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(: ,t i 52-A-REAL ESTAJE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) Rev, 78 Huffman and feiton & Woif, Walton, Ne. 68461 i s[ <br />Ki:OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That MARK D. HE_NfiwIINGSEN AND SHARON A. <br />HEMMINGSEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of HAT,F, County, and State of NEBRASKA . in conaidaration of the.sttta-of <br />iFORTY THOUSAND AND NOJ100--------------------------,__~„--°--_-----DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unko THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />'.GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />of j~j,1, County, State of NEBRASKA the following described ptemiaessituated <br />is HALL County, and State of NEBRASKA . to-wit: <br />LOTS ONE (1), TWO {2), THREE (3), ANt7 FOUR (4) CALVARY SUB- <br />DIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />The intention being to aonvep hembr an abscfuta tide in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE A_~7D TO HOLD khe Premises share described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said <br />mort»et~is) and to his, her or their heirs and assi~^xts forerer, nmvided always, and these presents are anon the ai*+ _ <br />omdititw that if the said mortgaaarks), his, her or their heirs, executors, admini~Kmtars or assigns shall pay or causo to be <br />paid ist the s~ mttrtgagaeCs), his, her err their heirs, executors, administrators oz assigns, the principal sum of $~ C) , D O L' . C) 0 <br />pa_vaWe as follows, to wit: <br />PRINCIPAL PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST AT 34$ DUE & PAYABLE AUGUST 11,1980. <br />shit is#errst yeeondiarg to the tenor and effect of the mortgagors written promisaacy mtte bearing even date with these presents <br />and shall pay aU taxes and asvessmeatxs lea-ied upon said real estate, and all c'.her !axes. levioa a~ ° is levied upon this <br />mdganr err the note +w~iclr this axtrigttge is giaen to setnre, be[oze the same becomes delinquent, and keaP the buildings an <br />slid P insoratl for th,e sum of $ $C), Of)0.00 ,lass, if asp, pa}able to the seal mortgagee, then these preaettta <br />so be acid, otherwvse to he and remain in fail Some. <br />i3' 1S FI?ATi~18R AGR$ED iti Tbai ii fhe said mortga g~nr shall fail to Pay sunk fazes or prucur. such iawrance, the <br />said mm'Li7goe may pqv sorb taxes a~ Pmc+tre such iasura~e; and the sum so advanced, with inierrst at 12~ per <br />cent, shaS be regarud by said roortFagar, and this amrtgage shall sterna as security for the same. i2) That a fa7ure to Pay any <br />of said meAey, either prinopai or interest. when ttte same becomes due. err a faifure tr+ comply with any of the foregaitig <br />atrats~. sbafl cause the whore sum of money heroin secured ko become due and tta.,ei}.io at once at the option of the <br />11 dea• ca FEBRUARY t~,` ,~$w,0~~~2~ <br />fn Prtsex,oe of ._:rrletagl-..Q-.1~ 1M'1 ex_.wr'L._`.-`-----......._.-.--- <br />D. H~Mhi. GSEN ~^ <br />_ SHARON A. HEIIMTNGSEN <br />_ - - --- <br />vT!\'l~ t?F .... , .... _ . ~RASit~i_ , ..., ~ssst>:y a#' ..... , .I3AI+i.. .............. <br />'~ ~8 Ott ~~nw~dged hetore me . FI:.8Rt2~.rZY, .....11 ...............19.8.4 . <br />~_,~#~{$,3?..:il~$~kw?l3~ S$,ARf}N A. HEMMINGSELiI, HUSBAND ANS3 WIFE. <br />~. r . ~ ~~-~ Sigttal~ux~' r8t~tt Ttt$ing Ac$nowledgment <br />F_ ~ ( ~Y Cc+mmissc~i~~2J8Q err.~...........?~QTA~iY..EU~3;.IC .................... <br />- ST+).-1"$ Q~ .____ ,._.._....~...,.__ .~......_,..._ __ Entattd as numerical mdez std Sled for record <br />_ ~ <br />~- - ' -~ ._..._~f...._.._..____.___ _........_...__,.. in rho Rigiatar rb Deeds OtTioe a[ said fioanty the -'.. <br />x <br />__ i <br />3__ l <br />-, -.^.»......^^.-°~tLgr '~,...--_-.-,..._,,._,...__ .... .............r 29.....__..., ai.__.._.._..____-.___a'rlac#[ and._._._.__...._.__._....._.minntbo ._.............. _...lki., 1. <br />i <br />': <br />- ~i 3 ~ a'aemdad ~,_.__. _.. _.,.._........» page.,._._..,__.._..__....._._._..___.... I <br />......_.__ ........ .......__.._..........._.._._.._ .-.__...._...,___Rag. of Dees, i <br />By..........,._ ................__....,._....._..__... _...._.. __........,........ _TleputY <br />