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<br />$©-°- ~ii~522 <br />To HavE axn To Hot,n the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein prof ided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants kith, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has go„et righC to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from eneumhranee, except as het•einuthet•;eie rf cited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />-and defend the same against the lawful claims of all person; ;t homsoc~-c=r. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all tights of homestead, all maz•ital rifeitts, citlzer in la;v ar in equity-, and all other contingent interests of <br />the lortgagor in and to the above-desct•ibed premises. <br />Peot•insn ALVi:ai's, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallo;sing conditions, to <br />wit: <br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgage, aratder, the aforesaid principal suttz ;with interest f rata date <br />at the rate of Eleven and one half Pee' centum (11.5`0 per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />fihe said principal and interest shall lze parable at t he office of Mortgage Plus incorporated <br />in Englewood, Colorado , or at sitclz other pl.zce :zs the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivezed ar mailed to the Martgagar, in rzantlzh° installments of Four Hundred Eighty Five and 59110 <br />Dollaz~ {3 485.54 ), c,~nznzencing an the first da}' of March , 19 80 ,and continuing on <br />the farst day of each manih thez•eafter until sail Hate is full}- paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of princiluzl and interest sl;a':i be due and parable: or. the tit•st day of February, 2010 ;all <br />according t~ the terms i1f a certain promissory- note of eves date herr?cith executed by Llte said dortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor farther agrees: <br />I. He n•ill pay the iudebtedness, as hereinbofore proc9ded. Pri~•ilege is reszrced to prepay a#. any <br />fume, without premium ar ice, the entire- Indet,tt•dness or an>- part thereof Hat leas than the amount of one <br />in>•.allment, or one hundred doll. (Slt)tl.{10}, whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on <br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an instalment due date, need not I?e credited until <br />the ne~-t followirre installment due date ar thirty dais rafter such areoavment. whichever is earlier_ <br />'.~.. Together with, ar_nd in addition ta, the nu,nthh- payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the terms of the Hate s~un~ti hereby. Mottgagcx- as ill pa>• io 3fortgxge, as txusiee, (under the terms of th;s <br />irvst as hereinafter stated} an the first day of each month until said note is fusty paid: <br />(n) 3 sum equal to the grzund rents, if az:}'. next due. plus the preminnzs that twill next become due <br />and payable cm IxeLcies of size and =.Ahi•r hazard insurance covering the mortgaged Pr`oper'ty. <br />plus ta_ses and a~seiarztents next due' on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the 3iort- <br />gagee• and of zchich she- \iartgagar is n:~tiiied? ?ess alI sums alzeady paid therefor divided by <br />the numt>t'r of months u, ,~lal>_~ 1,:•fi+re oua- month prior fa the date ?then such ground rents, <br />premiums, uses and as.e;-:n,a-nts ;~•ill i;,•r,.n3~ delinquent, such sums to be held b}• Mortgagee <br />in trust to Pay said t,.ound r, nts. premiums. taxes and special asst-ssments. <br />(3z1 's'he aggregate. „f tl;c . nx+unL-- payai??e• pursuant to subparagraph (et } and these payable an the <br />Hate secured hereby, shall t+a~ pstid iu a . itzgle payment Mach month, to be applied to the fol}ow- <br />ingitems In the order slat ~d <br />;t} grtnuni aYnis, t-axes, rzssescn,ents, fire and anther hazard insurance premiums; <br />t It i interest on tlze• note saw°., ra>d hereby ;and <br />(at71 sun rtisation ==f ti:e , rinripal cz" .;rid note. <br />_;ny deftci« ncy :z, the- >L-t;:-*a.nt +;,* :ant ;arse ;a~~*rc•gatc. n;onthly Paynxnt shall, unless made goad <br />fay the \i<+-tt,Yar;,=r l~rS<,r to ire du= ,i:,t.