<br />Purm y74 Jltrv 111!721
<br />~.~ SECOND M~R°T~A..C~E
<br />so-- ,,_
<br />~~jl~ ~Diae~tUCfr !!fade and A~ttnutea tnla ~ d,ty n(>4~ / f~~~ tt
<br />by and b^twten > TEG'c~1i` -~• /'-'~ %L~ >>G'!~
<br />~.?~` l>L-w ~`>f,"~ J'nrty of the !lest pries,
<br />J' ~---~~
<br />cart j _ .. ~.. - ?~_ r,~s'/~,~ ~f`... _ _ .. patsy of the arcand part.
<br />WITN::3SF.TH, that the aafd party of the Drat part, fnr end Ln ar+nsiuenhth+n nt 1 S' ~, i~ p~~~~~ - ~ - -
<br />. 7 _
<br />`~G.:LC:'=' -,--c/ .7 !r/ ~-.7x..~ ,~.... u~~. C.:~i~-'~. ~i ,~... ~ t^._.- ~ DD71.AFi.4, paid by xald party of the
<br />aerota! {art, the reerlpt whereof is hereby ackrx>wle 16rd, Pea gmrtted Mrgxinc 1 enld wand conveyed, and by these prnsents,
<br />tines grant, bargain, net! and concry, unto ea61 pxRy~ u[ the sec and Jtnrt. the k>howing doscrlGrd real pro}arty sllunte In the
<br />County of :~'`~ L G and 9tatc n! Nrttr antra, twit:
<br />? ,' . _ ~Z _,- j ~ ~ C r _'~, .~.v = ~;.. ,.5.,7t `' ~ ~;Y SAC "h=~
<br />l~ether with ntl the tenemrnta, heredltamenta and nppurtrna noes to the aamr bci.•+ngu:g, and all the rstatr. U[Ir, dower
<br />right ~ ltomeatead, clattns and demands whatsoever of the avid pony of the Grat gnrt u!, in or en said i,rcmisra nr env pxri,
<br />theneei; and avid petty df the Graf part dote berrby coveiiartt, that aak3 pasty of the Grit part Is iawfu![y seized of aafd pn•m-
<br />atea, txt tratJ Jutmisea err tree tram lneum brance anu that anti party r# the fuel Part will warrant and Ur(rnd fire tUle to aafd
<br />ptemtalz !!gains! Uie iawfu! ctaima and demands of nil peraonn whomsoever,
<br />pROYIDEty ALMAY3, aid tY,ese preaenu are upon !heat eondltlr,ty:
<br />M'HER~A9, iufd Jxarty of the Gat part' hat executed anal delivertd to the snf+! pnrtp of the aernnd part
<br />pramfuory torte -- - c:., _. - v _= ~
<br />'/ --"1 .~.7.i`- '~ ~.~ ~ .~ ~ - ~ of ..
<br />aM whereas. the Jarty d the Drat i*'~ tiaa agreed to keep the twih0ry;a, !t xny, up,n .raid premtsrs, hww av2 is sr,r,m rung
<br />pant w caampufea apf,rnvrd hY said Jarty of the arrarat JtaR, (nr the Suit n>_«urahtr cnluc ni;:hin..t lose by urc Pmt wrnda..rm u ith
<br />extended rovrraje attd dtLver to nai~i party M the aecetnd part Ne pulley ur }x+hrrea cnntnimng a standard nu,rig:rg,~ a l:. u:v aeith
<br />the late Jay10r io aafd party ref the Yarruid part. ttr aaa:gits, and Aaa aJ;rrr.t to N~• nil tnxc. nn,l ussrssment+ :tFn:;;: l :..i..l ;,,rn;~
<br />!sea before the corns, b7 Lw, become Urtinqutm, and !wa ag:'ra•,t lhnt tf satd batty r+! the ttr~t part duc.+ r., •t }•r~ at.:r sure
<br />itisvtranne oe' tatty to pay all fazes as aforesaid, Ihrn said petty ref the .rrcon~i }+3R. or Polder hereof, cony i,:,y suah u;-.ur:inrr
<br />.^,+ LaaCa, os ellhei Dt• 4ttem, an+: a13 amnunta ao paid 63' said party ~•f the ser+;nd par[ shat! bear ii:trreat nt the ::,,r ,.t n+nr
<br />per earl per annum !font the date of paymrrit, u:d thu tttoRgaFe mall atanaf as security thcrctnr, anA s;u.i ausn n::iy br
<br />added w itu amount ctt the nxtRgage deDl, anu the acme recov seed as n par: ihrrca.f. !~nw, if the ssid } arty ,;t the flt.; Matt
<br />alttit vreY! atwi Trutp p.y t+r ratue to !m paki the aaii sum o! mwiey s:t sstil nrdr mrntiune,t, u stn intrrr.t Lhrrrun ur, urU-
<br />Mg tC the tenor and effect of aafd rw,'.r and eha l! i:n~p ntU hwe•luy;a mrrurd as nt,u~ said, and shalt krrg ;rf' ! +~rr and
<br />easessmenin pelt!, atd ehaH duly krrJ•, oral }x•rturm all Ihr tY her ruvrn:uns and agtarrornta beer+n root+una~l, tiu-n u,rs
<br />presMia to tx aaxll -rd vWd. 13ut li .rrtid sum of morw•p ar nay {.- ri tors e.d, ar :uiy u.trrest Ih.a ...n.:., nut pond when ::. :.nor
<br />W due. or >X aafd Cuiidutga aasd Pad t,r kept uu,us rd :+a nf.+t err 6l. ,x tt the raves end ns,a-.s:;,rnia ur;n;::vt n.+i.i }, , a ~.:,;
<br />:ir4• Jtassi u M De/cre the time the lame ltrcome ay saw ddfaquent.:u it sand },art>' of the Jirsi part ahali t:t:; ;,. :vrJ; :+n~1
<br />pertarna any eoveaanta turrin ennta:ned tiu hrdder hereof sMl# ha,n the opUan t,. ilrrinrv the wh,Jr of saki +ndrbb.i:r<, due nnJ
<br />payahk et my Ume aster stteii failure ur deiauii. and may main loos ua a,-thin :a !aw ur r.,udy a+ to; of r: ri•.e >nsn•~, .u:d Sh,• a~n:.-
<br />mtrcet7nerri sd aurh ect#iYi shall be the a,i:ty :,atlre of tRe torte Ur rt( said npiinn rr+tuired.
