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I '. ~ <br />MORTGAGE-(With Tax Ciauu) ERevised.1962) - 1Le Huffman Genent &tpptq Hwae, Lmode, Ne6n- - <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That <br />.;3~P~cS ... cxS vy f?;~.°.,r .`~--'t:,a ...3?"5.~. j.. ...,~~1^o.;a .:7.:;~e~.1a:~ ,~ ,-c1~~3 _ <br />f of h?l. - County,-and State of ati~ li3T'3;~2C ~ , in consideration of She-sum of <br />t':iY"~}' ?'i>i E~'.i:C3U~"1~ ~.^.t:2' hi:,YZL.i.~.~ ?.rim 7:),1iC-.,'~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ -DOLLARS. <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto <br />3a~:~c e~' ?o~~.~_ :~iY~ <br />of '~ ~~ ? County,-States of S 7r3 ';•;~ the following descnbed premises situated <br />ht - - - County> and State of 6 == ^ , to-vdt: <br />.. S:1 L~'~~! .i2`=~ ~~.1 .z_.4 }~"W:^. JU'v..,_tn'3 S'_:::Z ~~v1 c`.T .._ .i~a.".:u ~i `. i. i3'~? ~3 ~.~ <br />The intention being ro omvey hembv an ahvolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of hamestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Premises ahme described. with all the appurtenancrs thereunto he)angittg, tmto the sald- <br />asortgagwe(s) and to his, her or their bears and °~_._grs forrver, ptx>`•ided a! vys. asd these Presents are opal the ezPresa <br />aurditim that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her ar their heirs, eretviora administrators or asvigna shall pay ar cause to be <br />paid io the said martgagea(s/, his, her ar their heirs, executors, administrators or a.`~~ns, the pimapal sum of $ . ` r rt = ~' . ~~ <br />~vabde ~ iottows. to wit. T ..... _ , ~ _ . - _. _ _ ~ . _ .. _ ..... 1 :, _~ _ _ _ _ ~ -: <br />. _ +r <br />witb iruPaea't ax+mditrg to the tesuu and e$act ai the mottgatgors ATIItPR promissory Hate bearing even dale Aith these presents <br />a!d slcall Pa?• all raves and asaera:aEUru levied uP~ said real e,Laie, and ai# other tales, lteies sod assessment3 1_vied uPoa this <br />>acv~atge cv the nede 'whiadz this mortgagz is giarra Ya aoctrze. befam the same beax+mes delinqueut, and kaep the buildings an <br />- ~ , irasuad fta the sum of $ Y ~ r ~'=~' . , ~ ,loss, ii any, PaYShle to the said mortgagee, then these ptrsenis <br />®ire raid, oSFrenrsse is ae and n:maiH in full tome. <br />7T t3 F1J1Ti$iER AGRT&D ti) That ii t#re said mortgagor shall tail to pad such taxcm nr ptxaeure such insurarxe, tlae <br />aald a58rt 'e'k`e soap }» Yucle tows std pt'aterre aur13 rasrtrarxe; and the sum sa advaaeed, with mtarest at per <br />asst, ~ tae lepsid by said fir, std this mati,gage shall stand as srxvritc irr the same, f?) That a fa7um to PaY anY <br />t# raid , tither praAiywl or iatemst, waxes the satoe becamas due, or a fadum to wmPty with any of the foregoing <br />rtgmeamnq~¢..~Sll tatme the Arbeile mtm sd Heaney herein stcurrd to beetene due and collcrtih)s at aax at the option of the <br />>'- -~; <br />~z <br />~Cnad this :,.Z day of ~'c::3'll.:::'> 18 <br />- .~ <br />3a t at _ _. -. _._ _. __ . _ <br />i~ r2 r '' <br />...._...... . -......_._.-t~... __-. - <br />'-- <br />4~ - <br />S4'A'!Ti ~? ___^_-----'--, C.otsrrty ot__~e'{~+a.e'-'-'i~ .._-_....__._----: <br />B~sda ads. a aataa5 ptdrtie @¢alified toe acid, t~etaty, personally came <br />C!^~i~I~s i8. Hasti.t~gs astd ~aroZyt: E. Hastings <br />ka~ is ar ra be the idaaancad }ma+a a peudms Adwu c~Caad tht a rrrattssreeati .Had arhnowladged the e:etv4ioa <br />T i r~ are a~ da~wd.~` p p p <br />`+~iM4 i~~~~Yli. aa_._.._. _. T.,le~`.''.?_~fsS~>_y._ .]_. _. ,. ~,. .. 19 f2 ~ . <br />Q ~.... ~~/'~.~ <br />" - ~__..:,. ~.~:..r~ I. 19rfF~. _.._ __._.._J~--GtL.~2F+a~-~-~~LiX.2+lotaryPuht+c. <br />8"i'w~8'tl}F'~....,,.~,.~_~.,,,,,_...._..,._,_.»..,.,,_-j P fln tiadl Indax and sled fa! tmatrt <br />. Qaeo~i, __,.._.~.._......-°._.....,_....__....~.,,.._...v.._---. ~i~ in the Resister of Deeds t)Hire of said County ibe <br />..>dtp at:._-,_.,~...___..________.___» 18.__...-.» et ............._...--°.....-_o'cloc)t aad._.._...-......-`--..-.....miautoe .,-----°..._.----.M., <br />aed traugied is Hank ,. _~_....__aE.,.~..~.._...,__.___ page---....--°......-.. ,. <br />Fp <br />4 <br /> <br />_..~..._...__.........---......_...._._..-..-----_._ .............Reg. of Deeds <br />Bp.__..-._ ...............__.-.....--._....-...._ _____..-.._..-.-...DePutY <br />