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Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of ail mortgage inatrance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph '. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agrcx to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice fmm Lender to Batmwer requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time io time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />inretrs: at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shalt liar interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />$. IosperHon. Lender may make or cause to fit made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notim prior io any such inspection specifying reasonable eanse therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9, Condemaedoa. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages, direct or consequential in connection with an}• <br />condemnation or other *,eking of the Property'. or pan thereat, or for convecance in lieu of candemnatian, are hereby assigned <br />and shalt be paid to fxndtr. <br />Tn the tvtrt of s total taking of the Pmpttty, the proceeds sha13 rte applied ro the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to &~rrower. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Bormxver and Lender <br />,otherwise agrrz in writing, there shalt be applied n the sums secured h\' this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that pmpartian which the amount of the sums secured he this Mortgage immediately pricer to the date of <br />taping liars W the fair marker valet ai the Pmpem immediatety° pricer in jhe date of taking, with the balance of [he atrtceeds <br />paid to Bormuer. <br />Tf the Property' is abandoned by 8arrawer. or if. after nonce by Lender to Borcawer that the condemnor offers to make <br />an away or settle a claim for damages. RLirmwtr fails to respond to I_tnder within 30 da\~ after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is autttoritsed fi collect and appk• ihz proceeds, at Lender's option. tither to restoration or repair of the <br />propettv ar is the ;ems secured by this Afongage. <br />L'nkss IxntTer and Barr wer orheta•ise agrce in writine, anv such application of proceeds to principal shall oat extend <br />or postp~ine the due date of the manthiv instsiimtms referred m in paragraphs 1 and ? hereet ar change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />I~. ~C'JCA]rfr Nnt Rte- F`-"tom...-,.-,. i F tt~'M1' '_ -, - r m -- __ _ _ <br />-~--- ~ """° ~ ,:'°re ii' i p.-a"ii'-` ; -'~~~ ~ i ~[ 3IIlOTL1Z3211,it fIf ihC CL1mC ~CCUTfd <br />by' 21125 Aiangage granjtd fly Lendtr lc, an\' sUCCC;Sf+r'in In(treCt at BarrowtrtsltallllrnPl optf3lt la release, in any manner, <br />iht liahilin• of the ari_ginal Borrower and Barmwtr's successors in interest. I.tnder shall not be n~uired m commence <br />proceedings against such successor ar rtPase to txttnd rims for payment nr mhttxaise modify amanizatian of the sums <br />sxurtd by this Aiongage by ressan of any demand made be the art^inal Born wer and BormwtFs successors in interest. <br />II. Fntiearaaee br Lender I~at a FT'aiirr. Any forbearance }ty Lendtr in exercising am• right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise sffordrd by applicable taw_ shall not Ix a waiver at or pra-lude the exercise of anc• such right or remed}•. <br />The pm~ur~trnt of ittsttrance or *he parmem of tails ar athtr liens i r cha:_ -s hp Lender shall oat he a waiver of Lender s <br />rittltt to a:.ia3trate the maturity of iht indebtedness securrd h}' tfiis Atongage. <br />12, IRS C~mahaive. .4T1 remedies pnvidtd in this Aiort.age arc distinct and cumulati\•t to any other right or <br />tz:medy ender this Aiortgage a; afforded by iax~ +v egwn~, and may ix exercised concurrenih~, indcpendentl}• ar sucressirely. <br />13. Saccessots and Avsgas ]donndt 3oint and Sereral I.iahtTh; Captions The rovenants and amements herein <br />caataintd shalt hind, and the tights hereunder sh3.i Inure to, [ht rtsptctive succ~ssars and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the p.rmisians a# paragraph t' htrtaf. .411 rovensnts and agreemen[s of Harrower shalt j,e joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of .his Mottgage are for n,nvenitnce .,ntr and are not io be tlstd to <br />inrerprtt or dine the ptvvisians htrtai. <br />14. ~otiee, Except for any naticx required under applicable taw to be gi.en in another manner, ea) anv notice to <br />Barraw'er pmvidtd for in this Mnngagt ~:hali }te glvrn h}- mailing wch aaziet h} ctn16ed mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the preporty Address or at such caber addres> as Bo_,-.wts ma} designate by n«;i~t to Lendtr as provided htreir.. and <br />thl any natitx to Lender shall M