$Q-'(~lQ~~i~ EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE 51972-2
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan Ne. ___
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Timothy J. Schimmer and Susan E. Schimmer, husband and wife.
<br />(hereinafter called the Mortgagors) m consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Five thousand dollars and No/100---------------------~--- Dollars ($~~+~35 000.00*M)
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do herebyy grant, bargain, set! and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAfiION of Omaha.
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commeraal"), its successors and ass+gns. the following described real estate, situated m the County of. ,
<br />HALL State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />---A tract of land comprising the vies*_erly Five Hundred (500) feet of the Southerly Eight
<br />Hundred Seventy-one and two tenths {871.2) feet of the Northwest Quarter {NN 1/4) of Section
<br />Thirty-five (35), Township Eleven {11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P,M„ in Hall County
<br />Nebraska,---
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HDLD THE SAbSE. with fhz appurtenarsrs thereunto t'alanging, u~te Commercal, its succzsscis and ass+gns, forever.
<br />Said Mott~gors heretw covenan± a^~ sa+d Cammzrc;al. Its suaessors and ass!gns, ?hat Mortgagors are iawtul!y se,zed of sa+tl przmises, that
<br />7zv ate try from encumbrances. and ~,at then wi!i :orzvel :carant and defend the bUe to said premises agarrst ih?. iatvtul clai+nS of a!! parcors
<br />H'fr0.".'SYYPr
<br />Provid?d, nevzrthzless. thzse prese~~*s are uncn the toilaw+ng rondli+an>:
<br />That wt;zras e said ?Aortgagars as membzrs of Commercral hawre this Date executed a note ewdencing such !oar, ano ag+zzmg to reeay sa+d
<br />>um at rw3e_v, w+th inta~cst, +r payments as set forth i^, said note ~d haue agrzed to abidz ry !hz terms of Bald aut2 and Chartar and t3fr-Laws of
<br />Tt.at ;v~ereas `his mattga~ shall ~wr? any aflc!tlana! advances, with mizrest, wn+rh may. at Ghz eotion zr Commernal. M made by Com-
<br />eruai to the undersignzd ?7crtgagors r thou successoa In h ~ {;r any eumase. at any time Miere the rzl?asz and cancellation of thrs mortgage.
<br />;x,t PROVIDED. HDX'EVER. ai na ".Ir=e steal! th? agg:egat2 pr~isnpal amount stared SY This mortgage. Ming the amount due ai am' iir::e on laic
<br />ari;.'Hal no±e and any addiboral aavanczs -atle. zxeeed an amount equal to i':!"~ percznt of the amount o! the erigina' r•.et°_, but in no event steal!
<br />sa;tl ,not?. exceed th? maxi:?:urn a.-;at:nt p?rm:tt?a M' law, and PROVIDED, HOWEL'ER. t;at noh,ne her?+r, Tanta+netl sha!! be cons,dered as l+miting
<br />me arncunt tita< shall bP sr tired h?rby ahzn advancr_ is protzct the secut+iv o m accordance with covznanis centalned in the mortgage.
<br />?tiow, a the 53rd Ma*tgap rs steal: Day ::^,r cause to M ,~;d the sa+tl sr!:Ts v. money when due, as set forth in said note, ~antl any other note for
<br />addltinnal ad~nces made >rnisl 53rd 6eb! ~s fulry pa,d with 'n!?tst :h?n Lh'csz p+esents steal! M vmd: oth?re,se, t? M a=d rema+n in full force and
<br />?`f?ct: h;rt rf default ~routd 1x mane:
<br />!a? ;n anv of ih? payments daz on sa+a aat2 and an. omzr note i,+ aud,l+onal aavanc?s madz, as !S?+2in ag+Ped to bz made far ihrze months, or
<br />ib± ;n #teping tttP rmpmvzm:~ts .~ cn;9 pars?s :srr?h a~+nst toss Lw r~snn of tlr2, bghtnmg, and other ha3ards urclud?d in eatend~
<br />~vzragz msurancz ,n a^ ama~mt on! !zss than th? uaC'id 6alartz of s3ld mortgage loan, +n a company ar co,npanies acceptable to Cam
<br />mutia:. the ,rgmat ,ni such ?.:'~,~ ~ r ~1>_n?s to M he!'u ~~ Commerdar, and anth a mmt~ge clause attached to said eniicy or pol+c+PS-
<br />rn iavn~ of Comm?rna:: or
<br />c' !n th? navment at taxas and ass?ss~~is t?r;?u upon sa+.d prPn,s2s, a; as ihls mortgage. Mtore they are d?lingueni; or
<br />.d, r1 there s 9trv c,7an~ ;n u~iz L'a:.e?s§,c a` th? ~?i UatP mstga~s nzrzin. by sale z,me[ outright ar ~' land caatraCi, or by ass,gnment 2f
<br />ant' ,rite;>s! +~zr?on a+ eth?rw,s=
<br />wea ^ am ~ ^72 ai_v s forth ?w_n,s ih? v . - :ndebiednass h?,?b~ secured shad. at tirz ophci ai Cammerr'a'. I rm?d+at2ly Mro~2 due and
<br />paya9iz Mr~eut turvher asi.t: ar.C L~2 amauat duz un.~?r 53x0 note aad any otrz? nciP for addrtionai adr~ant?s mao? sha~+. iresr. tlrz date zi *.nP ex2¢rsz
<br />a; ~+d ap'ran- Sear ,ntnr?st at IDe max+mum =egai Tait ~r annum, and th,s mortgage may then to far?r!asc~: to 53i:Sip th? as ?cnt oc~? on ~,d not?, and
<br />any c1~r n77e i;'; 3~rt+ana'. advances. togPm~ wuth atl 5u^ raid by Commercial far irwranc? fasts, ass?ssrznts and absrrar! extra+on charg?s.
