<br />~~- ~(~
<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />4fORTG:IGE LOAN N0. L23,5I1
<br />3000WALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Bruce D. Evans, a single person
<br />------ Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Ten Thousand and No/100------------------- ---------------DOLLAitS
<br />teaned to said mortgagor by The Equdtab!e Building and Linn Association of Grand tstand, Nzbraska, hlortgsget, ulxwn 1 OD shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION. CtRitiute No, L 23,5II , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIA170N the fallowing
<br />descritxd r^_af estate, situaitd in Hat! County, tiebraska:
<br />t~~ttlxr u~th all iftr trrrnxnts, h:rclttamenis and anpurtrnsnces ihtrrmuo belonstng. utciuding attached floor coterings, all winduu^ screens,
<br />svinrkou- sltadts. blinds, corm windows, aw•nlnes, ttratirg, sir c.~nlitiomng, and ptumbing and u°ater equipment and accrswries thrreta, pumps, stores,
<br />rafttgCatnr>and c+i:-ttr fa.turrs and rquipm:.nt nnu~ ar hrrea*ter atta:.hed to or used in ~ xnnrction with said r: al rstaxe.
<br />.Sttti u't~rias tht sari morzgagor has >3_r2ed and dots taereby agar ihst tht martaa_'nt shalt and will pap all tacrs snd assrssarnts !ts'irl ar
<br />assessed upon said premises and uan rirs rwneagr and tiaz bond seryrrd tb. rebe~ hereto the same shall become delinquent; to furnish approcrd
<br />iru-txranx upon tzt building on said premiers situated in the sum of S 1 Q , (~QO. 00 payable w said ~~SDt'IATION and w drlitror to said
<br />AiTOCIATIO\ the polil^its for said isurance: and not to commit nr ptrmi[ any wsstr on or ;trout said prertusrs:
<br />In arse of dtfauli m the performna,x of any o; *.ttc tzrms snd wndttiuns of this m[rngage or the bond secured hereby, the ntortgagrt shall,
<br />on drmartd, br rntitked to iatrnrdiaxe passrssion of rhr mangaged pr. raises snd the mongagur hereby assigns. cansfrrs and sets ovtr to the
<br />tsaxtgagre all the rents, reveauts and rrcotnr to t,e derivtl f:om the mongaged prrmues during such timt as tht mortgage indtbtrdnrss shall remain
<br />ucpaid: and the ra, rtgagre shat' havt rht pewee to appoint any a.*tnt or sgrnis it may d:strr Sor tht purp~st of rtpairing said premi>es and renting
<br />rare saitr snit a~llectzng the rents, rtvraurs snd ma',znr, and it may peg out of said inromr aft txpensrs of repairing said pnmi~s sad necessary
<br />cosaxtissiuaz and raptr,6rs i:s:.-untd in reining and zranagtng ihr sarrx aa~d of colkcUag rentals thtrtin=m; the balm x rtrnaining, it any, to be
<br />appiie.'t. t.~wa:d the dtsc:hsrge cf said v,nrtgngr rndrbirdnrss: these rtghis of the mi>rtgat*et tnny be rxervt',td at sag tintr dunng tkx existence at such
<br />defau!r, s;rspectivt ,~t sn<.~ trmpc+rary u'nisez of xlxe same.
