<br />not extend or postpone the due date of the ntonthh- inst:tlhnents reforred ka io paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount. of such installments
<br />10. Borrower Not Released, IJxtensiou of the time tar payment or modifir :loon of amortization of the sutns
<br />secured by this \4ertgage granted by Lender to sn}• successor in interest of Barron•er shall not operate to release.
<br />in any ntanner, the liabiht_v of the original Borrower :ind Horroucr's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against eueh successor m- refnse to ext+ax9 'time for pa}Rnent or otherwise modif}~
<br />amortization oI the sums secured br 6his 3lartgsge h}- reason of :nr}- demand made by the origins! Borrower and
<br />Borrower's surcessars in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Leader Not a Waiver. 3nc forbeat.3nce by Lender in exercising any right. or remedy
<br />hereunder, or othencise afforded by applicable law, shalt not ue a waS:rer of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or retnedv hereunder. T?:c procurement of insurance or the pa}-meta of taxes or of-her liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a tvairer of Lender's rigbc to accelerate zhe maturity of the indebtedness secured by this \fortgsge.
<br />1'2. Remedies Cumulative. 311 remedies praridal in this \Iartgsge are distinct and cumulative to an}• other
<br />right. or rented}- under this \Iartgage or at7ordert h}- Iax~ or rquit}-- sn.i n;a}- be c~erci~ed concurrently. indepenri-
<br />ently ar successit'eh°-
<br />-13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. Tlae rat'en:utts and agreements
<br />ate herein contained sltsli Uind, and the right: hereunder shalt inure to, the respect ire successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower, stthjeet to the pmrisians of narsgrtph 7: hereoi- .\li cot-enants an.:l agreements of Harrower shall
<br />~ ~cint.and severgl. The captions sn;i headuEgs of the;.arsgrapts of this Martgace see for convenience onlc and
<br />see rrot#a be t:.~ed to interpret ar define the ]+rorrstens hereof.
<br />14, NoSee. any roticv to Borrower prax'adr•d for in *.!tis \lon:;a,r shall he gix-en 6y tuailinn such notice b}•
<br />~ eertiFecl uasil addressed ro Bormwer at the Pro?k 1iy ~ddrrs ststc+i below- ezce;n fm- snr notice required tinder
<br />paragraph IS laereoi to be given to Barma~r an ;' e ;Wanner ;trescrthed i,y apphcslne l:ao'_ 3nv notice provided
<br />iorirE thin iIartgsge sls?I be deerued to Iar~~ been ,ruse to Berroccet o'hrn tic~en in the :usurer designated herein.
<br />15. Uniform Mortgage: Goeezning Law: Severability. This tan:: of nrartane ~ omhines uniform cotenants
<br />for national use and non-mtiform cotenants ts-i*.it limited tsrisrians by ;urisricfiat: to consti"tote a uniform secu-
<br />rit}* instrunxnt coveritl_s rest praput}-. This Mon~agt• si:ail i+r ;;ot•rrnc+i h}- the l:tn of the tut:sdiciian in which
<br />Lhe Propeut~ is locator: Ir- the scene ti;st sn}• pretisian er c?susa• of this \lortra~: or rhv \otc cantlicts with
<br />applicable law, such rantliet shall vet aifert other pmtisions of this \lartgagc ar hc• \att a-hirh can be given
<br />erTeet without the canflictirg protisima, sad tc :his erd the Inotisimts of the Mortgage :utri the \ote are declared
<br />to be ceverable.
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall he furnished a coniornarrl con} of ibis \tartrage at. the time of execu-
<br />ti0ri'ar Sfter h'eardatlOn hereaI.
<br />19. Trmr~er of the Property: Assumption. I? all er any :part of the Propert}• or an interest therein is sold
<br />ar transferred by Borrower withoci. Lander-_ ?actor stritten consent, excluding qs? the. rrestion of a lien ar encum-
<br />branax=rti3ordinate is this ~Iorgage, ~t++ the creatiar. of a putrhltse manse secant}- interest for household appli-
<br />snces. ic? s trsncier br devise, descent ar ?;}- a;xrstion of la•, una*~ rite •ieatlt ai a joint teannt or idl the ,r:~ttt of
<br />any leasehold interest of tlr.-c'? }•ears ar I~ not containin::tr option to ;+urchase. Lendet• may. st Lender', option,
<br />declare sIl *_ite st„„s eernred br this liartznge so be inunedisty?}- dre and psyab?e. Lee-.der shall hate waited such
<br />opt;;on ttr sr.•elerate ii, prier is tlx sale ar trsnsier, Lender sod the ]hrsen to wlraW: the Propersc is to be sold or
<br />tran_sfetied reach a~=reer3zm ir= firiting t33st tlt:~ rt•rdit of sorb taet•son i> Uitisiactor}• to Lentirr and that clue intermit
<br />parable on the arms ~rured b}= this Mortgage shnil I,e at >urh rate as Lender shall request. h Lender has waited
<br />tlse option to aeeelerste prodded in this ;?srsgraph I ~ and ii Barrow er's s:tccessar in intet~st furs executed awrit-
<br />tra assumption a~+reernent accepted in w.^iting b;. Leader. Lender shat' release Berraxter from ull obligations under
<br />this ?«;tutgage and the',tiate-
<br />If Lender eserc~ sorb option za sc-:•elerite. Lender sns7! rust] Borrower notir`e o; arceiet-aiiun in accordance
<br />w-itla bra.>h I# bonta~. ~ur.'a rozicr ,1s11 u*+e ido ~s Iwriod of a,at Ira titan ail ds}-c tram the date ilte Waters is
<br />mailed within a}air]: Barraaer zevy} t,a}- tl:r suttt- rirclsr•.: dui- Ii Berrawer isi?s zo;+a}- such ~.._.-- prior zo the
<br />exnirtttion of suelr period. Lernler tas} t' itlu.ut ioniser nc+tlvx• or etnatt~i eta Bnrmaczr, inaa:?::~ sn_: t~medix~ per-
<br />.~ by psragxapla i3 hereof.
