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~a-- ~ <br />ldORTGAGE _ ___ __ _ <br />--- _=_--~totzrcAC~LaANNO. L~ 23,652 <br />t~towAl.I.~tENaYTtIESEexESENTS:rnai Harold G. Arehart and Oneta Arehart, each in his and <br />her oven right, and as spouse of each other <br />Piartgagar, whethtr ont ur more in wnsideiation of the sum of <br />Fifty-five Thousand and No/700---------------------------------------------------- <br />_ _-- - ~oL,I.Aas <br />ksaiaed to said raiartgagor by 2'he EquitalsEe Buuding and L.aan Assocvtsun of Errand Isiatxd, Ntbtaska, Nortgager, upon 5~D shares of stock of <br />said ASSD(:IAT'ION, Cenifiate Na. L 23 b$2 , do hereby gram, rnnvty and mortgage tmta the said A550CIATION the falkovtirig <br />deazibed rtal estate, situated in tlatl C'auniy, ~iebrasica: <br />LOT SEVENTEEN (17, EAGLEkOOD ACRES SU6DIVISIDN, HALL COUNTY, <br />'~E8RA5 Y.A <br />togetlia with aH :i[,: tztearcnis, hertxiaia:rnts and a,~ptxnenaxa~ L;trevntu tuSangttxg, in:luding atta,:hei tour cvaerittgs, all window sctxns, <br />window shadee, blinds, starm wz~awz, aw~[xings_ t2rattag, are .,undrtaaning, and ptumbwg and ware, egwpment and accessories thereta, pumps, coves, <br />refrigerators, and aLhrr fixtures ar2d egnipitl4ii txov nr hercaiter xtia-3xr3 to m txsrd m a,aructran wstl; .aid real emtr. <br />vvhceas the said marteagar leas sttd a-es lac;rtn at;rer that rht raartgagar shat] aad witi pay a0 taxes aad aamnents levied x <br />t>pcw said prerw®es attd upon thiz trlertgace xnd tare harsd se.:l:tri ;fir:eha het.+rr tSxt same shall brmttx drlittquent; to iatnislx approved <br />mmnattat vgitm the htnlduin ott mid Incmisrs stuazrd r the sum of 5 » , DOO. DD payxbk to said AtiSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />AS~CIATIA*t iht patsies far saa iasivanar; and sn:u ; c<smuux or pcrnin a .r wxiic ur. cu ahaut srd premises: <br />la rase of defz[di in the perfartnanre of anv ui r4t atrtas xnd tx>tiditioxis of ihts :rxt[t;•sgt nr the band stcurtd htrtbv, iht mongagee stall, <br />as deaantt, M tasitlyd to isnaltdiatr p:xssesaicx: ai the mr*r:gagci, psrtnxxs and rile taxntgagut !IerrhS- a»~s, transfers acid ae6 aver to the <br />tanrt~~,et' a!I the errors, rearnets and xen~mae t„ ±,r :krtved cram Iisc mur_gagrd premases dnring suds titiat as the rxtritgage rndeb[tdmss shall rctmix <br />xmpatd; atd tht m..xtgaga shall hxxe the Ix>w'rr ta, xpptrina anS• .i~nt w xXrnts a ma} dtsut f m ihr purpose of upaitirtg said prcinises astd teatiog <br />toe saawic find r dke[i~ the rents, rrvtnues xnd xnoomt, azw n tttt} pa.~ uw ui said inc~voe >li txpensrs of rcptirittg said prcmiaes and neetsany <br />aimmtmxau atad exprnars wcttrred m xrnnng and ~~i the same and of calkctirig rtntals therefrom; the bahrxa rcnniaing, if any, to be <br />toward tIK discharge of said matigxgr andrbttdnrss; thew rights of iht murtgagtt may ht txerastd at any time durisig the ezisterax of wuch <br />arrrt+,stxziar v an} Iritgaxm-t waver of rise same. <br />Thtsr Presents, hasevr:, arc uliaza the l"o:d,iun, i!tat tx ant satd '.duzi_~+r stssali stpar wvd kaan an ar bet ort the i:aaitutty of snid strares by <br />~°messr; ]say ~a*hh~ to ma3 .ti4i1CIATION of ai,e sxm xpt-cites s. tiv &m3 v~urcci Ixrxeb} as inicrost 3ni prmapa! ur sani lever., an ur before <br />tAe Ts+eui,eth day ~ cautt xtid rev x»knth. until sand lase: n flaili pxw: pa} all taxn and as~s~smrnu kti.