<br />~:;th mt~2s! L~e!e~n. tram tine Date c' payment at th? r,,aximum t?gal rat°
<br />?~^._l\rIDE~ fiat .n n^ 2Yent e!L'r?t i1Pt012 C. 3tt2! de13L1L Shai! he inter25t dU2 ',rider Sa+d nnl2 dn0 m:S r'D, tgagP a"d a±ry C.^2r Hole ier 3d-
<br />r~AOna; arnarc2s rta~?xt~?ed me raxlmem iawtul ,nteras! rat?-
<br />?*j'eiEC ~ mat ~r L}2 ?vent mat n?fau!t pr..,::s :n th? `~,..Ksng of m2 payme,:is au= on saltl note, aad "n any virrPr mH •,n: add,tianai
<br />atYD31n~5 rr v n~ag,zze s oe ;mod?, ar m 4SSeN'ag the ,,em.s~ I^ssted, as abet .nvrdti:. .t etau't x ~' cna raumen! ?, thz ;3x?s
<br />assess?, s i2v;c? _p.. tho x;;,T,ses abavz ~~tr`r,Md ,- .;par: this ^,.'gage Dz .r? !^?y ; ~w d?!~.~, P + to^:^ ;+ai >,a+1 M zitri:ed
<br />?: :he ~mn2tl,axc possess ar o' the pran,ses abox~z~o?sc;lbee. tag?frier a~ttr a.'. r?nr. -ce?ds,ano 'ss;PS a I~ - ^re a•c-+;e: rows
<br />_.r;e. _.. .S. ?M `enS S. '3 a=_ It Y_er".5 ,'r?C25Sa(Y D m? ;5rrpa52 Ot t'rak,- 2 cpa. iS u^ ? "i2 rrP'i,Sa f0' ?si ::°?nt u'i +n5u rani?
<br />-~ss5 t3a?S a:'k7 3S5?aT,?rr3 ujLl>:lCh G cmlS°S- and 'd! ',PCBSSdry ?x12,95?S inCUrrEKS In >2n t;ng 53rd C??n:t52S 3.'1n CCi~'_t+ng ic'flt itiE~Ptf3n7 and
<br />F.`a$}{v same on Salo Hole aaro any nc1PS ev~,tl2rrcrnb luaure adtanr=s hereunder ,unt+l u`12 and?Siean~s s?c,:~zd s to"ty paad; ano f;;r such pu!;~aszs.
<br />tnf JnOe;SlEI12d tl3eS .SP'?~ S?i 355i~.,, Set aVPI and '.3nS??: un70 [.omm?riia' 371 Dt Sa:tl t?nLS nnC2?0S and .IErth;,2S rRCltttl+ng anY tarrd ca.ttact
<br />zc 22 qt type ar~rw_rS :.r anyt:rr?i ,n'nR:?_. Ct 3ny tvp2 a't1aI5D?Vi't itim 53!d prn.'o?rty to 42 an~l,cd in ih2 Rnt2S db.;Ye~CcSC;i73?d; tklt sa1C
<br />1'.3tM~Gai 5?i31t tl1 no C'l5? he ,!at)'? `a? t~l? ;allnr? I!+ prDCl're c2aniS. to co112Ct T~ItS- ~, [J "Vr75?Cute atll CF15 lD r?TAY?r p^SSPSSi 1, ^t Sai6 pr21AiS?S.