~ a.f the nest such payment, constitute an event of default <br />under itci- m,~rtgagc. At ~iortgaga•e's o,,tion, yi,:rtgagtrr will pay a "late charge„ Hat exeQed- <br />ing ft,ur ;a•r t. tst unr t I' ~ 1 of eery' instzll met;t to hen paid more than fifteen (151 days after the <br />date u~,a :?',r',-_. ,.,~,.,~, *.ltx ~xtr ~~t~irtsr-t,:..,, a,'...- ;dl•r:xiE-sir:quentpa}'rrients,biitsucli <br />"late cl,:kt-gr • .:all not t+~• psrablr r,ut ref tlte• iuweerats =,f any sale~maaie io satisfy the indebted- <br />ne:.s see-urc•,i lx rc-1,}, anicss suer, pr•:.;-,4.fs are ;utTicirnt to dSst:hargr the entire indebtedness and <br />ail gasper ci,;,,s easel exPt•nsts 4+i-ur<•d tht.t-ci,y. <br />3. If tare rectal of the pa}•ments made by #lte '~iarih+agor under t3) of paragraph.'. preceding shall <br />exoet~d five arsount of paymartta aetaal3}• made by the Alaz•tgagcr, as trtrsia e, for bnound rents, taxes and <br />assersamrurts or insurarxY premiums, as the rase may be, such excess shal# be credited by the Mortgagee <br />on sarbeegtren# gsymznta Lc be made by the A3artgagar tar such Stems ar, ai Mortgagee's option, as trustee, <br />shalt Ice m#unded to'ttart$agor. lf, however, such monthly payments ;hall not be sufficient to pay such <br />it~st ~ the same shall becutn~ due and payable, then the lartgagor shall pay ter the iortgagee, as <br />trustee: any amount necessary to male up the denciency trithin thirty t 3t7} day's after a ritten notice fmm <br />the A[arigagee stating the amount of the deficiency, w}tich notice may be given by mail. if at any time <br />i3te Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in at~ordanre ccith ilze proadsions a.f the note secured <br />hereby, #uiI garment of the entire indetrtcrtness represented thereby, tlzK Mortgagee, as trustee, shall, <br />is comgutirtg the amauat of suelz indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance <br />acrtrmtr3atxd nrsder the prow-isic~,a of (al of paragraph2 hereof. If there= shall be a default under any <br />u# +„ gzvs=isioas of this nsctr*.gage resultdng in a public sale of t}ze premises covered hereby, ar if the <br />Mortgagee aa7uires the propeeriy ather+c~isa aftex default, the ~lortgagtr, as trustee, shall apply, at the <br />tiaLe ai lire ccvumencenrent of such prcrc~aiings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the <br />astc.»nt t}~t rexaainir~ to credit the Mnrtgagitr under (rr) of paragz•agh2 preceding, as a credit ou the <br />interest acerued sad unpaid and the balance to the prineiptttl then rnmaining unpaid on said naGe. <br />~, The Ilea xr# this inatrumant shall remYin in full farts autl effect during any postponetnerat or exten- <br />s off-th~il of ~}want of the indehtciness or artq Bart iherca?f secured hereby, <br />S. Ha mill gay all ground rents, taru~, assirssrrzerzts, aat,er carve, and crater gaverumeutai ar rnunici- <br />gal eiratg~. futett, t}r irngusitiarus, levied aptrtz traid gremisea and that he will lwy xlI taxes lt~vi<'<I upon ;.his <br />tntertgatge, r:r the debt. returrd thereby, together vriUr any s;il:e•r taxc=s ar asseitsments psi;ich ma>' be levzed <br />rrnderthe lasraof Kebraakaagainstt~ Sior#g"rgee,ar the k-ual 1:<:ld.-a- =,f said i;rincipai Hutt-. un a,-count of <br />t3ris irtdtabtedrre~, r*sc~gt shun {-,aJ=recur fur all surlt items ltas ihFr-fafars= i,°.,~a~t; tna,l,r rt;Elrr ter) of p+zra- <br />graglt 2 13ercticf, aad hF sill gt•omixtly deliver thzt offrcial rac+;,pig the=r<for to ih.~ }t,if tgtigc-r. ltz default <br />theretif~~ Moriy~tgc~t may 1~?; the satna>. <br />