-d agatnxt said prrmtses anti an this Martp~e <br />and tht $omi secanrd thachy, {atfart dttinqurriy, 4wtiistx xpprrrar,i ^IS'aratrCe upon the bn2k1u1gs ihtreun m the sum of S ~~ ,~D. OQ payable <br />m sand ASSYIt:LAT7rMl, repay to said a.CSttC'IATtCn upon drnund ail mxnra b}• it paid fur xui:h texts, asetsatsents and instuancr with interest at <br />the rntximas~ ltgai rate there,: n tram date ai ~ymrnt ati .~; 4!h:L -lorieaeox txsch; xt[rt~ to pa}- :permit tees waste un said ptettirsea;kelp arid amply <br />with all the ~txments arw ccxadRruts ui tree Stmd fat ~ ~~ , D~L~. QQhxs dx} ~aaen by tt>e said idnrtgagat to saw ~SCL1CL4710N, and ~tnply <br />wtiih alt alit re+quirrir~n[x of the C'arisututlan xnd B) -i.av.•x of .asd 4S5tlE'IATiO?:. t&n thcat prtsents ax[ail ben~tre null and awd. aiherwix they <br />f3q~ remain eo full feria aed may bt farechucrd xt rile .:,puan .d .31e sang .ni10CLnTION afttt faiiwt fur tesce t;xmiS2s to make airy of said <br />peyltrms cu tr t3itm mertittis m a:r;sis xa atakntg seed rrxrut:t4G pxratcnu. nr to krzp and aanxpta with tix agrtevttnu and wndttruns of said Band: <br />arw !/artg+dx~ar egrets is Stave a rt,-rrver xpfsuintai iartlawath sr++>u~is tx+re:ii~w2t pt.ketdtngs- <br />if there is aaiy ;3sa€Ig >a .nvracrsfiip a: the sat rotate iuxtcagcd hereof, h: sale ur uihtrw7se, then tht entue remaining indebtadneet hcmby <br />aetvsrorl shish ai ilia uptm of The i',qunable Suehiing acrd Cesare 4stia~iat,an ai t.rand Ixtand, Nrbrasta, beartne urm2rdiatdy due and payable vn[hout <br />fiethn rnits',r, grad rM aarionot rrrnairsuag dale xmdrr sxsd tt<md, nxd xnd athtt Rueri fur any :dda etas] adaauaes malt theseundes, shall, from the <br />ders ai extresit of said tptican. bent irtrrrst at tix rnxxmaum Srga.{ rxtc, airei dais vr;xigage uia~ tiara tK forceicetrd io satisfy tlx amuuat due un said <br />bead, asd ~- tu"ser taund for addnxvix; xisznxs. t -,gtinn watfi at; rums paw riy ssi.t 7~hr I:,yuitxL+k Stulding and Assacxatian of Gta~ Island, <br />hidaasla s~ iesutaeu-t. txxcr. mnf sassstarnti, an3 ab>.[rxirirng extrnsw.xs ::lssr~t~s. with mtexrst rhtrrun, frzvn date of pay tneni ai rM mtzimum <br />~_ <br />AS prov,dnt to tllr B:snd SY:-'tiiDi tICtGLN. w lle Litt misrtt itntatni m Ci7tCi [}St ni(tt[~C, r rtlay ntrCar ICt xa"itanCi addltFJaat SWnS la tht <br />tirr~~s ~; ~ ~>rd, thtu aaasagrss ,~ sarunxrrs Ia mrtzes:. whi,:tt Burns stixli ar wiLvn tree serxuity of this [nanpage the saint as the funds origirxally <br />eealewd thearbn•, the t~ua? twar:.m1: ;+f ra-,n.-spa; deist n.x t., rxotcd ar sexes rirrr tht x,sigrnxl azarnnt of thit rrrartgagr. <br />nitt#tir 4tst ,. .,; I:ebruary ; n.Y'r 80 <br />t--x _, r-. .~ <br />_~ <br />flneta Arehart <br />§S'ATEt~SKA,~ ae Cintliis 4th day at rebruary Sv 8a ,betorcme, <br />C'YXITSiY OF 1{ALJ. <br />the turdetngrrai, a -awataty I'ublit m acrd for raid t'uunt}', petusnally axntc <br />~ro1d &. Arehart Rnd Ovate Arehart, each in his an3 her awn right, end as spaus~r~~+y each <br />©k'' " are kuoa+n to <br />tee tit 6t ffie ir~tai ptnaaa S ,ka~+at txatee5 a T"}'± aflized w tht above nt as ruartgaget S and they severally <br />arlana+la~oA the read iastriDbaeM w be }~i r valmpary art and died. ~ <br />~TI~~ aa7 Etan6 aid tJotarnl S~wiS tlx date afari~. ~~r''f ~~ <br />tiyCsr tzpirex •- / ,> <br />'J. f-r-~...~~1 [!~~~'_. ~'-` Gam, <br />ra.~s a ~tp--y/ /,i7' ` ~~.f p f}~BIEIIAi % T it ~vit et NebrasAa abbe <br />~~j~~~ 'r-ES tL ..SUN ! <br />ri_ ~ ~i __...i^+. ft~_ _ _ __ __~i 1 <br />.w.~._.~__C~..~ <br />