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<br />80-•~~G~t2 <br />Leader's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Burrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing rnntained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. Iespectian. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such irspection specih•ing reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9, Condemnation, The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />rnndemnation or other taking of the Property, ~ r pair thereof, or fnr conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid m Leader. <br />In the evens of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shalt tae applied m the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />wiGS iltt rx.-ess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />etheruise agree in u•ritin¢, there shall tae applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking beats to the fair market value of the Propem• immedia:ely prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice M• Lender to Borrower that the rnndemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lendtr within 30 dav_ s after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorizes to collect attd apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propem• or to the sums severed by this Motteage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />err postpone the dire date of the rtronthly ittstallmerts mftrttd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installrntn~. <br />I8. Botrotsrr Nat Rolled. Extension of the time for payment nr modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />hr 11x5 Mnrt~~_ ~_ i Ivy L~s,~~r L ~ _`~ ~-, ,s„~,n, - ,w - - -y n3i operate its release, in any manner, <br />the Iiabilit}• of the cxriginai Borrower and `Bormu•tr's ~suc:.essors yin interestr [.ruder shall not be required m commence <br />procerdiegs against such successor tar refuse to extend time fnr pa}•ment or otherwise modif}• amortization of the sum:; <br />secured by this Mongagt by reason of any demand made b} the original $ormwer and Borrower's arct~ars in interest. <br />1/. Fveieartmte by i.etder A. " a Wtdttr. Any totixarance ~y Lendtr in exercising any right or remefi• hereunder, or <br />otlrera•ise afforded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver of car pmlude the exercise of am• such right ar remedy. <br />The proctrrement of instrrartct or the pa}mrent of taxis or ether liens or charges b}• Lender steal! not be a waiver of I_tnder's <br />right io rccelerate .he marurity of the indtbt~ness secured h}• this ltongage. <br />12. tt®edies Cara~tive. All rrmedks pm-vidtd in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />trntedy utr~r this Mortgage or afforded br law er egitity. and mad ht exercised concurrentk^. independtnth• or successively. <br />]3. Secccsaots and tbm$ )tr®t aad $exxral i.iatalin; Captives. Thr covenants and agreements herein <br />c,~tairad shall hind. atsd the rights hereunder shall inure to. the rtspectivt succecsnrs and assigns of Lender and Bormuer, <br />sul+Iea-i ita tlx proxisioes of puagraph 1' herei+i. A17 covrnsnn and agreements of Bomurr shall bt joint and secerai. <br />Tlx taptiotts and headings of tier paragraphs of ;his '.ton¢age are for ;nmenience only and are not to he used to <br />initrpret or drfau the pmxisions pert, f~ - <br />iL \etica £recept fnr am• ntrticr trgvired under applkab7e feu to he givrn in another manner, ter) any nntitt to <br />Borrovycr provided for is this 141ortgagt shall k+e givrn i+v nailing such vatic, b}' cinifitd mail addressed to Bonou~er at <br />rte Property Address nr at such other address as Borrower ma}' designate lay notice to Lendtr as provided herein, and <br />i?at any notice to Lender sltall hr givrn h}.~rtified ::tasl, rttum rtcrrpt requested. ro Lenders address stated herein ar to <br />state outer alleges as 1_radrr may dtslgnatr h}' tsoti`^e• to Bormurr as provided herein. .