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_. _ <br />-Agreeazten! for Warranty Deed- Tno ft„ttmaa ceaera+ suPnrr i;ousz. L{a=oia, xa~=. _ <br />~. w w <br />~r _ _ <br />THIS t3GREE:b1ENT, made this 20th day of December rg79 , bet.aeen <br />DON H. BUCRNER and DONNA K. BUCKNER hereir:aftcr referred to <br />as tke seller(s) and <br />RICHARD L. COLE and ELAINE Pi. COLE <br />hereinafter referred to as the buyer(s). <br />tA1TNESSETH, that the stdler(s) hereby covc++ant(s) and agree(sj that if the burer(s7 shall first rnakr the pay- <br />ment(s) and perform the cot~anputs hereinafter mentioned on his, her or their pnrt to be epode arad performed, the said <br />setter(s) agrte(s) to furnish buyer(s) a good arsd su,`fr,'ient nbstract of title shozt~nc a merrhaniable title of record to <br />tht premises hereinofttr described in the sellertsl, and nzTl rorfzey and assure to the buyrr(si, in fee simple, clear of all <br />encuaabrances except as stated htriYn. by good and s•.+t~ficient 11%amnrty Dced, the foilrcanq Int, piece and parcel of <br />ground, to grit: <br />Lot Eleven {Il) in Jack Voss Horse Country Club <br />Second Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />dad 3ltr sa?d Ir~~4°rts) rr•en.:nts s) a»d ocrre;-s, to pay to sz:id srf?eels ), tke ststn ai $~8, 000.00 <br />FZP1T EIGHT THOUSAND AND NOilOOTHS D4LLr1RS, <br />pe tkr meamrarr folla^.s.nq; Paid December ;, 1474 ONE THOUSAND AND NOi100THS BOLL•'LRS {$1,000.00) <br />I?allars, cash i>a kand paid. she rrrripf ctherrof u hrrrt~j a;kno>altdged, cntd the balance paynbtr; EIGHT THOUS:~bTD <br />HIRE HUNDRED A°1D NO/100THS DOLLARS {$8,500.00} doampayment to be paid and possession to <br />be give January .5, 1.480. Balance of FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NOJ100THS <br />D0LL9BS {$48,500.00} >.'ill be carried by the sellers at the rate of 8 3/4x interest <br />payable as fellows; ?ionihly payments of 5395.fl0 for principal and interest plus $42.00 <br />far cases-total. payment of $487.00 beginning February 1, 1980 and the first of each <br />mooch thereafter far 24 consecutive months at which Lime the total unpaid principal <br />pies accrued interest will be due in a balloon payment_ Deed to be signed and placed <br />in eseraw at Huston Ca. far delivery to buyer at fulfillment of the agreement. Pay- <br />e~,,is will be made direct to sellers or any other place so designated by them, buyer <br />has the priviledge of prepaying any or all of the loan at anytime during the duration <br />of this agreement. It is agreed that there is mortgage on the property and the sellers <br />agree to keep the payments current aad pay 3n full on fulfillment of contract. <br />actk issrrrst at tka ra#r of $ BIL p#'r teat per ae~+aaam<, pa}asbte as above oa the u>>solr satins reta>aae- <br />~§ ~'" timer to timer uap~id, .:rsd to ~;~ all gtnrrnl tales, that eeay kr legally tried nr impnsrd xpon said land, smub- <br />srgrtnt to tba year 1J 518fl aad all isa-tallsettn3s of sprrial assrurmcnts or sptrial tares btraraing dnr ar defixgvent <br />~~ i ~ 580 awd keep the baildiugs in a rrasnnab/r state of repair mad iast+•ed <br />fa-!t 55.x• ~ if cheer is a mortgage on said property, pay intcrrs# and tales.iherran >rp to as above <br />. 7t it mertualiy agreed #.tiat timer u ax rurstiat etemrn# in this ronfrart. .and i! it further <br />ag-eul tlmat ~ rase of may furyy-+xe~nt, r.tker aj Criasripal ar iairrtst, rrsnaising a,npaid far a space of 70 days <br />after tLe seiner azimll btrarmr due, and in rase of faitaarr of the said bu}Yell) to make any of the aforesaid paymexts <br />prsodt~ far httYne or #ke 'attach of n}• otkn rae~rnant toataisud hrrriaa, this ronhart shall at tkr option of the srllerts), <br />!x }srftitad aasd dttanmaatatd aced the bu,,erts 7 =hail forfeit ail pa}rnttnis madt hrrrundxr, and r.+rh payments shall be <br />rrseiertt} tai tlr~ stll_+r!s) as mated damnayrs in fall satisfarttian of nll ti:e dar>;agrs sw#ained, and seller{r) shall hm~t <br />Lit m+glat tr rt-twice and 3akr posressian o{ sai3 prtncisrs aforesaid. <br />Tlmt tlris agrrnnr•nt snag pat be nssignrd by 2ru)'~'rt 3i z%ithout fhr :c~ritten cansere: of tht seitrris). <br />It is ~'d 17ta4~1'atht tfl[3H99+ai# asd agrremeen#s ktreeax rontaimard skatl ts-tznd to and hr obtigatary <br />><prtim flit ~ny azer~,ra~ttrh~tietors and assigns of the rasputive parties. <br />IN l~l~°'~'HEREf1F, the parties of chest prrsrsts haze hcrtxntn set their hands and seats the day and year <br />Jest abetrr ~rlttt~n. j~~ y{L f ~' <br />Sigrid, saateA t de&e+ertd in flat po+rsaat'~r al =-.t~,--Ggs.--.---!!_~_..t.~`m.,~--.._.._.(L. S.) <br />..... •~iltj=,r._.~ea.:__.''S>...~.~: {SI~i:4~ ~`'~-- -(L. S.J <br />~~ <br />