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8C~°- i1~:~~4(~ <br />JOINT DRTVE4IAY AND GARAGE AGREEP1ENT <br />THIS AC,REEMENT made this ,~? 7 day of January, 1980, by and between Dora <br />Buettner, Party of the First Part, and Richard P.. Quinn and Nora C. Quinn, husband <br />and wife, Farties of the Second Fart: <br />NITNESSETH: <br />I~+HEREAS, the above named First Party is the owner of the following described <br />real estate, to-wit: <br />The West One Half (~la~? of Lot Seven (;), Block "A" of Boehms Subdivision <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WHEREAS, the above named Second Parties are the owners of the following des- <br />cribed real eatate, to-wit: <br />The Easterly Qne-Half (ELY'S) of Lot Seven (7), in Block "A"' of Boehms <br />Subdivision in the Pity of Grand Island, Ha71 County, Nebraska. <br />idFiERE??S, the parties hereto desire to create for themselves their heirs, <br />successors and assigns, a joint driveway easement and common garage agreement as <br />the same are now siiuaied on the two parcels of land referred to above. <br />NDW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, and rights <br />herein created, said First Party does hereby give, grant and convey unto said Second <br />Parties and unto their heirs, successors, and assigns, the right-oa°-way, or easement <br />aver, along and across the East Five Feet of the real estate owned by said First Party, <br />described above. <br />And said SEtond Parties do hereby give, grant and convey unto said First Party <br />and unto their heirs, successors, and assigns, a right-of-way, or easement aver, along <br />anti across the Nest rive Feet of the real estate owned ny said Second Parties, des- <br />cribed above. <br />The joint driveway or easement thus created shall be for the joint use of the <br />parties Hereto and far their heirs, successors, and assigns fnr joint driveway pur- <br />poses. Neither party hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns shall so use or leave <br />their vehicle or anything else in said driveway so as to prevent the free and unin- <br />terrupted use of =aid driveway by the other Harty for the purpose for which this joint <br />driveway easement was created. <br />Each of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns, shall bear one- <br />half of the cost of maintaining said driveway in a reasonably good condition, and <br />such cost of maintenance shzl3 include recnnstructia= when seasonably necessary. <br />Mntxitfistandirag the above provisions, either party causing damage to said driveway <br />through negligence on the part of the party themselves or others for them or on <br />their behalf shall be >ti~aolly responsible for any such damage resulting from any <br />such regligence. <br />Each of the parties hereto, Their heirs, successors or assigns, sha31 hear one- <br />half of the cost of m~?intaining said garage in a reasonably good condition, and such <br />Lost gf maintenance shall include reconstruction when reasonably necessary. Notwith- <br />standing the above Provisions, either iaarty causing damage to said garage through <br />r~lis}e»ce o» t#se part gf the party themselves or others far them or on their behalf <br />shdl3 be a,~aolly responsible for any such damage resulting fram any such negligence. <br />This agreerrfent shall be deemed to be a covenant running with the title to the land <br />and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and upon their heirs, successors and assigns, <br />sg brag as either of said above described Tots is used for orivate residence purposes <br />and provided, however, that this easea~nent may be released at any Lure by appropriate <br />agreement fnr that purpose entered into between the owners or said lots, duty execut- <br />ed and atkranwledged grad filed for record in the office of *_he Register cf Deeds of <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />IN, TNESS WHEBEOF, the parties herein have set their hands this a % day <br />of _ , 19B0. <br />rr <br />Dora Buettner <br />First Party <br />