#m• not'-e nmvided tw in ih'tt <br />Utvtgage shall M deemed to have horn givrn to Borrnvrr or tender ufien gix•en in the manner desigr..tted herein. <br />Ii. L;alfaat Moatplc; Geaertairgg ia+r; Se+rr~h. This form of mongagt combines uniform cnvtnan*.s for national <br />vac and mar-tsoifatta cotenants with limia~ variatit`trs h}~ jurisdiction to conxtimtt a ueifottn security instrument covering <br />ttxl pmperty. Thix Mang>kgt s#mll lac St'trrnrd lay the lau ,:f the iurisdittinn in uhlch the Property is located. In the <br />evrnt Gnat any provision or ciavse of ibis ivi xrtgage err the !tiotr conflicts with applicable lau°, such v~anflir! shall neat afftet <br />ittravisiorx td this Mosagagr or the Nzur whi:it an l,t ;ixYrt rt#n-.t without t}e conflicting provision, and to this <br />eel list ~~v:~=rs of slat ?.~cxtigagc arx•1 Litt '~:atr art dtcisrrd m he sevttable. <br />IC Rars+awers Copy, Botnawer shall he fumishtd s coeformtd cop}' at the Note and of this Mongage st the time <br />ea~taitm err after tt>-cxdatitrer lsenead. <br />23. Twactir atlbs 14e~nty; Aa~iat. !f all or any pan of stet Pmpem' err an interest [herein is sold er transferred <br />by Bveroner >aitbou[ Leader's prior u•rit[ta consent, rxci;xting !at the cmation of a lkn or rneumbram^t subordinate to <br />this Marigtits, {bt the aeatisat of a purchase trteratt}' snurin~ mterat fu houses:old appliatnss. tci a transfer h}' devise. <br />tlewart ~ In epetatim of tau upon Ilse dealt cat a p~vnt tenant or rdr the gram of aey leasehold interest of tlarcr years or less <br />rot catg as option [n purchase. Leader rnax', at Lmdrr's option. dtclarc all the sums secured by this Afongage to tae <br />+mottdiamiq dine and payable. L.ttsdsr xttal3 have uat:=pd stxtt aptron to err ekra[s if, prior to the sale ~ar transfer. Lander <br />a~ the l+,tasam to in•hoam tIe Propett}' is to lac sold or transferred rea:b agreerttent m v:nhtrg that the rrrxtit of 4.s:h person <br />is satisfactoay xa leader and tisat rte inte.^:- t payable cn the sums serurerl by this Mongagt shall M at su.h rate a; ixndtr <br />s ~, ti I~atdez Ins eaivad the oluson tx acrdsrats provided in this paragraph i'r, and if Bonrnver's stn-cesaor in <br />itaterem hat a:eluted a atitte® at~amspriott agrrmear accepted in writing by Leader. Leader steal! release Borrower from all <br />amines reader t}iis Mott~adc atu! c6e Nn~. <br />If larsdrr taer~see srx3r e_eRicvn ie recrktate, Lrtlder shall mail $orrousr notice of sectkraucwt an accordance with <br />paraRragdl 13 isnmf. Sw•3s notice shall pro+it$ a period of trot less than 3o da}•s from the date the novice is mailed within <br />whidt 8cnsrnau nag pay ihs sums d~7arrd dun If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior so rht txpirstion c f such period, <br />Latdtt mtlrv, vri~vett ftuttrer t~tii,e tx detnaad on Btatrowrr, invoke any remedies petmmed t+y laragraph 3 3 hereof. <br />ha*~t-Utrtt+t~t>,t Ctyvs:tuntcrs. Borrower and Crueler further rnvrnxnt and agree as falk+ws~ <br />ii, Readies. ~ as rrsriiei L patagrap6 17, sspoe Eortower's bteaei of nay cavtteaM or <br />d lstsoanr la ells 1 the cosetrrats b pay vtheB die car surffi recured by chat AiwltaCt, <br />iewtlee p~pr b amderalisa tttuY swab tse9da to Bartower as provided is paraErapit 13 hessof sPstifyast: t11 the 6rcari: <br />i!~ tTte atfiatt >~d b tatro lases hreat~r 13I a date, ~a1 leas tlarrt 3d days from tie dtas the aofite is mailed to Borrower, <br />~! allies eslsir Iaeadr novel !b taas~ tri IAI ibu faaarc b tare such breach oa or blare the date specified is the aotite <br />aa~ tteadt iti aK+od[raBeo ad !ie coats setetei M tits MaefEaBe, tweclosnre by jadit'ial proceedeag and sale of the Property. <br />Iite wafkx abaY l~tiw Alarm !answer of tit ~t b neiestatr utter aeceletatioa and the rigs' to assert its tic forestoeure <br />! tltt faa+sistewee d a de[aol[ or awy other llama of 1lsrrewer to actsWatioa aad foreclosure. If the breath <br />i oat shell eta err btitses ~ >~ sptac~ Ae tin stsHte, !ceder a [.seder's optioe gray declare a6 of ttu sums seearsat by <br />tAis b 6e ~adiaiely dire and ptryahk witieat farther deataral and may fotrxlose by jedkial procecdln~. Lender <br />altos! bt eMidei b coeect fi arocL ptetaedAg aB expewsec ~ fetYtigsaro, IecludiaQ, bat not tiatited to cosec of docemeatary <br />esidnacs, aAsawts alai thle repnAa <br />23 Iheastree'c Rt~t b Reba. N^`withstanding ixndtt's aczelrration of the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />Battuwer shall hays the risht to have any procsedings begun by ixndcr to enforce :his Mottgnge discontinued at any ume <br />