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SO- <br />CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COURT PROCEEDING INVOLVING REAL ESTATE <br />UPON ENTRANCE OF .ORDER. DETERMINING. N0. INHERITANCE, 7AX. WE....... <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF .......... SAL) ..................................COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />This is to certify d,at . , an. Order. Oete,rm9 rIi nc~_ No. Inheri tance_ Tax_ ~ue_ _ . <br />nas been entered ;n said Caurt in the pra.~eeding entitled; . i n. thE_ Flatter. of. the. Estate_ of. Hugo. W,, Reher,, , . , . . <br />t3eceased., ................................. No.............. , ooc............ PacE ........... Wnicn <br />... _ .....Inheritance. Tax. Determi nati on . . . .. . . . . ............................reflects the passage of <br />title by statute or will to the following-described real estate: <br />Lot Eight (8} in Block Eight (B) ir,f:aehler Place, <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Tim namrs of the persans ao~uuiring an interest in such real estate is re`iected by said ..... I nhera Xdi1Le. TdX......... . <br />... ~eteimt5nati~n ........................................ and the intertst acquired by each are as follows: <br />Olt}a H. Reber, all of said property as surviving <br />joint tenant. <br />f~ , ..... _ ..... <br />~Ra#jistrar <br />CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COURT PROCEEDING <br />r+ctE ~wmi+fo.4$C INVOLVING REAL ESTATE UPON ENTRANCE OF <br />2a s~i <br />k..~ r ~~ C.. arnrht ~r t97ti Nebrsaka L;unrinuin~ Leda; F:~uc. r,~,n, :a..,...rp„~.c=6 .... .. ,PAGE j o1 i PAGES <br />