<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with rrtortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, trade and executed this lst.- day of February ,A.D.
<br />I980 ,by and between Laurence J. and Debra A. Wicht, husband and wife
<br />of tht County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska. parip of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and AfOR2GAGE PLDS INCORPORATfiD
<br />f acorporatior.organizedandexisiingunder[helawsof t*[e United States of America
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter call ed the Mortgagee,
<br />WTTNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Five Thousand Seven
<br />Hundred and ODJlDOttts ---------------.-------- Dollars ($q5, 70D, DO ), Paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acktxawledged, has Granted attd Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sell, Carve}• and Confirm unto [he Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />t'ea! estate, situated ~n the County of Hall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Thirty Four (34), Wolfe's Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />X33 its, ;'.~,ra~~a.
<br />of sht Sirgh Aieridian. rornai~ in afl Citp Property
<br />sturar~raey=
<br />acres according to Gtrtirrn-
<br />TO HAt E AND TO HOLD the premises ataovr dew-lred. xiii[ al! itx appurienantts thetruota belongYng a~ intruding
<br />~ hmti~, !~ and fightiag frxuu'es s~ eatt~atent raw ,-sr hertaf*er attaci~f to ~ used in coaaection with said real estate
<br />€the Mme, az+d t•[t hs tatcoessax aitd assigns, foreare4. The Mortgagor represents to, afar covenanas with. tht Matga-
<br />pee, the ibe Mortgagor has good right to sell aiad cnnt+ry said premises: that they arc frce from encumbrance; aad first the
<br />Jdm;geopcir w~ warraat a~ defend the same atraiast the law ful clatter of all ger.ntt- ..;i~reevm: aed i~ ~it3 ?~~-~~r At:+e-
<br />1-'y s afi rs of ~, aed ail msrcia3 ; ig,#as, either in }.zw ~ is may, amf ai3 otAer waent interests of rim
<br />a± and to theabove-drfa~ sren~t the in~nticm being u, convey ikrtby as absolute title, in fee simple, inctud-
<br />~ a~ rights ~ ht>setErad, and odtn rights and interests as afnresaid.
<br />PItOL'iflED ALWAYS. and these presents are esecute•d and de5ve€ed upon the fallowing conditions, to wit:
<br />'ILr #i®tt~agt>r agrees to pay to rite Aiatgagre, rx order, the principal sum of Forty Five Thousand Seven
<br />i3tistdsad atiid DD~'l{?Dt3ts Dolton tS .#5, ?EJD, DD t, with interest from
<br />due at the true of EleveIt 8t1d tffie h81£ per ceatum i >fl . SD `9n) Per anaum on
<br />~e t~said ha3asce ' paid Tate said l at>rI in'a°rest sh[dl tae pa}'able a[ tht: o~tCC a Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />~ Eagles, ~alorrsda
<br />. or at such other prate as the bolder of
<br />~e aoer stay designate in tvritiag, in morttidy i~allrtsrntz of (according to sciteda_le A attached to said
<br />asytei ---- ---- - Dotlrrz iS -----~-_-~~--~--~__ ). commending an t!x fits[ day of
<br />[saes[ A®d, es+xpt mat the fiot3 , l~ 8©. ate on the first day of tech taonth thereafter until the principal attd in-
<br />~~ payment of pritxipal and iatetest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and
<br />Tsyt~e day ~ February gDlp : atI according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory aurae d ertm dame htiremah enoeuted try i~te road Mongagor.
<br />~s
<br />?,c <.
<br />The ldctttgagKtr ire ndrr tnsee tt~y ~ pretest the s7rsnity of this Mortgage, agras:
<br />1, Thai he ril nay the ied~oei, ~ htreet+i~+are I? ='v~d_ i'riv is res'rv~+ a~ pry rte d.-b! tat whole. x in an
<br />~ s ame nr sate say payateats oa tts principal that are [text due on the note, un the first day of any month
<br />prier is s~cit3"- fl+ovided, isotec~, That vnrstr~a norsce of an ~tentixm ha exereise such privilege is even at Least thirty (34)
<br />days N'mr b pr7epayteess.
<br />i1tM. +ritit. sad is nddi4og u+, rho monthly paymtnts of principal and interest payable under the terms of the
<br />ao~e sts~b! itasesby. doe k4tt~r t+~ pay s riot )-4nrt~gae, tm the fire day of each month until the saig note is fully paid, the
<br />snsa:
<br />' (a) Atttasst wiiioitnt to prot~e [tit hstiAer htraof with fumis to paq the [text mortgage insurance premium if this
<br />irtststintent attd the rttee tatixtttd hereby are irtautcd, or a monthly ritarge (in lien oJa mnngage inmmnce pre-
<br />+1 if thry are Mild by Hit Secreeary of tftxurstg anti Urban Developtttent, as follows:
<br />(i) if and tun ~ as said note of torte date and tit's instruntertt are insured or arz reinsured under the pro-
<br />visN+ns of the IaLtioitd Htmsaig Act, art atitaunt twfftcient to accumulate in the hands of the h older one
<br />SATE OF ?~iL;$itA:iKA
<br />~~~'~ Ed7iiona aR F M A-2 i A3NA (t O~17
<br />