,~ ~,~,~ TRUST DEED
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 3tst--_- day of January .-_ , 19~__
<br />by and between DONALD L. SCEACHTA AIv~ trICTORIA Trustor, andCOMMONGTFarTU_faun arv-n Tfa-rF_IN~__,Trustee,
<br />and Pastas Fhtance ti6mgah~', a aFYaska Corporation, Benzficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by thrsz presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confine with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the fotlewing described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />ar hereafter er?eted ar placed on the real estate, situated in N~11 County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Lo*_ T:-a (2}, Block Thirteen (13}, in Bonnie Brae Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />and gassrssian of said prrmises now delivered unto said Truster;
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and aopurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee,
<br />his executors. administrators, heirs, and assigns foreczr, .4nd the Trustor hereby exprzssly waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, Title, claim, interest, henetit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premiszs and
<br />each and rver}~ part thereof, which is givzn h}' ar results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertainint. to the r~emotian
<br />al homestead. A_nd the Trustor ronvrnants with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful chinas of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRt;ST HOWE S ER, for thz fallowing drsrrihed purgt»zs: lt'HEREAS, the Trustor did an this date execute a
<br />promissory Hate rridrncing a hart for the principal amount of ~ =016. ;8 _ and interest
<br />tlrerean sip°arding to the terms of the Hate; said note beine payable in equal monthly installments at the oificr of the
<br />hrne5ciat}~; and ftnal payment bring due en February S _ _. _ . 1 ~ Rg
<br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto that until filing of Notirr of Dzfault, thz Trustor shall: t 1 !pay all present
<br />and furore taxes snd asszssments, general and st,erial, against said property before the same Incomes drlinqurnt ar
<br />acttonable; ('1 keep all impravzmrats erectzd ar: the ]and insured as may be required from time to time by benefi:iary
<br />against lass h} t'n-e and other hazards, casualties and rantingrncies, in such amaunu and far su:h perods cis are reasonable
<br />and may hr nquirrd h} hrnefiriary, and to krzp: all policies of such insurance in tome or zffzct up~,n the property herein
<br />described .t~nstantly assigned and delivered to brnzi;clan=, {3) pay and Damply with all the terms and conditions of am•
<br />lien, rlai•n or indrbtedn~ss that tnay be senicv to or take precedence of this Tntst Deed as soon as any such payment on or
<br />of sn~~t 1irn. claim ar tndzbtzdnr.s ;hall hzcame duz; and upon iaiiurr ai Trustor to keep any ;aid agreements, tseneiician~
<br />ma} pay such tat, pa} for such insurance or pay off such suns or claims or indzhtrdness as the rasz may bz, and the
<br />money so expended with intrrzst at q ~ per annum ;hall bz secured ht' this Trust Deed, and the Trustor agree: to repay the
<br />sa.:.e upon drm~*td, W~td upon failure to da sa thz balance of thz attached note .]tail herame immzdiaaei} due and payable
<br />as the cttior, f the henefrcian, i•li speciticall} ianfrr upon the Truster the power of salt as provided in Nebraska law:
<br />to Y regain passes~on of the prrmises and collect the rents and revenues ihzrzfram-
<br />Llpan payment of all the sum, secured h} this Trust Laced, the Benzfician shall rzquzst the Trustee to reconvey the
<br />praprny and shall surrender this Trutt ?'-zed anti all note; zvidencing indebtednzss secured by this Trust Deed to the
<br />Trustee. Tnistzr snail rrcanve}' the property without warrant}' to the person or persons lzgally zntitird thereto: but if
<br />default }+e made in the pa}nnent of said Hate ar an} part thereof nr an} of thz interest thereon when due or in the faithful
<br />perf~Artance of any ar either of mid 3~eements as afarrs,hd, then the whole afraid note shall heretnz due and he paid as
<br />hereinafter provided, and this decd shall rzntatn in fors: th~~ trustee ar hi; attentr} spa} pretzel to szll the property in
<br />its entirety car in parcels at the option of the truster herrinbrfore described at pubhr auction, to the highest bidder, for
<br />:aslt. However, the power of sale hrrrir, conferred span the trustee shall Hat br exercised until t1 ! dte tnts[ee shall first
<br />t~Ie far record, in the effce of the register of deeds of each rnunty wherein the 2nrst property or same part or parcel
<br />thereof a situated, a Hotter of default, identifying the in:stee by statinng the names of the trustor and names therein and
<br />Biting ±Itr b~-aai urd page wlterz the same is rrrordzd, a drsrriptlan of the trust property, and containing a statement that
<br />a brca::It at an obligation far vvhirh the trust property was conveyed as security has acrurred, and setting forth the nature
<br />of such lamach and of his election to sell ar ruse to hz sold such propeny to satisty the obligation; and {~ 1 after the lapse
<br />of 8vi icss than one month, rite truster shall giv°e notice of s;tle as proridrd by Nebraska ]aw. Alter Hotter of default and
<br />lapse of not less than one month, the truster shall give u-ritten nazice of the time and place of sale purtirularly dzscrihing
<br />the ptvperty to be said by publit:ation of such nahce, at least five times, once a week far tine ronsecutivz weeks, the last
<br />publiearian to !se at least lD days but not mare than 3t) days prior to the sale, in same newspaper having a general
<br />rirtulatian in each county in which the property to be Bald, or some pan thereof, is situated. Upian such sale, the tntstee
<br />shall exet[tte and deliver a deed of conveyan~-r of the property sold to the purchaser or purchaszn thereof and any
<br />stattrnent or recital cf fact in such deed in rela[ion to the exercise of the power of sale and ;ale of the property described
<br />2f~b1 tYe S ,•- u M
<br />