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T.HE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVEri. GREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as herrinbehtre prrrvided. - -' <br />a 3~". ~,.3•• "~ 4 <br />That the. Ikioatgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to .sell and <br />rnnvey fhe same atrd_that'the same is free and clear of ary lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />title to said premises again9t,tlie cfaims of all persons whomsoever. <br />To pay immediately when due gird payable atl „caeca! taxes, special taxes special assessments, water charges, sewer sere- <br />. ice charges, slid other taxes aril charges agalnaf said property, and aU taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to tarnish the <br />Mortgagee. ufain request; Stith the original or duplicate receipfs therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there shall ire added to <br />each me>nthly payment required hereunder nr itnder the evidence ut drht secured hereby an amount estimated by the \tortgager <br />ww~~t to be stfftisent to enable tkre A.nrt„~agee to pay, as they became due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charge: upon the prem- <br />a-.I .ices subject thereto; spy deficiency because of the insu6tciencp of such additional payments shall be Forthwith dcposited by the <br />Mortgagor wit3i the -IKartgagee ttpon demand by fhe ltorigagee- Any default under this paragraph :half be deemevf a default in <br />''y~ payment of-taxes, asset meat,-r,r simiiae charges regtiirrd hereunder. <br />;~ The Mortgagor agmes that there shall also be sdded to each monthly payment of priori pal and irterrsi rrauird hrn- <br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Moitgagee to pay, as it becctmea dur, the insurance <br />premium mt any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any drficir•ncr because of the tnsuffirtem'y of curb addetional pay- <br />inents shall he forthwritlt depznitrcl by the \ior2gagor with fhe Mortgagee upon demand by the \iortgag r• .a nv de(ault undrr this <br />paragraph shall )x deemed a default in the payment nt insurance premizamc If the Ix,'ir: :, poL, ir. ;i. ;a-• :+,. ,i .< .., ._< <br />oa+rters nr ati risk policies, and the deposifi are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagrr may apply thet depn.~^t to <br />pey prwniums nn risks requfretf io Lie insured hr this morigage- <br />Payment made by the Mortgagor under the aixt.•e paragraphs may, at the opti+tn of the 'sfortgagee, F,e held by it amt <br />rxxnmingled with other wch funds er it nun fund: tilt the payment of curb items, and unfit set appliert, such pavmrnts are hrrebv <br />pledged as struriiy for the unpaid Salanxu of the mortgage indebtedness. - <br />To p:ttcure, deliver io, and maintain for the h•nrti[ .,f th,• \tnrtgagee during the li{e ut this mortgage original pulictrs and <br />renewals thereof. delivered at !rest ten days before the rxpirau+,n .,f any such pee7icae_s, anw rmg against fare and ether ansu table <br />haxarAc eaavaltir.E ssut ~ - .;~ u.,,..~~ <br />--- ------• --- _-----'= ~ ~_-~_• a ~F :non - ~ ~„~_•, in +n arnatint equa# to fire irtdebtcdness strurex! by this <br />Mortgage. and in cmaipanies aa~eptable to the \tortSagrr. unh Ir:>. pacahle rlau-ce an favor of and in form aa-eptahle fo the ~inriga- <br />gee. In the event any polity is nox rnrirueci un ur trtS.ire ten sacs nt rt_e rx pars uon, the \furtgagee msy pnrure insurance un the <br />iatPraveaaeaty. pay 'tttr premium therefor, and such sum .halt her .me tmmeadaatrly dur and payable with intros[ at the rate set <br />inrth in ssid rx ie until paid and :hail }u >T•cund by ihas mortgage Faafure rm the part et ihr liortgsgor to furnish wrh renewals <br />as ate herein requited or failure to pay any sunte adyan,rd hen undrr shall, at ihr .,peon :,f ihr Mttrigager- ronstitutr a drtault <br />under fhe twins of iht_c mort,;agr. Thr delivery of such lull icirs shall, ~n the et rot „f default, cztnsututr an assignment o£ the un- <br />earned Premium <br />Any- slim: rttc~ived by ;he Mc,ztgagee by reason ci liyss ,~: damage :nsurrd against may hr rrtainecl by the \lurtgagee <br />aix3 applitai xrnrard Lhe pay-meat +*{ the dept lie:t•hy .s«`urrd, or, st ihr npuon of ihr '<lurtgagee, such sums either wnnlly ar in <br />part may i+e paid caer io the Mangagor to ttr used m npalr such buildings nr to build-neu buildings in !brit nlacr nr for 3nv <br />oiksrr purptoe or objRt attsia K.on tit the i9z.ngpgre without sfircting the lien on the marfgage for the full amount >erurerl here- <br />by fsefcue surli pay-eneat rrez took place. <br />To prEtmptly repair, rc::.