52-REAL~~ES~+TATE MORTGAG£-iWifh Tex Clause) 'rn,> rtu::,aaa cear>ut sat~ni, t+oa:a. us*:=:,,.,. ~enr. ,
<br />iiNOil~ :?LL h1EN b}' THESE PRESENTS: That We, Clifford H, Dale and Marjorie A. llaie,
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />er. ansidcr;,ion nt tht surtt a '"~
<br />a{ Hall Caurty, and State of Nebraska ~ f {
<br />' *ONE HUNDRED F1vE T$OUSAN~ AND 00/I00 {$105,000.00)----s-----------'----------~0 L.7RS
<br />ix rand _ ale:, to ..er.=€, SELL ,;..;; is v l'E un;a f'iat'h Fares, Fnc.
<br />at Ha11 Ccunt_~', Stale- of Nebraska ,,, ,,'?:a:cin ..,., =s; ., ;",:>+~~,r, situat~~a
<br />in Hall : eunt~~. ar«: Stc._ ^t Nebraska „ -.....
<br />' Southeast quarter {SEA) of Section Sir. (6), Township Twelve tit) North, Range Pleven
<br />{117 Wes[ of the 6th P.H., in Hall County, Nebraska, containing 157.73 acres more or
<br />less.
<br />Thr iu^xti~~x ?*tixg c.~x:.•z hr r, psi uYa a?~sr=lutr situ tat jr- si+xf.e, inr~.tin ., the _ is hr~naestead and do:;•rr.
<br />:.l l',.t:.-1 .'1> Tt?~.`il~'i3 tkr 5=rrraisa ~b.`+~.~r drsrrs~r3, t:itti ..., .,. a?'!'v.•'r: r.:r,-:s tnrrmaxty ht>unging.
<br />Tv
<br />- ~f~ tw,~ c~i_ t a.. •rs; ]xd :.~ ~tL, rrr i7r t~k:".r iix7r3 ~ri4 Rrri .Tr.: ,' .' . 17t5. ~ncl~ %~€t~? 1-r?Se'n - ~Tre
<br />ujx+rz rkr rs_p>e~r .~redztsVx ,rc. sj rnr sSi~ wa:,r:~a.~_..~sr, his nrr ,.~.. ',., _, ,._. ..-s, ....-,.-xzsiz•_..,_ ~: _,,sigxs .
<br />r+iali tay ,sr r~.tr to r paid : :..§t said ~:-rs :.3rt; s ;. his, t'ir-r ar rh:z~ :s.-: - ra.•~ ~. ~.={+:ir.:~1€r..:: rs ar r.;s_r?yr_c, the
<br />t'r~'i}°~ swr Fj R iOS.000.O0 isti=~i^:r ar `•:;rn^s. : uct:
<br />$it-,694.68 inGiudiag taterest at 8a an December 1, 1980, and a like amount, being
<br />ariwrtizi~ paymants agpiied first on accrued interest.. and the belance in reduction
<br />of prie~ipsl an rife first day of Deceeher each sucressive year thereafter through
<br />yehzuery, 1'~3, on which Bete acry unpaid principal balance, plus accrued interest
<br />shall be peyabie in full.
<br />math ixttrest ar,ardiuy to shr r:sc+r cn1 z*i.rs r,i th.~ xaartcrr7arr ¢:•ri».+en ~r~,rnissarti n r, 5eerinp t:=:°R date utith chess
<br />prratwZs:awG' shr»'! tat a.'i t,ufs and r.cses_c»crnts ;+•tied .tau s.:ia' r<°:; , _.,.:.:. and t„ . ;.r iarrs, lr~r•s ar:d :tsszs,mrnts
<br />lrritd u{u+c t}«=s xntrt,~a_gr i,r thr xctr :.ni:h SY.is rannrt~agr u _rri•~rn rr, sx°rure, h.j~rrVet:r s.: rue ?,ere.nus detingvent, and
<br />_ - t _ ___._________----,., .- i any, 1_uo:.~ is :lo-e eels
<br />I<,rat ttu i~sedsxgs ox said t r, »_u<s rasa. rd ; ar tFr svau of ~ - .. r.,, 7 {'
<br />`raar#~gre, 3hrx tlsasr trrsrrts to .+r xn~id, czls:=neisr to ~e axd rrwxaix ix fail jar...
<br />IT t~ E'L'i~T?~ER .!iSKEEiD Ial Tkw-~t Tf tkt raid tixor34a4a* slwlf #ail to dap szuh taws ar er.~rurr surh in-
<br />3aaxmrt, tiu said +aa:+gratre max' ;aS~ svrh ta3rs ax:i ,!nature such ixsvraxce, axd thr aura sn adr,:nrc°d, .rsth irtxrst
<br />at 13 ¢cr tnst, shall be rr!!3id b}' said nanrtgagc>r, and this rnarfg3ge slzafi sta+rrl ar srrurity fear tha s;rm€.
<br />~. Via) That a ,¢ax2rre tta tai epay of xsid xucreY, riJen frixritd rrr ixdrrrst, ;t~:rn the sar.~a betornrs Blue, ar a }allure to
<br />~tarpiq mirk ru~y cf tke j,rrgairg ag+aerurets, shalt .suss fhe tt~ale sum aj fnana} herein recured to br'ru»rr dur and
<br />tts'lrls at errs sl the . ttiar of the xu'rtgagtc.
<br />; ? Sufxad t#ss ~ ~ dap arf = +.-t~~ ~' ip ~'~i
<br />~~~~
<br />-s
<br />_ _ . _ . , _-
<br />