<br />?hE ~'t~$i1'; fuiif~r arAn,nl ',Dlrrm?iC13i of Jnlaha, NenraSka, t!!°,r 31nm?y rn 13rt. g, Ving Sa+a atmrney pJMEt ,i;?4VCablY. el ihef :rl ItS SVrn
<br />R8P,1? (?r irW`i~gCTS' naln25 1D tak? apt n?v?SSark Steps tot pinr2ed,ng5 in ro[IIS 97 utl1?`a-IS2 t.: C}y;5p Said pr$IiirSES IC bP raCat2II. ith iL•Ir?Ct rFn 4~iS
<br />=r ^dwr ; .~-A~ :,~ and vrh~. var~t to r=f?; the ~ me. m ma;,2 aft ;oasnabre t?paa; ;:,, ~y w, °s nut of s3,d ;enis: rri~t+ts, tantract ,'•~aerznis :ar
<br />,aenttrea aria tt' do a.' Sum things el th;?t by Ir nvm oii;r?rs or qy [;Inc° _arnes duly authot,~?a ano apparoted ar +t. as rIS aunt fur said pn,pese- ano
<br />",c r'~ar~~r :,+ F+ay a r2as~ahiz ?~ tat Sntfi s?tu:r_s a; ;r the a5-:+v~ r~ 9z arnz at >uah ter+2s ano +n s;,7 msm+e- and ar; sorb terms as tc the,; sa,a
<br />...>:i n,?f !Gay S'C~t; JfSt. Math fd! ,*::a'?' :.' Su^St!t17t;(7n.
<br />The ph;tb-ragaa naety~ agree c;a• : fan;r~tc,al ?,IrKr ;rt„rntan+y ;,t w •Im -nay ~kcaaes e-r s made a rar',~ to any aWt ar p.ocaeo,ng .e-at+ng
<br />,
<br />L the nzre rbe a*e tl?si" bee a :ns it , --'?± °2ae ,r s a r . n ?s m- a`r - me- sue +rSLt a nr t,o n-,er~;c~. rior tb- s , ~~.
<br />~, ;.;~ ~ :~:~.a „ a:. ..es~.a.,~ ;~.._ ~::_;.-..? ,.y L., ....., _,_:.. >..r s_ . _. ?"-'~z?^'- c. i?r? ",L.Eg3~o s t.t ,+ a,tee that ,+ Ire herPa.ki.,r
<br />+~ t?~t estate sr ~y r;aa h:e za 2y _ __ ...~ uede~ :ne __MZ- of as,.,nent ~imarn. er s otnzra,se acgm-e~ for .~ pGb-IC ms?. the tlaTages
<br />tmai. ~ ~:~c; :.. t':.:s&,,,~ ;,n., :; the ;a :.. ~:_:.r: sa' such a_ _ s i;.,n ;: tt+? ? !?~+, of rte? .. I . ount ^i ih? r2!rain:rig tin; au? +adebte?-
<br />n~5 secuea ~ thrs mcatgagz- 9e ae,tl ti~^y her?Lw are- ass,,?c it Commei'r a! aria snaa M pard fatmwlth to C.amnxruai to ~ app'led zn arannt P'
<br />tBE !351 rfa$:rtP enSUi3rrteni: tit 5+.°=;"i? ;n!f?ti!edl?SS ,
<br />Tam~J errs ~, _ef _ >; an11d2'y , q 3fl ~. ~- ~
<br />- _; ~
<br />#Si THE rRiSEAtrf .~/~r!rl ' z`i ~~'~~``- ---~----__.. -
<br />Timothy J, Schir>$arer
<br />-- --
<br />STATE OF NE6RASKA 4i_i~. Susan E. Schimmer
<br />s>. ----------- -...._.
<br />t#+5 - day of J~u~.. is 80 GPttre rn2 a na!ary , t',c ,r; r•, u r.: -. ~ . s~, ,, .a=e
<br />~~
<br />Timothy J. Schinaoar and S-ssan E. Schimmer, husband and wife,
<br />th ra2 yeti 1fu[+Mn 2e be ffie edenhffit son ^r sons wr;pze~ Hart? s ;,' names art a'f„<a to the atone r~:ii_agz a; g,,+~: ` a~~!:;s s .. -, ..-
<br />tlr STtif. - ~. - - ~, - ihf P;.rC:it;n(, them,!. Lr ._ 'Ire; / ..tart' d~ a:iC vFeC.
<br />WiTNES~ r Last aMv? w;lttzn.
<br />~!, rmR!ISS,i~n f>,L,uY'. d~ 7tlf• _ ~G_ - ~'f I '+ - -
<br />