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INDIVIDUAL <br />DUE ON SALE <br />OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br />SAVWGS FUND <br />FnRM No. 72t7-479 <br />~~ Loan Number__44309___-_188__ ___1_ <br />$fl~~39 MO~:TGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and esecuied this ~..__ ..__. day of ~ ti: 1 rJ . -,. A.D., <br />~' ~ ,~-' <br />19~t^., betlceen the'~fortgagor.. .Sharon E.. Bratm, a .single .person, - -. <br />of --Gragd_ Zslaad_--__-. • County of .. -Hal,.], _- -- _ ., State of Nebraska....., hereinafter referred <br />to as the $orrower, and the _lfortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SA~•ItiGS AND LOAN .4SSOCIATIOIV OF <br />LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Linrnln. Nebraska t'~R507, its ~umec~otw and aceigns, hereinafter referred to <br />' as Lender. <br />Wtrx~srx: That the said Barroa-er far and in ronsideration of the sum of Th?£v'TY FIVE THOL`SaND <br />__.....- <br />Si% HU;h'DR£D .IIv~ NOiI00 ----------------------- <br />-- ---- - ~ -- ~- _ ........... .... . _ -... _ .- _......._.... -Dollars (liS G.--~$>50-0..00-_ _..-._-. <br />paid hp said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the <br />fallowing described pmpem• located in the iounty of -.._--.....Ilail....._---..----.----, State of Nebraska: <br />The Easterly One Half {E~) of Lot Seven {7) in Black "A", of Boehm's Subdivision <br />3II LSrE LSCV {,i L,ra11d 1S13i1d, II321 i.v'Li lir--, YCUTaJFf3 <br />TocrSA with all the improveme-rts now ar hereafter erected on the properh•, and all easemants, <br />rights ~~~*'t~^-cues, rent_c, ravalti~. mineral, oil and gas right and profits, water, seater rights, and <br />water stock, and all ftztur+es now ar hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace- <br />ments and additions thereto, shall be dammed to be and remain a part. of the property et;vend by this <br />Isfortgsge; and all of f3se foregoing, tagethez with said property for the leasehold estate in the event this <br />age is an a leasehold? are herein referred to as the "Pmpertc•• <br />Bormomr eavenantc that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby com•eyed and has the right <br />to tmrtgage, grant. and convey the Property, that the Pmpem is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warrant and defend generally the title to the property agaimct all clairtLC and demands, subject to any <br />easeeteatts and mstrieiians li~-ted in a sclreduk of eseeptions io coverage in any title insurance policy in- <br />sunng Lender's in#erect itt the PmperL-s, or t_l attarnay°'s opinion of title from abstra.t of title certified <br />by banded altstracter <br />Paovttrsn 4t.wass, and these pt+er`.eats are eaerut~:d and delivered upon the following condstions, agree- <br />a~tts sad obligaiions a# the Borrower, io-xnt: <br />Tate Bot9cow=er agrees to pay to the Lender, or order. the principal sum of - 1'W~'TY - r IV£ 1'$O.taS,4ND - <br />--USX_.Ix~;It12AE12_,Aly'p.NO%~t1Gi ----__._..~ _,_r_~ Dollars IC'S S-- 25,600.t?0 , <br />payable as provided is a note esecvted and dehveml cvnc•urmntly heteuith, the fettal payment of principal, <br />if rmt sour paid, on the --. - First day of .. - February t~10 <br />LTr:t??a~ CouFtaat.*t~ Borrower and Lender cns=enant and agree as follows: <br />L Pagmasrt o3 prmcipcal mtd lataraai Borzower shall prnmptly pas when due the principal of and in- <br />tcxevct as floe indeb#eclns~. ec>idenced by the Nate, prepayment and lots charges as providrtl in tine Note, <br />aad the principal of and iaret>ast c?r- oar}' mature .tldvanre. cured by this 1Sarigage. <br />2 F>md$ kx imces ~ Irsurcmce. vu6iert to Lendei s opiian under paragraphs ~ and 5 hereof, $or- <br />rva~er r3rall pay #a L,errder an the day moatthl>- iastalltnrxrts of principal and interest are payable under the <br />Alate, uatif the Na#e is paid in full, a sum (hea;ein "'Funds"! equal to acre-tn•eifth of the yearly taxes and <br />t which may attain pnonti• over this 3iortgage, and ground rents an the property, if any plus <br />r~-t'f•,} of y~av p*en_+ium sns#a3lmerrts for hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of }-eariy° premium in- <br />far mottgaga insurance, if an}, all as reasonably eatimat~ initially and from time to time by <br />L cur tlm bads ai $""'--ts acrd hills and rr~sonable estiznat~ thereof, Lender shall apply the Funds <br />to pay said farces, eaae.,.srnents, insurance premiums and ground rnttGc. Lender shall make no charge for sa <br />soul applyitsg the Funds or verihittg and compiling :aid assessments and bills. The Lender shall <br />give to the B~rvwer, xithnut char, an arurual atrountiag of the Funds shosittg credits and debits to the <br />wads and floe pctrpoae ~' vvltirh arch debit to the Funds a>as made. The Funds are pledged as additional <br />ara~ity foss the areas acts-cad by this I-'iwtgage. The agtaes that the Funds may be held by the <br />I.asder sad rstit other tondo and the Lender's awn funds and the Lender may pay such items <br />fxar eta oaete fautuds sad tJee Lem shall not be liable far interest ar dividends on such Funds. <br />It the;Meet of the Ft~ds held by I.eedar, together with the future mont!:ly instalhaents a# Funds <br />~ ~_~ + dtctas of taws, asse~r>etr#a, ia~sttrance pnemirmra and ground rents, shall exceed <br />at+ar~tt m said fosse, a~earaneata, fnaursaca pr~rtiums and ground rents as they fait due, <br />sra~ a~as shad," by at ~r'a ~ eit3rar Envmptiy d to Btmawer or credited to $orroxer nn <br />rtxmt6l'y eta of Ftrnda, It asetruat of tike Fundad by Leader shall sot he suH'*_cient to pay <br />~. premiums and grveutd ren;a as they fall due, Borrower shalt pay w Lender <br />~Y at~xmi is aasJee uP tic 9 within thirty days after notice from Lender to Borrower <br />~i$ lit or Borttrrver shall, by a;t iractrsarre in monthly inat,allmentc of Funds rca;uired, <br />Y tl~ drf. tc-~rry xithin the i^und atxountittg period <br />I?pcnr payerGaf its full nt all saran sacttred by 'thin Aiortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />a~i,~st ~l .amr, <br />