fl~""'(~i~:~a~t`~ N:GRTGAGE
<br />This Mortgage is entered into between ~~ ~ and J.~µ!' fCP.Y BOS.SFZA'LAN. HU517aIY-i
<br />and Wife a5 Joint Te~nartts ______ (herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />843E oV~R2IAND NATIf~3AL BANK QF GRAND ISI,ANDr Grarrd Island, Nebraska (herein "Mortgagee").
<br />Mort~gar ~ indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sntn of ~ SQ OQt).QQ~ ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated J+32?tk'i.Y'S' 24 ~ Z98Q (herein "i,Tote"1 providing far payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indebfednt~, if not sooner paid, due and pacable on- DEMAND, with lntereSt payable quarterly beginning
<br />.May i i~ga.
<br />,: ~fo secure the payrznent of the Nate, with interest as protiided therein, the payment of all other stems, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to pratzci the security of this Mortgage, and the pertarmance at Lhr cocenanis and agteemepts of
<br />flee Mortgagor contained heroin, Itlorigagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />property located in Fi~l l wunty, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (i) in Biotic Faa (°-), Renlat of Riverside Acres to the City of
<br />Grand island, Nebraska
<br />Together with all hnildings, ;mprovemenu, 3-ix-tares, streets, alleys, passagewa}°s, easements, rights, privileges and -
<br />~ touted thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the mnt> tssurs aztd pmlds, tevetsians and ttrtainders
<br />thrreeti; iar.3ttdtag„ but not hmitrd to, hrai~ng and cooling equigment and such personal property that is atiac3ted to the
<br />its so as to coastitute a fixture; sit of whir-h. inr3uding teplaczmeais and additions Utereto, is hereby dedareci
<br />to be a part ~ the rat estate secured by the liea of this \longagr and al! of the foregoing being refemvl to hereto as the
<br />"propel^-
<br />frrtbzi ooevraants aad agrees, wish Martgager, u Follows:
<br />1- Papmest- To pat the ~ and the interest thereon as pnvided in this Mortgage attd Wz Note.
<br />3. 15t1;e- 14nrt.~rgtar Ts the owner at th^ Proprrt}, ha+ the nght and authanh to mortgage Ihp Property, and
<br />~tmnta t~ha~t'~the Lien created herrby is a fuse and pricer hen on tt;r Property. except as may otherwise hr set forth herein.
<br />ctf tend Ise ~i~ma adarigagz rcnereu, _~?e_F~uitahle Suilclinv & Zoan Association
<br />is ikte , rre~atded at Book t'ttl . 2'agr' -551_- _ of ihr Mortgage tlecards of S~'L.? ~tY,
<br />vrizieit trataRgage s a beat prior to ttse lien t-traaed herea-..
<br />f (kher Frier nests ar encutrttuancrs: --_--.._.---- --: _-- -- _ -
<br />3 Taxes, Aamt~tc To pay whin due ale ta?ies, ~,prria; ast~ssmenu and aft other charges agaitrst the Ptopert}°
<br />aced. upon a'r31tN demwd §y , io add to ihr payments inquired under the Nate secured heretty. sorb amattni as
<br />nay be arffirarsxt to enahir tttz Mortgagee to pay sum taxes, tess~mrnU or otirrr c~ftarges as they become due.
<br />- Y. 1 7o kaep the improvements na>s os hereafirY located a,9 the rest estate described herein insured
<br />a dssutpe by 3tte aced raa3t otter harm'ds :s 1#arigagee ma} rrquite- in amounts and weth companies acceptable to the
<br />', anal tvuh Sams pasabie to thr 2Aostgaeee- to roe at toss urtdrr sudt poileies the Mortgagee is wdtoriaed to
<br />adpea, oa~et aced comapaasmiaz, in eta ditrsetiott, all c5attna ihereundzr at its sole opcioa, authorized to either apply the
<br />pratueds w the nor ~ the Pmopeziy` ar ttpan the mdebtc~9nr: 3 seruevKl brrrby, but pa}°ments hereunder shall ~n-
<br />tihar tatli7 ~ arms azertrd ate paid in fcdt.
<br />5. ~ For 7'aaes ,rod ;EatmialACe. ?:mwithstanding anything captained in garagraphn 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />'y kinrtga)~or tthaA pqv to itre liori~re at the time of paying the manihiy installments of principal and interest,
<br />- - -- ~ hf - `, ~~, t,a<.s.^d itss_tn.^^oa prensiutrss, and grottn_d trots (it any) which may attain a
<br />pare~y tamer s • ~ as ready ,estimated fits taste to titer b}° the ktait;ogee. The amcwnts so paid shall be
<br />hdd ~ t~ie';rde rvitWout interest apd applied to the paynwnt of We items in inspect to which rude amounts were
<br />datpbaaiead.'fLa-~ ~ !ace ' 3erettndzr are pledged as addiGottal sttatrify for the indebtedoers seeared by this
<br />•~Pay isr liGar#~e the atnotmt at any deficiency between the actual taxes. assessments, irtsutaoce
<br />pt ate geasd raa{a attd t1re Bits heretmder wiiitin i0 days after demand is r.-at4e upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />i~ .
<br />& Rep~r„atad"iTan.' To psartptiy repair, to+sWre or rebuild any 6uildangs or improvements now or
<br />heir stn ire ; to liaep: C~ ~rt~+rrtg in good condition and repair, without waste. and free from mechanic's or
<br />tdhaa)!e~ netttm Ar4aomi3inated to rite ilea taerzaf; sort to make, suffer ar pe[mit any nuisance to axis!, nor to dlmin~
<br />idr tar tetyuEr the valtte,tmLtite.~ by any set ar eautssitrr+ w act; and to comply with all mquimments of taw with
<br />to the Proof7aaty:
<br />