~ ~
<br />$Q~~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTU1tE, made this bth dy of Februar~__ 19 $~. by and between
<br />Roger 2f. Arthur and Marie D. Arthur husband and wife, e___as ip htc a„d hP- ~T.~., right erne
<br />a~ s~ ~„~e~f ihP ~rh~r
<br />of - She,-,.,", County. Nebtavha, as mortgagor_.~, and Grand Island Trust Company of-Grand Iatami, a coepoisEion
<br />organ¢ad and eadstiog utd~ the laws of Nebreska with its prmcc~al office sad pace of business at Grand IeLnd, Nebraska, as aaartgagee;
<br />FVi1'NESSETH: That said mortgag~_ , for and is oonsidmation of the sum of
<br />1.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby aclusowledgad, do . by these praveats mortgage a~ warrant info ~ aads.
<br />fatever, aR the following tlsam3ed teal estate. situated is the County of Hall t' ~~t .::'> ` ?'~ '~ ~'' `~
<br />a~ State of Nebraska, to-wft: '-~
<br />Lots One Hundred Sixty-Seven (167) and One Hundred Sixty-Eight (168) in the
<br />FTest Lawn, and Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />wai ail ~td8, air coiditioaiog, lighting, a~ phrmbirtg equipment and fixtures, ixhrding scrums, aa-nirags, storm .c-indnws a~
<br />deoea, ~d siadarr s3vdea er blinds, used on or m caanettion with said prrroery, whet>>e<the same are mw looted an said proptetc nr hereafter
<br />!mod ~~ r -
<br />3+0 HATE AND 1'O HOI.[) THE $A)tE, tagetha: wills all sad siag>tlir the taremearts, beredi:.smenrs and spptrrteaame thteersato be-
<br />kaigisg, err is attywive aPP fasver, sad warrant tSe tifSe m the same- Said margagcrr S___ hereby rnveeaat -_. with said
<br />aaetgagee t38 --i ha _~yz- .'LSY , at We ddiaay Lfinenf, rise hwiul rneoer-s-sf the p±~>•,.u. abrn-e eoereyed sad daaen~Ded.
<br />ssrd SL_... steed od a goad and iadetessibk emote of ink therein, free sad dear of a13 eraarmbrantes, aui that ~ he? ri~r~l
<br />tiraerwat. sad drferd the talc tirsem faae+ve agaieY sir daima sad dearads at all persons whomsoever.
<br />3'BiD#IDEU,II..~`1lYS, sad tbia imQ»srK is esrocawl and ddiesad m sew+e the payment of iba sum of -
<br />Siz Y4sousantl Two Hundred Ttaeaty dollars and Ol}JlOO - - - -Ltnllarsis 6.220.00 1.
<br />adi istsss. t3ierem. Lnpeither with sacs sad advaaos se errs be date asd pRwtrbk to seid mongaeoe ands the terms ami rnnlition
<br />dtfae poa eats ai seen tine iraeriti sad asnarrf heeeby, exactrted by said mottgagrn _~_ta said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />iwasid aaan, sad msraae tb paiseAgoe at a8 tie terms sad caaditiom cr~aiaad therein. The terms of said norc are heeeby incarparaud
<br />inn's i9 tiiw asisasr:
<br />It is tiaiasenimaadapaseraed lire patis frsata tipt slier mastgage mall also ascots aqy future adtyaces made leer said :arxtgagor~
<br />i'lasid saart;ala, aced ally sad a@ iadsissdeess m adda5aa m tie rmamt above stated whirl. said mortgagors. or soy of bent. may awe ice
<br />atitl tssasPa, krwasir svidsrnd. sfriar fay aerie, book aeooaat rr eslrerwiae. This rrrntgage shalt rearia is fall force and effect bsrwern
<br />do pilaas fetters sad tise°'.~' s, Par*wrl ~'rs. +arenawoes sad assigns, u~il all .,••~•~,.r. seaated baennder, ineludiag faturr
<br />adwams. awe padso fag srKi isanast.
<br />11e ~~r€'- ksei9y aanp -~ to acid amga~re all rants sad lateens artarrg at any and all times from saw property sastl
<br />~! andretas said aretp~aa err its ageaa, at ies aptim, upon default., to rake chaste ~ said property and collect ail rents sad intnmr
<br />tilabesa aada/pfw tis mane m tia p@.ams d snerea, prisaapal. preasi®s, tams. aasearmenra, repsrin nr improvemerrts
<br />aasasumy tafns~aaid PaP~y a tenma63s ooadvioa. u m esiar c)saryw or payments prwidad far herovt err in the aotc hereby secured. This
<br />aatttaaripsa~t,aira1lCastiss iaiaaosast7 tie wr@aid hak®neaf said ante is ht$p paid- The taking of posseasica hereunder shall in ro manner
<br />pasaae ear assari and ~ a sis esisotiea d and ems by fetsr3oaora err aa3ertrise.
<br />Tie i~ai tie err aaaast asp ei ~:ig5ca ienrmfer ai say time ahaD rot ba t~arrued as n waive of its right to saver the
<br />aawa a0. aq kasart~e, aaat m iaaist apaf earl aatioem strict a wiUr afi iLe tams earl provisions of said rote and of thin anr[gage.
<br />N slid $ siai oaten m Yen pad ba ~ taertgsgre tie satin: amoitffi dtas it hetauader, and nadet the terms sad provisions
<br />aI ofd alas iawlry asamad. ist famra sdvaeaes, earl say eateaafoas a teaveara~ thiraof in aaoordnax with the tertm and provisiars
<br />tltasral. mod a'f said astiot~s-s-__ amagrly w~ erg rite provisions rd said aota aa+d ~ t.hia mortg.gn, tbmt tLeee preamts shall be void:
<br />atkwwrrsarauntLri+tfgifsrassadifisot asdaaidnwttgapeaskapheeacfttedwtlaspoeaapeionnfi~l4faiklptnpnty,andm[y.atit~optian.
<br />a fill ateiad nerd eats sled aU mdskisdrresa aeQressDSd thesmby tcf ba fmmediate]y dtse sad payable, and may Inrec4rse tiffs mortgage
<br />Q t~a w f~ ktpf at>Sssa t0 psstiot lta ate- rraiead-
<br />71)11s aaal9il~s s4gtfl 6e hsdi~ rpaa sad sbs8 copra to tie bmiafit ~ kite h®, aaewtors, admin,at:awra. eucrssaota and assigns of Lhe
<br />,
<br />f2+1 Wf3TA>?~i WHEItf9i7rF, said -.-;~ ha 3fC_ harttaaLO set their __ nano _3. the day ana year first above
<br />wtaao. •7 -~
<br />Rng~. ?rthur
<br />;;~l_~it ~ ~'
<br />Ma a D. Arthur
<br />