<br />MoRTCnce ___ __
<br />M1{ORTGAGEt.0ANN0. L 23.683
<br />tavowA~LMSNeYTr~ESerRtstvTS~That Harry G. Perkins and Narma J. Perkins, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether uric or morn, in consideratitan of the sum of
<br />Fifty-six Thousand ,and NoI100_--_ --------------_---------------------------------_ ~t1.nRs
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable 13uilding and L.un :issocia[ion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Morigagce, upon 560 sharers of atocY of
<br />~~ ASSGC2ATtON, Cz-Rificate \o. C- 23:683 ,der ir<rehy grant, a~nr~y and arortgage unto tFre said ASSt?CIATION the foIIowing
<br />desenbed real eaate, ottnted in Haii Counh~, Nebraska-
<br />tcgetbtr rcrih zH iiK .-nrmenas, hrm3uatnrnis and apptzv.enan,rs thrrrunt,r i,riungin4, rnrludrne atiacyrzd tlow vierrngs, all window sheens,
<br />wwdow stsades, btmds, storm w-rndi,ws, awnu:rs. irratang, su awdrtrwsnc, and p(umb:ng an:i watrr rgniprnent and a:.trssnries tlxrcto, pumps, stouts,
<br />rtfriurararx,aad nttrrz iixiLr:S and egrnpmrni ,,au.+t nnrahc; stta:iud e., .x used in nrrrzr~ta,n u-ith said rc^r, i cs[au.
<br />And wbErraz Lhr said tncut~g:~r as acr_~rzl anil dxs her:trv agrze ttzat ihr :vrtgagcsr shah and wntl paw art t3_res and asseiarxnn levied or
<br />upoa said prernisrs ~-zsr.' upon ehs trees*t,~.a-.° ana t2;: ^...,,; xr,tced ~, •rr^s ':rzsar_ t ~r same shall !*~~.xsmz detinqutnt; to tumish approve,;
<br />traunax nprm t~yz huiidirn~ <+r± >akl parznu~e; srruarrd in rite .u ;r ,4 c 56 , Ql1Q . QQ nat~ahk to sod .a1•S(X'l iT1ON and [o deliver to said
<br />.~SSOCI A77ClN t?rz {xilr.c: i.z, soh tnsusznc>;. at:il n.st ;.~ ~.:nsirn :.r pcrm:t anz ,.~aste .yn .•r about vtd p:eaunrs.
<br />in :~ sf dzfault zn thr prrt.uman„ ,,i anv oft ;r trr*ns sod ,-oruuxn. ,:t t},is rmaneagr ?, thr i*und srcztrrd h:rrby, thr irwrtgagcY sball,
<br />xi urmand. tsC rmnkd ru rmnrdsare p,nessran r+i ;irr ~aat;~r~ed premr..rs and thr rrnzngagur herchy ,«,,ms, t*,nsfers azd sets over to the
<br />murtgalecr all rite rrnu, rzvenruw and :k,.,-t>< ro he duped i:nm inr nwri~+•zd prrn:zsa during su_ft ttmr ss tha mangagz iridzbudnea stroll remain
<br />rarpa,d; and t4x rrwxtgagae stud f,ar%: thr p~,urr a., xpn,+mt an+ actor r,r acci:ts it rrray ue.rrc tar thr purituz of rrpainne sad prcrnues grid renting
<br />ibt a^r ark: a.ileCSne Sir ruts, irsen xs x9d rntvnr_ end :: auy paa rut r,f sard =,naxtre all r><i+ensrs of :zpattvtg card premises and ntcesary
<br />autauresu t•+n arri eaprnszs tm urrra rn rrr.-t:tsg erred rsuna4rr;g thr sarrsr and ..I' ~oik.in;g ;rnta.is thzrrir.,rn. tiiz halanr rrrnaining, sf any, to be
<br />appiirt t„ward zhc dtscisa: gr ,.t .errs rx,stgagr nadebtcdnrsa. tnrsr irgfst> .:+. thr 3;sca igxg:-r nuF hr excrrzsri a. at» umc during tM eaistena of such
<br />dtfl;rit. IrifaprC'tM ,Y! an} :eZriit)lail w'azvt, •,l iitC SarFK.
<br />Theyr i4rrnts, txswrvrr _ atr s:tx..:: tit. i ,,,z?,i:tr:.;;, llszr :t thr said !Noregag„r <irafi rrpay v:d I:un .m r,r htf usr t;tt nuturita ut sad shares b}
<br />p» ntati. pay mur,_isiy r,~ >ar~ >jSt.if, i ~F!.l\ .ri rirr .z:xr: sp^:ztrrd fn the tt,,nd ~r!: rd hrrrhs as znirrrst and p[*napat oo srs:3 low, un ur 6zfurc
<br />rix 7wentrtls day .d cx:s'z acrd r ~.r:a ;;sum:;, untri sand i.+a:, .. f~ily pard, :vy ail tours ant assra~n:rnts iesrrd a:~mst card p:v tuszs acid un this dlonptge
<br />asui tM iiraid stcurcd ttrnrr., t±rt.:,c d.-iragxnts-. [a:rus•.r; app:,,sr3 v:sru's: .: ap,~r. in_• bud:L-ngs iherrun u. eta sum of i 56 ,=SOD. QD payabk
<br />to aarrr. ASSLX'1.AT1Cn.:rpay :., sazd i]~Ltl`i 4i7{i!. ~m,rr drna nd a.: ~,.uxy :,5. st ra,d i.,r su::r t:z~z;, asszssrnenis and insuranz:r with uiterest at
<br />ttrr maziianm Itgai tart t}rrrrw, i:c•n. da:r ,,i ray esrr.t ail ~~: ,.krr~,h \S..ri!=^,-,s kirsch: sc:: r~, t,, pi,. [>rs,~i,i ns w~astc en uni przrru~x:ltrp and asmply.
