<br />~~~.._ ID~.~~~24
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 8th _ day ot_February _„ lq 80
<br />by and betwe~l~RTE R_ TReCY ,Trustor, andGOM.MONWEALTA LAND ANA TITLE INS
<br />Trustee,
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed or, the real estate, situated in Halms County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Logs 16 2 Bleck 6 Bogcs and Aill's Addition to Grand Island, Mall County, Nebraska
<br />and ptlssrssion of said premise: now de?.ivered unto said Trustee:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, \vith all rights, privileges, and appurtrnancrs thereto belonging unto rhr 1'rus[ee,
<br />his rxecuton, administratot~, hrit~, a7sd assietls forrvrr. And the Trustor hereby rxprrssly waives, rrSeases, and relinquishes
<br />lr.-tto the Trustee alt right, title, claim, interest, hrneiit, and :;rate. ,whatever, in and tt? [hr ahote-described promises and
<br />each and ev°ez1• part ahrrrot, which is gicrn h} or results from ail laws of [hr Stare of '.Crhraska pertaining to rhr e`;emptian
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor com'et7ants \vith the Trustor that he will forever u•atrmt and defend the title to the same
<br />against rite lawful claim: of all persons w homsoe\rr-
<br />IN TRZ?ST HC314'EVER, for rhr Iollowin9 described purposes: 1VHEREAS, the frwtor di~i on this tlatr exrc;ute a
<br />pr+tlmvcsx]n rate rwidencing a loan for rhr pnn;ipal an7c.unt of ~F1?S 5? -_-------_-- - _ -_- -- and interest
<br />thereon according to the tents of the ttotr; said note being pa}°ablr in ruual monthly inst311n7rn[s at [he ufi3ce of the
<br />iaenenriary. and f=ta1 payment hrtog due on ~ebr_~ t z --_-.,_-- -------__----- . 19_ R4
<br />It is agreed by and betwrrn parirs hereto th'~t until thine of Voticr of i:fzf:tult. rhr IYu>titr ;hall: t i i pay all present
<br />and future raxe> and as.ea;mems. ernerai and special, :teainst said pr,prrt> hrfnre the .amt he<omrs delins;urrt or
<br />aclionallle; 1.I keep .ill in7prowrn7rntS rrei red a,n il7r kind inillrrd ai ;773) h tri]Llirrd lr~~t77 ilmr (7~ (,ri7C h\ hriir iii i:l l'\'
<br />against 1Ca~S by rite surd other hazards, .-asuaiti~s snd cantingrntirs, in such :;moan[: and for ,uch ;~; ;ot1s as rr reasonable
<br />anzfi ma}- br rr~uurd t=y bent#3~:arg. and t, krzp :all policies of sueh insurance in for.•e orrfirct upon rhr property herein
<br />described cet7stantl}' assigned and dzti\rrzd to heneticisr~', t3 s pa}' and comply with all the teen; and .onditions of :rn\°
<br />iizn, slain] or indebtedness that tnay h~ arnior to or take prrcrdrnce of this Irust I~zd as sexan as any su.h payment un or
<br />of such 3ien, claim or indztltedness .hall hrcomz dur_ anu upon failure of Trusi<,r to keep any iald a~rrrntrt7ta, hrrrtician~
<br />may pay wch max, pay- for ~.tch msurancr ta}° atf such Erna ar ~latnts ~u indzbtzdnr,s as tier rase may hr. at7d the
<br />mom}> st] zxpendzd wi?h in=.zrest at ~ :per annum 417a1i br >rcurrd l,} this Trust Drzd, and rhr 1 rustor a;rrri to rrpa} rhr
<br />same upon demand. and upon tailurr to do so the halanrr ~~f rhr attached note st7ail hrcomr immetiiatrh due and payable
<br />at the option elf the brne#iciary: V=f t spzcificail}= confzr upon rhr Trustee rhr puwrr of ;alt as pnn idrd in \ehraska taw:
<br />IS) rziain prxsrs~tln of the przmi..s snd .•ailrct the rznt_c and rr\rmlra ti7rrrfrunt.
<br />Ctpan paymenl of all rhr >ums srcurrd by thrs i~rusl L1erd_ rhr Bzneildan .hall rellurst zhr 7eu>rer to rrconvrv the
<br />I+mperi3~ and shall sutre^ndzr t23i, Trust ;)red at7d all n~7trs r\tdencing indrbtrdnras srcurrd h} iilin Trust Urrd tt, rhr
<br />Trustee. Truster shall rectlnvey tllr pn,prrti >tithuur uarrsnty to the person ar person> ir,*all} rntttlyd thereto. but it
<br />default be made m the paymrrt of said note ;,r and part thrrrof ter any of rhr intrust tl:err:an when due .:t i;] rhr faitittul
<br />performancx of arty or tither tai said sgtee[nrnt, as atarraald, thin rhr whulr ut ,aid Harr iitall brcumr due and he paid a>
<br />Itereittafter proved, and this decd ;hall ren7au7 in force; rhr truster nr his attornr}' ma proccrd to sill the property in
<br />its entirety or in parw°els at rhr option of the rrrsire hereintrforz described at public atrrtitm, io rhr highest bidder. l~r
<br />~slt. How°zver, thz power of salt ?]rrr7n confuted upon rhr truster shah not he exercised until + I 1 rhr Laster ahall #irat
<br />frle ftsr rat~rxl, in the at#ice tai the register of deeds of eeeh county wherein the tru>t FruS,rrty car >omr pert er pa,~rl
<br />thereof is situated, a stotice tlf default, identifying the trustee by slating the namr> of rhr traitor and names therein and
<br />giving the hook and page where thz same is recorded, a drs~ription of the trust proprn}•, and :untaining a statement that
<br />a t» >sf au oli~tion for which the tntst propstty was ccnlveyrd as security has o.curred, and setting f_>nh tl7r nautrr
<br />of sttclt breaclt and of his election to sell er c;iusr to be sold such property to satisfy rhr 7+t,iigatiun: and {' 1 alter rhr lapse
<br />of'ttut less than one month, rhr trusizz shall give notice of sale a> provided t+y '~ehra;ka laH. Aiirr Hauer ui Jrtattlt and
<br />13pse of not less than one month, the trustee ;hail ~givr written Holier of the time and pla.r of sale particularly drscrihing
<br />tht property to be sold by publication of such Holier, at least five times, once a w°rrts fur tier conse.utivr weeks, rhr last
<br />~b3it~pon to be at least 90 days but not more than 30 days prior to rhr salt, In some newspaper having a general
<br />circulation in r$eh county in which the property tea he xlid, o.r some part thereof, is situated- U}xut such >alr, rhr tnt>tee
<br />shah execute and deliver a deed of conveyance of the property sold to the purcha>rr or purehaders A7rrcof and snv
<br />staremeM sat recital of fact ie such deed `ct relation to the rxrni>r of rhr power c;f salt and salt of r hr }?roprrty drsrnbrd
<br />2347 iN?r 7 ,..:, .,,-
<br />