<br />T!ttsr Presents, h.~urt~r. sat upon t?rt::.,rdu:i:n, Tf,at ;1 the slid Mvzgagor shall reea: ;y-.t 'run on .~r btforr the ntatur=,ty of said shares by
<br />paytrtear, pay manchiy to said AS3t?ClATI C?N of ;hr sum s~_irird in Lh. Annd srcurrd ftezeby ss murtst snd prat -tpaS on ssid loan, on or heroes
<br />ihr Tweriirth da. ai each and tsrry [ra~ntkr. anal sa,l t..s.;, it loth- nsid, pay ail taxes and ss;rssmenu ieaied against said pre:..ses and on ttus Martgage
<br />an. *_Yrr $i-tnd ser:urrl t;,rrrby ,bee art drLn:y~urnc}: ! ur:;rsi[ 2pproc=ed rnsursn ~ up`~a the bt_:tda~gs tk;ziron en the sum of S 1 O, D00.OD payab!e
<br />xis sat: ASSr?CLAZlO~~. repay to sail ASSOCSATIOti ;:pan le^snd af! moat. by rt pair ear tu,:h t3_xes, azsessmrnts and insurance w°iLh inttrtst at
<br />tat rtatamrwzt irgat rate three;rn f:or:, da;r .~i payttxvt all . ; whzch Uongsg~ar txrrby seer:-s ti, pac : permit no caste on sai3 prtmis'-s; keep and romplg
<br />with - .,,t --~,-R.,,. a- -... ~ ...r_ ; 5,1 G .L~tS tln s e:a•. ,. .f;e sa.., ., ..;,ggr,; to g:. ASS€~'!. T!O`:, and c , Bpi}
<br />M•ith a!; t}tr rraTvurvrcattif iltr Consi:tut:t+a artd B}-L.x»~ of seed ?SSOC!A~T!Oti, then these presents skin! brcetrx~nul! and wed, otherwise ihet`
<br />s*tal! remain ie: fiT3 tyre and eery br farec!a~d at the .:pu,~n f Nu saxt ASSOCIATl~J\ of tit latkurt far afire:- near, ,hs w , ,aCr say of said
<br />payinrnts or fu th:m m verbs m snrsrs m inaCtng ud rn.uthly peymrrts_ ,,; to Cap and cnmlily with the agtermt:xs and iortdiitans c,f said B.:nd:
<br />a.5d !lca'tga~ar agrees to has a resztrr appotrtrd farthw;th za wch faar:k,surr pr:.,eedvtgs.
<br />!f zherr s ana~ ;<range m c:rsner3}itp of rite rcn3 tsiatc taartgagei ?trtrm, by sale .,r othtnvist, thin lltz entarr rrmauuag indebtedness htreby
<br />arruxed s3ra€1, at qtr ~fticui of Tttt Egwtabit Buudtng and L.utt Assw, s*. n,r:.{i fraud la3atnd, \tbnsla,lucomr tmaxdutely due and payable without
<br />ftuthrt notxx, atu the azacunt rrnwxnm~tg due under crud t,ertd, ana nay other band io: any aldttiorrsi advxttxs znadt thtreunder, s!urll, from the
<br />date iV txc ~r of sari optii~n, bras interest xt t1K nrr-.vmunt izgp3 text, s_nd this martga~ :nay tlctn k+e iorrciasrd za sn.~sfy tht anwunt dot on said
<br />la~t,d, staff any asifstr ta-*nl for adlutortnl ad*an rs, tagtthcr u~rth nH surrss paid by ,aid T'hr £quitabSe Buildzng and Lunn Associa4on ai Grand Island,
<br />?:ed+casta fc>" nisutar.~, texts and ttssras:^tenis, and absvactuta txtrnsir,n ,:.barges, u~tl+< =purest *hrtr.>n, from late o? pny:rxrt n! the rrtawr.:sm
<br />fyal zest.
<br />4s pauridrti in xht B~osid secured ksrrtby, ;; heir revs rxuutgage rrtrtatns m riir,:r the trsartga3rt tray hrresfier adtenx addtzwnal sums to the
<br />xaaiers of seed Bond, tkty sesierrs o[ successixs v~ muscat, whrrkt >,:ma shah br wtthtn the sr. urny o? tt+us- martgagt chr saint as ihr iu*z_ls origitulyy
<br />xrured thartby, rte wtil amount .!~ prviCip31 debt not to eaxrd at any titnt the orrginai anx,w t of [het mortgage
<br />Ihrodt~ta ],Q~}1. das..f Augus: A.i3.fu'/g
<br />twee _
<br />SZ NTz iif• lv~SR113F.A, 3 ~ Chi ihr, 10th • day txf August i 9 79 , to-.tore c~tt.
<br />CiB.~7Y;1F HALL
<br />the uadtragned, a Natazy P;rbIIc in ant to said County, prrwnnltysmr
<br />Brute j). EYdPkS, a single person uhu iS ptrk,nalky known u,
<br />tt: to.~ idesrt,ca! perwtt v+hoae name 1' S aft"ttszd to rhea vuxttuaea as awrtltagor and he x
<br />ud efts acid matrisrotrtt to be ~ i 5 stl,rattary un and dtxd. ~ / ~~
<br />iri3'tit•S5 tzty Aaod and I,:otariai Stal tl,r date afrrresasd- ~ = ~ / ~~
<br />Afy fztmariasuon rrtpirta .' ~P `/ 2 ~ ' ~ f `~
<br />j ,~ A~tnrv Auhlic
<br />a~r-tea as --
<br />ti c I : 4f,r ~~
<br />j ~,,. /'7 ~ s _..._
<br />~ ~ t ~I
<br />