<br />,nth all rhr rgrern.rnts and .>,ndsr n,srs ,s+. ;isr t;..rnd i~.r 5 56,JOD, JD :1~ ,may +,,rrn i~. 'he ss:d tiurigagu t,+ aarA ASSih'[ATlON, and vmpiy
<br />s.rih sal;. t~ rt+ttanrnsrrt_s .d , . £-, usst;t.t u,*.: a.~ ifs'-? • ., ,-, .~..,. ? 4y.:~ 3 • l :~a4. ~. ors:.. °- '2w:ne nu:; and wid uiirer uz thzy
<br />ti38{: zrmas;, rn .u.l fu: it aura ray `.+r ~..r:~.. ;<d n i,s .. y, ,, ., ,tr .~ AiSilt-l4i'r3N _ir.r !a,?urc 3iv inrze rr,onriis [u tnalcr any of said
<br />paythtnts br threr tnurths ~ a.rrars to sruwV!g a:rrd tetr-,ssttuv=pn->_rsri[_14.., tt, .tcp ~i,f ti_,nrp',. uuh itse ;krcrmeats anil cardnxrna ui sahl }kvnd:
<br />tnd MivtyrG.u agrzrs'o front a :r..rvve: xpprxnt .u f.htnw rtn :n zw:h t.ui•., w,swr ;+a,,,t-ednrGS-
<br />li titerr s auy clrare5e rn ,•riszs{up „! rite rwI rsute r,F=.igpgrd fxrarn. h} salt ur ~+itsr€wrvt, .hen t+w-. rutue rznr '^~ iadebtedne>r h:rzby
<br />axvrtsr# hail, err tic .gstins ssf Tisr i~>iturxnk ttrrtidzne ash} f..,ari As>+L-uttrur :,t t:i an~3 istus:i.liehrasi,a. trtwnre mw>rdratz3} uuz aa! payahiz wtitiwut
<br />flat6rz rh-uax.. am: ixr auwwut sessc..uuny .Iur au~Jcr urd h.rni_ aasd xny ,,ttrcz tuwd for .n. addrtrauc? mlyarkrs ,nsde tirerzunder. stsatl. tram thz
<br />dare ~' rescue nt said .>pt. u:, t,rns ,er.e: rsi .r ;tk srniunranr irgai ru. , uw also ser:uigagr ;asay thrn be fiurri.xi to satisfy tM arrruunt due oar aani
<br />bcxrd, usd any sxlx:r txisad fns a.idti x,sw; ~;rvat«: e, ;rvcza}xr: w^rth all ssstau pxrd t+y .a+d i~^.r l-gzutanl' Hiril+tutg anil 1,aan Av,sa:u[tuu of t:rard Island.
<br />4eitaartas =:e irrarrrara~, taxes and amrassn~~srta_ asal xtniraas=~rg. e,,trrarur .a.arZss...,s usturst tkr~~urs, ! ~unr dxtr =:I payn,rnr at the nuammm
<br />~ ~k-
<br />As p:c+viiud .n ihr }kuni sr.:wril nczrhr w........ _, r;nrr:u.Y r. t.,n.,r~ ,e, cii_et star ux.;tgat,-c~ tr~+. _r,.s,>xitr 4d,an~r a,iiat:~rsa! sunu• .v t?ee
<br />a~Eets ad and &aki, thrar asstgt>- ,r s..a .. .- . ,>r ~ ns~.^ ~, Haii tr; wnev: thr srrurnw ,,. ttus r..~t ti:c assrre s the iutids urr~wlly
<br />sa-acrd r.Ecrtba-. tint t,ua3 an+ewnt ,,: i+i ~e,~i si^i+r a.,t i.~: rx..r„ r t a ..:rrK r,r .~rµrr,ai atn.>ueet of itus a~rteat: _
<br />ed i[w r ia. ,,; .'-31`:uat~y A_ly., }•, rid
<br />rp er I33.7
<br />t~st~a J. F rkins -
<br />S7ATE i)i- ttikitiCAS$A., ~ a us. tfm ~L-h s ,x !:r ~~ . xlcur etx.
<br />CJi. tbsTS`f.IF }tALi ~ •.. -. ~3fitid i'y
<br />tilt :Il1Jrl51Cneu, a ^.,~.ai} r'u[=31. u: ai;.l t~!, sre.t i ,rwrty, p.:r r,tuti; ~anlc
<br />harry G. i'erkirs and Norma J. Perkins, each ifi his and her own riohi, aild as spouse of
<br />each 4titer 'uh.: are i+etwmally kewwn to
<br />arc t.° Ae rye +drat,e.~ µas;a: 5 wtwsc tome a d FE e6~ica s,. tiu abuy>rawaiw•tmn; a_ ns ~z,~il ~ ss,e i f icy ~irially
<br />atlcn.rvriadgd ttr rani ~i~Frir_.Sr1i 1 . ~ ihel r ,.tf .~ _ a9_{!;x4 ~ '~
<br />YVfTTQfGiti 's y t ui3 mi;: Sntmt ss,i y- td a Ae?: ai ,n,.._ Y„ - ~ ~ .
<br />/~ - > L- - -G,,~d-, .,,tat ~> Pugh,
<br />a twat u _ ..
<br />