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,. _,_ ,u, _ - ~... ~ . <br />53-A-REAI. ESTATE MORTGAGE-. _e Tax Clause (Revised 7962) ,iuffman and ieRon 8 Wolf. Walton. Ne. 68461 J <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Daniel Eakes and Gretchen Eakes, husband and wi: <br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, each in their oa,~n rights and as spouse of <br />the other (Mortgagor j <br />of Halll County, and State of Neb raska , in consideration of the sum of <br />One Hundred Thousand and noj100 ------------------------------------------------7~OLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY umo Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. <br />j (Rortgagee ) <br />~ Hall Cavniy, and State of Nebraska the following described premises <br />situated is Hall County, and State of Nebraska tawit: Lot Twenty Four <br />x(24) in Rlock Four (4? ir_ Replat of Riverside Acres, an addition to the City of Grand <br />;Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred or contracted to be transferre <br />from the imdersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal sum <br />and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the election of the holder <br />hereof_ Failure to exercise this option because of transfer e£ title as above stated in <br />one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the riaht to exercise the same in the even <br />of any sirbse~sent transfer. <br />The intention being to -~eontey hereby an abxlute title in fee simple irrrluding sll the rights of homestead and dower. j <br />TO HAf'E AND TO HOLD the premises oboes dr~ribed, wtith all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the 1 <br />said mortgagre acrd to its heirs and assigrvs, forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpress <br />condition that if the aforesaid mortgagor their ~ heirs, ezeeutors, admini_atrators or assigns shall pey or cause to be <br />paid to the said mortgagee its heirs e:ecuWrs, administrators or assigns, the sum of One Hundred Thousand i <br />and noJ100 ------- ----°---------------_---------Dollars, PayabtetilttA(14WS,~FiR~ 1 <br />X2f7OCXK)CX}}~ <br />nsltampamiKacatx~eXxxXX XXXXXXXXX7~X <br />':LWnCXXXXxXXXXIrj]~}t 1 <br />X]C~S~tXXXXXXXX%XXXXXXXX.~XXXXXx]i~X <br />`CC~CXX]LXXXX?tXXXXx]C]CX%XXXX7fxX]f~X <br />with raierrat thereon payable r; all according to the tenor and e$ect of <br />a tr:tain pramiseory noteYlG~f3 or notes of said Daniel fakes and Gretchen Eakes dated llj /79 0~ <br />as such note ar notes may be from time to time modified, renewed or extended in writing <br />a <br />rrd shad pay aR tares s>rd asaavsmenta lcwded upon said real estate. and all other lazes. <br />levies sad asaessRaenis lewd u~ this marrgage ar ~e sue whieh this tr+ortgt+6e iff peen to secure, txfore the same bemmes i <br />delirtgrrent, amt Jeep the buildings an said premises inacml fur the sum of S 100, 000.00 lass. if any, peya6le to ~ <br />4he said mortgagee. then thews prrM.eats za br vast, athee'.rise m be and remain in Fall force. <br />TT 1S Fi'RTH£R AGREED (1'r That if the said mortgagor shall tell to pay sueh fazes ar Ptmtre such insrrranre, the <br />said .me~r#gagee may pay sucJ+ razes sad procure such ixrxtranre: and the sum ~ adraaced, with interest at per rent j <br />sash tae paid by said morfigagoz, Toed this marigag~e sitaif stand as cecu.rite fns the saa~- (~) "T lrat a faiIum to pay any of acid r <br />money, Tither priacipat ar iaferest when the earns }x+comes due, ar a failum to caarply with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shat! cause the vho~ sum rrf mosey hexin secvnad to be ^ome due a~ -hie nt ugcq a opiioa of mortgagee <br />$Sgnad this ~Sr~ day of t3ovember ~ 49 /,YJ~7r!//f "' <br />la ptxreence of ~ •~ <br />_,-. <br />,. -a7ces _-._. - <br />( ~ <br />~ _ - _. _ <br />i•et~r,er, Fake <br />SEATS flF_.._-.----.- --21z2~raslta, .-,--- .... ,County of U3il <br />Before me, a mtary pabtic qualiised far said county, perscuraliy came »ie_ makes and Gretchen Eakes <br />katrsa tm me to be the ' peraoa otgxg~~sap~rw~i~igrtad the torc~~g rnuruaavri amt r^kaawledged the execution <br />tkereai b tre hie, her ar Zhev ~~ ~ `' <br />r• r^ ~ ~ , i <br />1tlTitaets TAY hsad aed teal orr`.rta16... ..., .i -- .......19 .. 79 ...-.' Notary Public ~ <br />!#Y ao ez~rea-= ~.AtrL.7~. ~t ~',ic- _ '1 <br />$9'AT$ {#P'....._____.._.....__.._._.-._._._w~____._ ~~ 'Entered on numerical it~ez arul $3ed for record t <br />Catap'ly __._..._-,-.-.~___._...._._...__-___......_.r._... in the Register of Deeds O(fice of said County the <br />_.__.-.__...._Aq aL.._.-....____._._--.~.~_.-, 19.-°__-. ak-..--.-_-.-.-.._.-.o'clock sad..,-.--.------..__.._minutea ---.___..._...hi.,t, <br />i <br />sad rsaoodsd is Hook..._,...___ ............._.-°-......aL........_-_._..-......_si pags.___.._.....-......._. _.._.-...-....., <br />..-_......---'-~--....._.._-__---...-------~--.-....___.,-....._._Reg. of Deeds <br />By..._._._. __.-_...._......._...__. _........_ _.._ _..... _...._. _. .-..Deputy <br />i <br />i <br />