<br />A,*JD T IS FTIRTIIER ?A04'ID£D ANTy AG1LEt"sty. That the saai kturtJ;ai;:,r shril ana wi;l say ntl fazes ire h~~~i uJrun th:s
<br />mertgtsgr nr ttfe drGi arctired tttertty, tri(ethr.r with arty ,sthrr tnzra nr anarasn,ents whtah cony br 1+~u i.sf sender fnr l...ws ..t
<br />Nrtrtaaki, aJ;aimt the add 3tartgaEet or Lhr sego! hrddtr .d !hr Laid prtnr#pai r.,.tr <:n a.-r-u::M <~t ih::.~. irbt r,ineas
<br />t, A'`
<br />At#D iT 'S FURTHER yRGt",7F.ii ANt'+ wti;REk lt. they tar „art. r.+ n+.i \t..tt .~.; n.ot .nd r :'„ +hr iJ ,r t
<br />that ores c,t the Ca+ndi[r.ria tw cook-ac h .•an +. •hu` the \i: tiFa" ~ A Tl ~i - h i t
<br />t xaa 3e s.-rtard as tier per' na; t ----i ll,ai .+ •hr ^.tan-t>aaor. s 3 rh -. 5 ti 1 - - i ~ 5 t ~t
<br />a pan ihsrecd, remrtna ua~aasd .'#~. rosy :ra;r ahhie the m t +rr . - +it. anJ ,1,a . i, i.,r rh; h a rt ~ •a
<br />-mat7. ,.r oar Pa i tktr~ m.a:n vaprad, she ,.aJeru$ r,]r~.•rtr t- -#1~. - i to ~ rJ t.;e hrrr:n ; 3 ~.
<br />~~ .~ ~ w.:. $.1~•,sr*! r4_+ _ 1. r -ray! i., t'r tJ+~ 1. -i '1 ! k h ( y u' +~l
<br />asY`y ihr''ttliit ref rrtrta ai ttK ale ~r.'eiifaa al Ih 'r lirfl h 4-t r un5 -h nh- •,S• •
<br />t,+rua. tlr<irrr the uap4d Mn: !pal ai.aa. s. ran anirre... .-t .ac Pat, sa.a.rrJ ^, rraa ,r-E:,-r,.irri s-r .n, ,
<br />~n i~t~ttimca~v ~f~rto#,
<br />
<br />hTATS t3l~ N15KA,
<br />ter
<br />t'r.rur+;X 7
<br />-~ - _ .- .t . __
<br />isn tttaa f' jitay ad ,- .r.~ ~ A. D ra :' •.
<br />tkfare ttfe, a NrAary 1'uG=tr !n ar~J t:x' list naLJ C3atr-tx Iwwwra.tJi ,.. n.r :ht abc,rr
<br />= .e .t Wit':- l - `~ '~ .. _ j'.
<br />run:rd - _ r ~ ~
<br />~l7Ela: Y.f'i1Rt S:trz z'kffi•laY. M'M~ }•rtrv+xfty k:, wt: E.. ;
<br />:AAs~Y C. Finrik Ys tat inrntl.-aI }ors+ar ~ rah:,sr aarr,r atra+iril t~ the yt„,ax tnnt:.:•
<br />~ t!r ,.:~rar:. £sp Ors..1. 2901 paaat.a r:t: a. RSi.sa4r.iGr,f aaSU tart rua+arnt t:. r„ .:,tusu.,t } a; t .. t.~J :u rJ
<br />1
<br />K"TTT: EtiB my fund and Kut rr,at yta# iht d>tr t-~J afurras::J
<br />.r ~ >:,anr! t Gaut
<br />inY r;»arr+uwa,n rry.trta .. - - -
<br />