, assessments or other t3targes as they become due. <br />! lam. To keep iii itnp:ovr..srnts nor or hereafter looted on the rail elate des^rihed herein insured <br />dim6e by Erne attd saadr otftei harat+ds as Mortgagee may require, m amount and with rompanies accepabte to the <br />atad rvit3t loos payable to the Iaartgagee- In effir of loss under such polities [fie Mortgagee is authorized to <br />adjaat., oo8ers asd oompiomise, in its disr~an, aU claims thereunder at its sale option, authorized [o eitherspply the <br />pmoseds to the testoratiao of the Property a¢ upon the Indebtedness secured hereby, but payments hereunder shoo eon- <br />t~ote m~ the ~>rr~ haetry ale pile in fu#!. <br />5, ^ $icror For Tames ~ Itrssmnce. Notritlratartding anything contaited in paragraphs 3 and 9 hereof to the <br />catttRy= iltali pay to the Knatagyee at the time of paying the monthly irstaliment of principal and interest, <br />me-tteacitb ~ tree y~rty Lrxea, t~anis, haaard ias`,uance premiums, and ground rents (if anyl which ma}• attain a <br />pt wept Mme, aB ~ .a.~.,o.t.ty ~,.,.r~y Lmre time su lisle by rehe?dostggeQ. The amount ~ paid shall be <br />laeid bq tlbe vdtttout itrsereat a~ afaptipd ter the payment of the itrtns in n~spect to which such amount were <br />depadted. $ha sullat paid W Mwt,~egee hereunder are pledged as additional seruniy for the indebtranrss secured by this <br />~ I><3° to k;balgagee the amount of any defittieacy between the utuil taxes, assessments. insurance <br />paamluma znd gtomd tetras and t~fe depoarta hereunder within 10 days after demand u made upon Mortgagor requesting <br />payraeat thareetf. <br />6. Raptir, 3lslntaaanne sad Use, To pmmpUy repair, resum or rcbuda nny buildings or improoemenis now ar <br />Iteteallt+t on the Pra;rtty; &t keep ttte property in good eonttition and repair, without waste, and tree from mechanic or <br />oti~CSl~CtaA a~Y subordinated W for item lreeeof; aof to make, suffer or permit any nuisance [u exist, nor to dimin- <br />ish as the value n!life Property t.: arty ac[ or omission W set; and to comp)}' with alt rrquimmen[s of law with <br />sespett to the Property. <br />