<br />
<br />Candor's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest therean. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terrors at pat•menL such
<br />amounts shat] be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrawer requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest a! such rate would be contrary to applicable law.rn which even such amaunts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />petmissble under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Tender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. Iatipection. Lender may make ar cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspectians of the Pmprrt}', provided
<br />Thai Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to am' such insprrtinn specifying real^.nable cai:ce therefor related to t.cnder s
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Caodetnttation. The pracreds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequentia'„ in cannectian with am•
<br />rasdemnanon or ocher iakiag of the Froperty. or part thereof, or for mncrvance in lieu ai randemnatian. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a totat taking of the Pmpenr, the prkeeds shall be applied [o the some soured M- this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid in Harraw'et. In the evert ,v a partial taking of the Praprrn-. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othrr~ise ague in writing, theta shall be applied to the sums secured by this Martgagc such pmpnttian of the pracceds
<br />as is equal to tha: prapartian which the amount of the sums secured hy~ this Sortgage unmrdiairl}• prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market valt.•t of ihr Prapem• immediateiv priar m the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Proptm is abandoned hr R rrawer. ar if, after native h}• Lender to Barraw•er that the candemnar offers to make
<br />sa award ar settle a claim for 3amages. Borrowr: fails to rspond to Lender within ?0 dais after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to calker and app!}~ the prk-reds, at Lender's aptian, either to rcstoratian ar repair of the
<br />Propem~ ar in the sums sn-urrd by this 2+tattgagr.
<br />Unless Lender and Bartvwer atherxisr agree in writing, any such applicatian of prxreds is principal shall not extend
<br />ar a'+stperte the due date of the menthh' installmrnts referred m in paragraphs i and ~ hereof ar change the amaunt of
<br />c,>;h instaRmenis.
<br />10, Barmtcer Not ReSettsxd. Fatensian of the time for payment or m~i6catian of amorti2atian .+f the sums secured
<br />by this Mnncage granted by Lrttrdcr is an} surrrs~r in interest of Bamsser shall not operate to release. in an7 manner,
<br />ihr tiabilin' of the anginal Harrower and Borrower`s wcressars in interest. lender shall not hr required to commettce
<br />pna~dings against such successor at refuse m eztertd time for payment or athrtwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by ;his Mangagt by reason of ary demand made bt• the anginal Sarn,wer and Borrnwer's successors in interest.
<br />t7. Btuhevtmee by i.eader Not a Itian-er. Am fort.rarancr by Lender in ecercising any right or rcmrdv hereunder, or
<br />atltezvise sffazded by applicable iaav. shall nai he a waiter of or pmlude the cxerise aF any such right ar remedy.
<br />The procutemrnt of ituurattx of xlx payment of taxes ar arbor liens or charges by Lrndcr shall not he a waiver of Lender s
<br />nghi to arcderate ehe matutit}• of tlx indehtedttesx secured by this Margage.
<br />i2. Rt~eri~ Cawt~s•e. All remedies nrrn=dcd in this Mangagc are distinct and cumulative to any arbor right or
<br />rcrttev t:zta3l<s this Martgagc or afT<~rded hp law ,+r eouity, and m..a~ he eaercisrd cancurrent3}•. independently ar succecsivrh•.
<br />73. Sttcreatrvs aad Asdgas Beuad: Iaiot aad Soured I.isbrlity: Captioas. The covenants and agmmeats herein
<br />xntaincd shall bind, atsd the rights hereundrr'shatl more ta, the :'rspr:Iia-r surrrssars and astigas of Lender and $arttewer,
<br />st~je4-2 to the proaisirttts raf paragraph 1 ~ hera~f. .411 rovenaats and agreements a( Harrower shall be joint and several.
<br />Tltr ra~iatu amj headings of the paragraphs of this Ainngage arc for canvenitnre only and am not to be used to
<br />intrrgtei au defax Yhc provisians hetra+#.
<br />li Notice. Ettcrpt for any ttatiz required under appiwabk lau to br• given in anather manner, cal any notice to
<br />Borrawer provided f« in this Mangagc shall !+c gisrn bs mailing such nat:x by eertifietl mail addressed to Bannwer at
<br />the Property Address ar at such other address as Barraw=ez may designate by noti-e to Ltndrr as pravided herein, and
<br />fbt an} natl..-e to Lender shat] br given b~ xrtiftr= marl, rrrurn receipt requested. to 1 tndei c address stated heroin ar to
<br />stab othg athltess as Lrndrr may designate ba su:ti^e to Borrawer as prnvtdcd herein. .Anti natitt pmaided far in this
<br />Mangagr shall be deetttrxl to haul been gi+~n to &ir•xrwrr or !.ender when eivrn in the manner desig•nati~d herein.