giver, b}` cuxi6ed mail, return m-clpt rtquesitd. m L.ender's address stated herein or m <br />sLnk outer address as Ltndcr may dtsienate hx notice t:, l~ rmwer as pmx~idrd herein. Am• notice ore-~ded far in this <br />TNsx-igagc slsati Tx deetixd la ltavt beta given to Horrni•tr or Lendtr xhtn gi+Yn in the manner designated herein. <br />I5. Llnlfarat MmfBa~ Cioi'll1Hq Lax; SIiY(>~t}'. Thrs corm ai monga¢t comhints uniiarm covenant for national <br />;tae artd matt-uni#arm covenant x-ith limited varianans by ~urisdtcvon to canstittnt a uniform serLtrit}~ instrument n,vtring <br />teal pvopenx~, This Mortgage shall Tee governed by the !ax of the ±utisdic[ian cr. x~hi:.h the Prapeny is located. In the <br />event that any pracisi:±n ar rtn„x of this 15ort¢age .u the Natr .anflitts xith applicable taw, such conflict >hall ntrt atTect <br />~ca:si<~a .+f a;, ',tio,=g-ate or tL,i Note x~hi:h pan be ;~+•en etitn xithoul iM cantli.ting provision, and jo this <br />rnd Flu prarisoits of the Mangage and the tiate are deAlared to t+t sevtrabTe. <br />1L Iimreaver5; Copy. Hotra,srr shalt hr {urnished a ronfc:~mtd cop\ of the Nole and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of extxtnitm ctr after rrrardaricut }+etoof. <br />17. Traafer of me Ptoperh; Aaeaartioa. If all ar any part of the property nr an interest therein is sold ar transferred <br />by Bcvrwrr wirhoui Lender's prior wtiacn consent, excluding ]ai the oration of s lien or tncumbrartce subordinate to <br />this hlangage, ±"b) *.he acstitxt of a pur^.hase money security Lntttsst far hausehald appliances, 1.e1 a tratnfer by devise, <br />descent ar by oprzatiaet of law upcut the death a{ a joint ienan[ ar id1 the grant of any leaseMdd interat of three }'ears or !ess <br />teat ~.atatag na aptitxt to purchau. L_etidcr may, at Ltndtr's aptmn, de.-fart all the sums secai'ed by this Mortgage to rte <br />itsamd~rdy the atrel payalaTe. I.rrttier sftatl ?ta.•e xaived su.°h apttan to arceltrate if, pricer to the sale c r transttr. I..endtr <br />attd tbt petsxxt to wittam the Prctpen\ is to t+e .aid ar transfertrti rrsch agrrsment ir, writing that rite credit of =.uch person <br />ssaztsfac~=3 .i T and that ttr>: imtrest payaoit ott iht sums stcurttt M• this Martgagt shall rte a[ such razz as Lendtr <br />sisaB tsgaeet. If Leader lies waived the ~aptu~tt to a:.ctlerate provided in this paragraph i7, and if Borrower's successor in <br />iareteat bas eseruted a ccrirtem aasamptian agreeafent a:ctpitd in writing by Lender. Ixader shall release Borrower from al] <br />ahltguwns under this Marriage attd the hrote. <br />I# L.nnder ttxtseises stab :+ptiaa to narlerate, Lander shall mail Harrower mice of acceleration in accardanct x•ith <br />pnrtgaph 33 hereof. Stitch nolict shaTi prex•~ a period of oat Itss than ~0 days from the date the native is matted within <br />which Batrowtx may pay the strxts declared due. If Harrower #ads to pay such sums prim to the expiration of such ptriad, <br />I.mder may. wiihoat frtrther naiitt ar deatattd au 13a:rawtr, invalt any remedies jttrmitttd by paragraph t g boreal. <br />Nor: tTNt~teas Covr~tatrrs. Borrower and Lender further .-avenant and egret as fellows: <br />> ~fif ;Except a prwidei ~ pactt~rtsph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any coreaaat or <br />ottpie, iselndpt{ Me coxcnaats to pay when doe any setae secured b}• ibis Mar~age, <br />leaiv pminr to as~eeietadop ahal aaB no8ce to B1rrower as provided is pataerapS 14 herrof spexifyle~: (f) the brex h; <br />(21 tic srgfa M ware ~ lacacb: i3) s dteae, not lets edaa 3t1 days from the dodo the ratite is mailed to Borrower, <br />y!` rryidr t~ Irrreacy ~ be t~ and N) tbM #alytre to tare such breach oa or before tie date speciRed in the tlotiice <br />airy trade in aeesifta~aa of tlae sans sashed by lids Mere(,wge, fon+tiacare by judici~ penteediatt gad sak of the Property. <br />Tie aa~ce fiat tarthet iota Beeerower o[ lye ri{~ io r'elautNe after acceleratim and fhe right to assert is the forecbsure <br />praeseiVj lye aanexlneeex of a ddrm-t or any offer defeae of Bortower b accehratkre sod fareclastur. If the breach <br />i aM cared a ex betnnr lye date specl6ed in the notice, Lender at Lender's option may decree all of the saws secured by <br />1Ne ib h+e L• doe and payable witiout further dnaand and may ferecktse by jtadiciat prmredirtg. l.eoder <br />fyaB ye egad b collect ~ wcy proceed aB tapeosa of ta,-ecio~fure, inclndtog, but oo[ Rnilted to costs u[ dotumeotary <br />evldfneq aiftrasb tad title ecyort., <br />11. Banvaete Rt);ta m Beinatale. Notwithstanding Lender's arceleraeian of the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />Harrower shall have the ii~t jo have any proceedings htgun by I.,i-nder to enforce this Mortgage disalnunued at any amt <br />i . <br />