{gym <,r ra-f<uild any hu,;din,.s ;:r impro3~emencs na.. ...r *,rnafier .,n the prrmisrs which may he- <br />tome 3amaged or desfroy<.i: to keep said ;+nmase~ ui gi..d r,ndtunn and repair and fn•r £n~m any mrchanic~s hen <.r other hen or <br />claim e<i lien xac<i expressly suivrdtnatrd to the Tien kterxd. not to suAer „r pern,.t any unlawful oar +.f or any nuisance to exist nn <br />sr,id pngxrty oar to prrrnii waste m said I.rmmis<•s. nor tr. do any c.t her art whereby the pnv rrty hereby conveyed shall ttecume <br />leas talttahir, nor to diminiskt nr impair ai valor !sv ar,, act r=r cvnis4ion to act: to :>:mplr uuh ail rrqutremerts u{ law with respect <br />to She nre+rtgagrd Premises and xktr use them,j. <br />That shauId fire prenuses +~+r ant ;tart zkx•r<-cif br tskrn :,r damsgrd by rrau,n +.f an. puhhc amprovr,--.:rot ur condemnation <br />paoeetdtng, :>r untk-r ihr right c,i exrirrni .•'.cunain..•r xa sit 4- other tnannr r. the \S:,;xga;,:.<T ,hat: 6,~ rnuiFt•r.i -., a71 +c,mprnsauans. <br />awands, anti ai.y n:km-r }taxmen[ ,:- .-<~1+r; :hr. ri,.r, anti s:;i?: i,r :nttl:d. nt a., _:pn: n. .: ,: r .e- < - _ ... sn ;nc , - <br />eaar ita2nf am aL2itln x,r prcz•rding, z,r tz; tnake any compr-anise nr settlement m ronnertiun with sucl, taking or•darrtage~Alt such <br />caa~easati,~a, a>oards damage;. right of xtie>n and pn>zrrts arc hereby assigned t:. the Mtu[eaere. who tnav, after dedu_nin„ <br />titrrefrom ail ire exF+-rsses, releasr~ any mnx+eys se rrterstsi hy- it a,r a, plv- uhe saiae <:n _re~ :a,lrhtelnr-..aurrd t:.rr-t.} i'he \irri~ <br />t~trr a;reets 20 ezttcvtr sucfa furikx•r a~nmrnt>•, of an?; raurapen.atn+n-. awanis. tiamnges, acrd nghts cI acii:v3 axxi , ntceads as the <br />ltiorRS+L'~' tea! teefnsre. <br />TAu is resit of failure to prrft:rm arty a,t ttsr cvvenanto- herein. tilt;<-r mqy do <,n the tSnrtt;ag.v'> F,eftalf every thing <br />ae cwenattW.xl; t3ut3 fir Mter>tg~, r raa3• a}.;;, do any xt ,*- mxy drrm r;:-chsari 7., I:micrt ihr lien ifternut: that the hiurigagur uill <br />ngmy ugoa spy moneys pout or dasburse><i hi tits li,.vtc a.ri- for any r.f ihr al+..vr tturp<.s<•s. and such moneys together wiik <br />iatereat il>wrrPaKt st the rate pna^rdrd :n said note ;;}+a}i Mcomr 5„ rw<h addiu:,na! inurht<.:lnrs~ hrrrby~ ,<x-aced and may- ire it <br />dudad is our decoct ftuear)x„iitxg this mortgage acrd tae paid vat o£ tl%r rents z,r pn-,ec~da nt sstr .:f :aid l+rrmises it not nthrrw is~y f <br />paid; f23at it rltalT ax be nfdigaiory alum ihr `.ainrtgage-<• to irtqu:rr anxx, file t-ai:ditr~ of any ben- ern uzr~bra-cis, s.r claim in a <br />vaDCaati~ .mntte)z sw ak,.ewt auLrorirxd, feu: nothing hereon c-++ntaattad skull L>r canstrurd as rcttuinng the Mortgagor to advance any <br />moxrrys foe eta}- stcii rurpcne nor t<, do ae:y ;<.; hr:Y•:;n3rr. and thei hir,rt rngrr >ha!! n<.i in.-ur any lier.unal 1,aiti€ity t•,r:ausr of anypq <br />d aav do ar omit to do t+enewseder. tir+t <br />Tit tie tt~mt ai ihr atdwtt by ;14wK~ in the payrtsxni of any irtata!lmtm. as regaittd by ihr IVute sexured hers-Fly, cr <br />rn tLe performantr cd the adti,sri..,n in x:^.ir mcrgags ur ::r u,+.: .^,.:ta^ .<x-urrri ttta-re6y. the :l r,ngngc~ s}.xii t.< .r,;i tl<~.; t, rx~ thi- <br />t~ktt tiamred laest~y due ar~i *.aat3trtt ws!hz~t a.-d.:tte, slid tkse Mr.rigag« seta#f ire rnutieri at tt .,puon, wit h,+ui noxitr, either by itself <br />to a5 a textawrt' t<' ht' apia;,itttxsi try ihr =-;tort thereof and without regard io ttse adequacy o{ any srcu.rity lur ihr tndrhtrdnrsa w- <br />rtretd 3+.~^e!»_ t~ -tntt~r uy+c^n arc3 take g,a.,ysrssx,r: of the m.<rtgaged prtrriaes, and t:, cvlieet and receive the r.~r,t-, i. ,, e., and lv: fits <br />ti3c•rtaf. and apptt t}e came.. less riisu of tyteratiun aria cr+T3ecuon. upot the indrbirdrts~ .r.__-<d t. - ... ., <br />- ,.•. y ;•,. .,.<;tiEage. said rr;:icy <br />itasi>ra tgsd'pttr53a t+~[ latitdry +itNigrtt•,3 to Ehr ~Iarigagec as fvrikrer ;crucify- Iar the pa: mini of all indehiednrc. =rcur~f harrh_r. <br />7ite ~aaf~te eiucH Itaure toe piatrrr tr, appoint any isP,ent ar agents it may de.sin for ilw purltoar i.i rr;iaart rg ;arc! prem- <br />saev., eefitxaR ttct aattae, cxr9ectirtS Ebr txmtc, rrveifaie~ and incaxne, and it t7Yay pa> nut at said inceane all extrencrs in<^ttrred :n rent- <br />~ and aea»»iap ilse same toad cd rtdieeiirig the rctrxn}c x#rerrf xsaar Tht• t,alance rrmaamng, if any. sltal3 ?~< apphrrl u,ward ihr <br />disa$age $ t#tt ittdehiadrteca.. This auignmrnt to Yo tr=rrnirutr and f~•<.me null and taut upon rrlYUx- .:f ohta mortgage <br /> <br /> <br />