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<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />.MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 ,b24
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRESENTS_Tiut Gary L. :lein and Mary M. Klein, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each oilier,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />EigptpPn ThOueand Teyn +aundrad find No'100---------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />]tuned to said mortgagor by The Equitable BtriWirtg and Luau Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 1$2 abates of stock of
<br />aid ASSOCIATIQN, Certificate No. L 23,624 , do herelry grant, convey and mortgage mto the szsd ASSOCIATION the following
<br />drs$tbed reel estate, situated in Hat! County, Nebraska=
<br />ttaguiv rich a8 me tcxmmts, beteditarrrexus and appurtenances tbereu.:2o bekrnging, including attadsed hoot mserings, a8 wiods,w aa«ns.
<br />arodsw slides. Minds, aorm wiedoa~ awtring, t+c"____s, air conditioning, and plnmhing acrd water egrtipment artl sccesvxies itmeto. trtmpa, stoves,
<br />reh~8ons. ~ otixr futures sad eq+upment turw « herrafier attached ID or used io mrnection with aid real estam.
<br />And >rLessrss the aid rmttgagcrt has -5rxd aml rhea hereby agtx that the mortgagor shalt and wi6 pay all rues and asamnenta levied of
<br />atssssd tyrm aid prcmves and ttpuo this mortgage and the bond sen;t4d' ~y~oSSrti bcf«e the anre strati become dclingtrnt; to fwaish sppootzd
<br />*~e ffie hem an aid premises sit,nted in the sum of S ~ ~2ii {) .~0 payable to aid ASSOCIATION and to deliter m said
<br />~ecrtrts7jaN she pohrsz fa said msataaae: std net to ~mttst or permit any waste on :rr about said premises;
<br />fe me of tkfattk in the periatmsntx of uy of ti,r tersm and im,dsncxs of rtes tncxtgtge « the bond secured hereby, the shall,
<br />a demmd, >te entitled to immediate of tine and the beech nutsfrts and stn avc to the
<br />pow mrutgsged premises mo:tg~ot y ~%.
<br />~ the tints, tewasrntra and csmtoe m be desired from the mor[gagtd premiaea during suds time ss the toorigage iads:btedtsna shall temaus
<br />aepaid; std the soortgagx shall base [he power to appoint nay t~tsr « agents it may desire lot the pwpoa of repasitfg said premises std rasti~
<br />the ame and aoBectiny the teats, resenr--s and mcomr, std it iitsv pay o,ert of said income a8 eaPmses of eepririttg said ptemixa sad oaxmty
<br />anon and etq+esses iectasid is leering sed mmag~ the same std of rentab theseftttm; the babas tsmamixg, ~ my, to be
<br />~a to~md the diadstul4e of said eamtgsge indebtedness; these tights of the tnwtgagee tmy be etcaciaed at nay time the emtma of nteh
<br />Adak, ietsspeetiae of any tetspooay waisa of the same.
<br />Iiese i§eneats, hcwreser. are ups the Caatditson, 7bae d'tM aid Mongggar siu6 repay slid l~n «t « betase ttx ttattttity of sad abates by
<br />payment; pal' mntethty to aid ASSOC1AT70N of t3sr rum smfsd ®ibe Goad secured he.~tbv as interest aid pri~pai rm said loan, on oc befom
<br />the Ts~rttsmi day of sacfi ~ esesy asotith,tmel raid to®~ fteily pail.; pay all tun std ssars~enu levied agaimt said prea~es and on this Mortgage
<br />aed the Hoed sasouod thereby, hefate dehaquea+ay; furee~ approved itesvrsnce upon the hm~ddiegs th'reae m the sum d' S 1$ , 2OD. DD payable
<br />to said ASSOCiAT1OT1; repay io and ASS'9CyAT1ON too detoand all money by it paid t« each tsaes, ataesameats and iosaancc xsiih turner at
<br />the saarciasa 3q/d r>;ee tieteoo fram date of pa~vrcat a!I of vrhich Mattgagm be+ehY W PsY: permit m waste m aid :~ and m~i'
<br />~ ~ '=~ xu ~r rt±' ~t trw S 7 $ , ~~ . DD thg day yarn by the aid 4or ro tai ASSOCIATtirN, ~
<br />rfb~ all the ta~ae;a~s d't:e Coast~utstas sad Sv-Leas of as9 ASSOCIATION: then tisae prunes ~s6 tsaxsme ou6 and ssrhl, otbe:wise they
<br />s~ z~ ig htH fence anal ~y be futeci~d u the optian of the said ASSOCIATION after faihue foe three months to stmte soy of said
<br />paymtats tr ie tieee mtntbs ax arseas m eaakmg sad mmtbty payments, m to keep std axmpi} sith rite sgoetaonu sad wnditioas of aid Bond;
<br />and rg+rss m hare a remtvet appoieted fottivttit m sects fatsxksasee prooaediesgs.
<br />H rl~ s may takaa~ ie at the tea[ ~ toart~Od herein, by ale a sxtferwise, rhea [he giite t+pmtocirrg indebtedness hereby
<br />aatrnd sheS, ~ the option of The Egtotable Bm7dissg sod t~ Amdatioe id Grand tdaed, NeMasta. bec,nne ixttmedatety due and pnyabk without
<br />taatirn nation, sed the amasmi retaainiay drsc nasdcr said hood, acct any other hood f« any addiooeat advanxs etude thetessoda, sha8, Gam the
<br />date d esxraee xd' aid ~-~ inteaen N the >rat®wa lepl rate, and the tnartgs,Be tnsy thw be foredoaed to attid'y the attwrmt due m aid
<br />heed,aed aey other hoed for additiond adrar~es, tugaher rich art acmes pad b?` said Ttr Egnita6de 8midioj and Luna Asotiation of Grand Islmd,
<br />Nt3esaka for isteaaeoe, riucss and atarraaeets, and abeaxactirg eammna . with itstarest thereon, tram dtu of payment ai the rstaaimtim
<br />~~
<br />Aa ptorided ie she Bond se~trd hereby, wh3e tiffs ttrmcisc ~ eiFat the taorigagee may hcteaftet adneoe addiiiaeai a®s to the
<br />eaters tf aid Hand, t9rs awes m suaxaors ie lateral, wh>rh na thaT! be within the secuti_y of rims esartpge the sent n the fimds oxipoaBy
<br />mweed thntdty, the read aaaotmt of prmr~al debx r,oa xo esmed at any fine the orig+ail amamt at this trsortgaye.
<br />!~ ffis i day of NOVetBber A. D., 19]~
<br />ein
<br />~r1aTE , t
<br />t'Qll!N'TY OiF HAt1 ~ i4 tln this 16th ~ ~ November 1y79 , ~~ ~,
<br />Gary L. Klein and Mary #t. Klein, +~•aNaatyrr~araadt«adc«mty.petronaBynme
<br />each in his and her okn right and as spouse of each ocher, who are perarmatiyhnotmto
<br />~ b+~ ~ ide~i p~ S nine awe s d rE affaad to the abase iearumont a: mMtggor s and tfiey
<br />arkmarled~+d tie raid irntamt m ie their y net and dead.
<br />tttliltr~ mr heed ad Notaeid Ssai ~e d~ attareaid_
<br />- . - - .. __ - ---'? _i~+-•-'~Z"`-=='=.. Nam; -
<br />raaa sn
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<br />