<br />\r,x,_T w; rrrnus~ ('rat•r.:. ~•r~ ii.,rrt±~:~..- ,•n.l I anttt-E- lEt E-t1EaE• .~,,z-..tlx~nt ;-;Eta gr r_,xY ~ fallxlll-•;
<br />18. Aaa~sarriom: $emed-sea. morel>t a- q:.rortr,yl it, turagrai,l; l: }n~rx~uwi •a}aan Harrower- bn~srh of ant
<br />novrnant or agmeenent of $artcanc•r ir. =''-;as 1}artgs~c, including tc:c covenants ra p:r} ati9x•n .hn° ar.}• awns secured
<br />by this ~llctttgagc~. ~nda~~ ;Error to arrr,er:etEC*r< ,l~li t:.:,i1 netts.., *.~a Bxxrrou ~•r :.-;:ro. t:i.~ m ixaragru;rl. 18 hereii
<br />±eii~flng. +2; Xhe L+:~~s~. •'_rt tl~r arirr~n nalutn,i ts+ ruas~ noel, ?+r<-sr~L. ,;;~ a ;1ut.~. not Jos than title[}- da}•s
<br />fromtlaedtatethr~noraeeis u:aiktt to He:runrr- bt nhieL -ur1: hrK;teh u;ust he rur~•d. s;tr? ~$r that failure to cure
<br />~ueia i+r~.aeh on cs beSara-• t?te date :pretfied in ti,e natt~• s:rx}- t•r.ult En ar.,elrsstt,,n of the souls seruntii b}+ this
<br />Jlartgage and wie of the I'*v;?ert~x•. Ii tlse htesrh is not eurcvi on nr beiora~ t hs dart- speri5cd m the native, Lender
<br />at Lender's aptiata vsav sierlam all of tnr sort:: secured l,y this \Iongagt• to ire- nzunr:i.xtelc due .utd pagao!e
<br />ssithaut ftrztlser demantf st;d tmsx- iorerlase tints 1lartgagc t:}•;udirial proreedinR Lcndr•r shall iav rntatlrtai to collect
<br />in ~ur$ I:roeeec3ing aIi aapenscs s+? ;oret•losurc, inriu~.iing. but m~+t limited ti. :tests of darwnentan• etidence,
<br />abstracts atxi rith repo12 _
<br />29. Darsew~r'a Bight ZO Bye. \atwirhstanding IRnder's arr•eleration at ttze sonar secured be this
<br />h4txtgage.; Bmtrarrer attar] base rim right to Rare any ;srt>ic•tdings tvegun b}- bender to crforre thi' ~lertgage dis-
<br />> xt say time prior to entav of x judgment e~f!trr;nr chi= \lerigage ii: ~a! Bn*roaer psis L-ender alt
<br />sumaarlrit~ mould be then due turd this _lortgage, the \ote an;? notes securing future :tdtanee„ if ant. had no
<br />a>a~t off; iby $orrov:t•s.z;.~ ail hreatchr. of sr.}- other rarerar;tc nragrcemenzs of Barron•er con-
<br />taiaed in this Mazes; Irl Borrower paps ail .^earsonat~le exiwr~~ inrurrt~rl b} ihnder in enInrring the cotenants
<br />sad asrer~ta of Bogrow•er eozttsintxl in t'tti: \Inngat;c and in et:JOrcing I.cnder'~ renaedie~. ss proridett in para-
<br />l 1;4 sxrraf, i~l°~ir~, .~.,.q ~ l€~ za, ;^ea~.:.,ar}lam a ..r:x'~ i~c•:: an:; 13nrr~:s~ r sake: ,urh aet:ian as
<br />Zm~er try rraessnably to aizsure teat the lien of ziais 3iortga;:t . Ixnder's imcrest in the Property and
<br />Bont'+a7er'e obtgat~xi to pay the sasnsa s>enuted In• tlti> ~4ortgal;r >?tall cestttinue unimp»iretl. Ir;wn ,ueh payment
<br />azd eauc try Brano~eea•, this ~[oztgdsge aml the tatsligation- iecured laett•by -1;all remain in full force and effect as if
<br />m ~ had oceurre+d-
<br />$0. ad Rta~r Ay~abrs~ed d 8eoei3er: Leader is Poesetagion. .s additional security here-
<br />z ~ shy a to l ~ r+enta of the Rranert s. tsmridecl that Barrou-er shall, prior to scseler-
<br />st~e at>drr }+ar~agca}s3t 18 ttereaf ar abandonment of the Pmlmrty, }rare the right to collect ttnd retain eueh rents
<br />as ttsey beerasedue azxl payable
<br />I!3pos ~ tmskr paragraph 18 ttemof at abandonment ai the Property. Lender, in Iverson, by agent
<br />su• by js~lly appoirs#ed receiver stLa;? be eistliled is inter ulwn- inks po;re_:sion of and manage the Property
<br />and to : the zezrta of Line Property, including (hose-past dug. 31i rent. collertetl b}° Lender ar the receiver
<br />shall be applied first to payzneat of idle its of management. of the Propert}' and collection of rem,, including, but
<br />not limited ta, receiver's fees, premiums an rnreiver's iwntls and rcasonalric attarncr's fee-, :vnd then to the ,ums
<br />__=_l~t~t~ 9a~}+-~~•L•~...vt,.~*~±~~~;~ Rt:utl!>n li.art~ te9r_zu:nt cr:ls~ for these ra•ntxurt-uall}' mrrit'ed.
<br />