<br />I5. Us~otit'.Matlggc: Gotrr~hsg I,aw: SererddHey, Thi; #orm of tttnrtgagr Y~mbines uniform rnven ants for national
<br />ux atwi ruin-unifvm cw~ranis with limirtd i~ariatians 6_a jur:xiictian to consrinue a uniform srcutth• instrument courting
<br />teal propert}-- This Mangagr shall 6e go.rrrxd by tlae law of the Junstiirtian in w=hick the Property is located. In the
<br />evtxtt that any pravision rx dausc of this Martgage or the Notr can$icts with applicable taw, such rnnifirt shall not affect
<br />othv pmaisians of this Mortgage or itte Natr wtiidi can F+c giarn r#fr~t uitltaui the txottfli-[ing provision. and to this
<br />t~itl the previs~ of the Martgage and the tiotr are declared to be sevenbk.
<br />Ii. Sm*~trer's Corer. Barttwr°er shall br furnished a conformed ropy of the Nate and of this Martgagt at the time
<br />of eteerutirer ar afar txusu~datmrt tutmf.
<br />17. Traaefer of the Prapeaty; AfmatPdtts If all nr any pan vi the Pmpcny ar an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Borzrw•~ wti3mtti Lender's prior wTitua cansem, ezeluding ta) the czeati.~in of a lien ar rnrumhtance subordinate to
<br />this Marigagt. {bl the creatian of a purchase tnmry serurin interest far hausehald appliances. icl a transfer by devise,
<br />descent ar bg aperatitm of law upan the duth of a jarn[ tenant or idl the grant of ant leasehold inttrcat of tfirrr years ar less
<br />not raataiaittg an aptiott to putrhase, Letuier ma}, at Lender's aptian, declare all tltt sums soured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imtnrd,atrly dix and payable. Lender shall have waivoi such aptian to axrierate if. priar is the s>k ar transfer. I_rnder
<br />area the pe:taott to wltt>ztt the Pr.~pertr is to tie u+}d ;v transferred teach agreement in writing that the ~[rdit of such prrsatt
<br />s satisiartoty to Lender ate that the inirrrst payable en the sums srrtrrrd b}' this Alangage shall 6r at such eau as Lender
<br />shai3 rtegttest_ If Lt~tltr has wt.ivaf the onion u, srctaerau pravidrd ;n this paragraph 17, and if Born~wer 3 succcssar in
<br />iatps=sr has executed a written stiumptiart ag.ecaxnt accepted in writing be Leader. ixndrr shall tekasr Harrower from all
<br />oid'egations trader tbi* Mortgage and the Nrue.
<br />If Leader etcer-..ices such ,~ptk',a to scrlerate_ Lender shall mat! Sarrower notice of acceleration in aernrdanrr with
<br />paragraph l4 hrarof. Surli nori« shall provide a pericxl at r,.x less than 30 days cram the date the notice is mailed uiihin
<br />avlricit Bmrowrr tnay pay" the swa: darlarr:d due. if Sarrawtr fails to pay such sums print to t; •c rzpiraiti<'tts of su<fl: ptriad.
<br />Lender may, w-•itiaout farthea noti.:e v d~nartd. an Borraw~zr. iavokr any rrmzdies prrmiued M• paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />None-Utvrtva~a C(WENar.T4. Borrawer and Leader further cavenant and agree as folimvs:
<br />IL Rene~lra. F.a~t as prarided ~ partigrtyth t7 hermf, o'aa Banower'a breach of ray covenant or
<br />9i I ~ rids ~: the tnrraaaK to pati rchea doe aay soots rerurrd by thh Martgage.
<br />I.a~iu }tier as att~atla anti >~ ttrWire ro Eatao>rrr a prorided io ptaagrapb IA hereof spnc0yiog: ell the breach:
<br />!Zi a~ tatYaa tteplad ~ ettae a«! heeaeh: i3+_ a dale, oat leas than 39 days from the date the aotice is otttdkd to Borrower.
<br />ti7 rtrYki rate! htaoc[t taw 6e catet>r and !t) thN Gri3are m ran aach breach on tx bloc the dote cpeci6ed is the twtlcc
<br />ttanp eaoY is atx+eiuaBa~ at tie tttwa tacw+ed bj this S1et~e, foreclosure by jadicL! prorecdiag aad adr ai the Yropetty.
<br />'ICs atalins tAaH iaether L[otra Bamtwv of }he right a trFaalssc after accderatioa aad the rfght to asaerl io ihr forccb+'ure
<br />Pig Bet: aatr~dpkaee d a delirtk nr toay athar de4oase of B«rowa m accderatioa rpd foreclosure. It the breach
<br />nett erred acs ~ brdaee gee date s lire ~ aatk:. tender at Isader s a~loa stray dcrisre an of the soma srrured by
<br />tide m k tae aai PaY~ rrhhaat fanhsr tletataad aad ea?' forrcltwc 6y judleial pr«eedittg. lender
<br />eha0 ire aaliBiad to cntlac! ie sar3r gracautBttg ail etyeoseti of iorociasare, iadn~ag, hat rear bathed to. cwta of d«otoentan
<br />eiltlatsce, atettaeis atY dice treyaels,
<br />[9. iarteu:d's ~ ~ itelrteErtw 'dcuwithnandtng !.lod=e's c.~rkrait.•n c,f the +ums secured h} th:; Mt,rtgagr-
<br />Bortover tihatt have the: right to have any proc~ings begun bs I,radrr t„ cr.tntcc In:+ \f ortgage dn.:ont:nttrd at are}~ tutu
<br />