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THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbrfore prove ~ 3';? <br />~~'- ~ <br />That-the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has 'good right end lawful authority to sell and <br />convec the same and that the same is free and clear of any teen or encumbrance; and that Mortgagee ++~i1t .+~arrant and defend the <br />title to said premises against the c}sims of all persr.ns whomsoever. <br />To pay irnmediatelp vt+hen due and payable all general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes ahd charges-against said property, and all taxes lecir ,i nn th+• drFet secured hereby, and to tarnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon request; wtith the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The \inrtgagor agrees that there shall be added to <br />each monthly payKrtent required hereunder nr under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated ny the ;tlortgagee <br />to be sufficient to enable tkte ASorSgagee to pa}', as they' become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem- <br />ises srrhject thereto- any daficienn' Mrause pf the ins5ifficierry o! suctr addiL~ansl pa}'meats shall hc• forthwith deposit=_•d by th=-• <br />Mortgagor write the Mort~;ee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph .hall be deemed a default in <br />1~ payment of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder. <br />l~ The ]llartgagor agrees that three shall al,+o he sdded to each monthly pas•ment of principal and intere.t. required here- <br />rtnder an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to t»• settficient to enable the \Sortgager to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium on any insurance policy drlicered to the \&.rtgagee. Ant denarne} F»•cause n[ the in uffieieney of such additional pay- <br />ments shalE to forthwith den<<rcftrd by the Murt gagor with the \}ortgagee• uixrn demand by the -Mortgagee. Any default under <br />paragraph shall be deemed a default m the Pacmenf of in urasar pre~mioms If the ix+licy or policies depaaited err such as itime- <br />' nw-ners nr all rsk policies, and the de}xsit a rsuttit~ent n+ pa_. ihr ..u„< , n-mium. ;hr hlnrtgngor ma~~ apply ihr drt,e.~it !n <br />}.? pay premium: an risks required to tee incur i b}• this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the \Sortgagor under the space paragrapn~ may. ai the olet:nr, of the \Sorteagre, tx~ held by it and <br />rommingled with tuber such t•,tnds nr its awn iund~ for ihr payment of s::ch item., and unit) so applint, such payments err hrrrfic <br />pledgeri a: security- far ihr unpaid balanr ci the mr.rtgagr indrhtrdnres <br />To procure, deSivt•r to. and maintain for ihr F»•ne5t ed ihr \Lvtgar ~r during the lde of this mortgage original policies and <br />mnewais thereof, delivered at least ten dais hrfr+rr the rxpr rau:rn of any sur-h i:olicrrs, insuring agains! Fire and other insurable <br />heralds, casualties, arwe vntingenciea ac the Aiortgager may rrquim, in an amount equal to the Sndebtadness secured by this <br />A4pricaer, and ir. txrmtan.~es accepta6lr t+, the Mort_.:a~:rr, with !; .. nayatdr ciausr• in fa+-or of and en form acceutahle to the lfart_ea- <br />gee- fa Lhe event any p<a try is nca n•nrw<~? +, or tx-Fon• ten ..lac, of rts <°xprrannn, the ~Sortgai;ce stay ~rcu'ure irr<.urancr on ihr <br />impnw•anents, pay the premium therefor. and much sum <hal? hrc~me immediafric due and payable with in 4•r.•ct at the rate .r-r! <br />fnrlh in said note once! ;.aid and :teal! '.. w'ur.-.t h+ !n+~ .n••rtcag,- Fa,lun• ~•n the l+art :•f ih<- \Snrtgagnr to furni.h uch renewals <br />at ax ha-x~-in nrvired <•r failure tv, i v? +ny wm~ a:3.:a n.~<-r? hrrru n;lrr :hail, at the optiur. r+; iht• \t~rtgagee~-, ::+ns[itutr a rirfauli <br />under the irrm_c pf ihs mnrtgagr The drho-r r. of ~u: ?: }.+d erirs shall, ~n the ry<n.. of default, concUt ate an ascignmrnt of ihr un- <br />earrxd tnemium. <br />An}' sums r~ei.-rd hy~ ihr Mortgagee by rea~.n .+f loss <.r .lamage ensured against may hr retained by the if ortga¢ee <br />acrd applied taw-ard the payment of the drlrt beretn~ sera red, :: Ht the optinn . f the ~fnr2gagee, such sums either wholly nr in <br />pazf stay' ire paid veer t., xhe Murtpagor to t»• use^~ t<. repair such huddirgs or ;n buitd~nr+. buildings in their i?lacr „r far any <br />other purpose nr object satisfacton~ to lhr \4 e;rtexErr wetn~:ur atT.•cting the hen +.n the mortgage for the toil amount ..-cure+l here <br />by retore sr:e3r payment ever ttnk place <br />Ta pt aroptia :,'pair. rest.+re :rr rebuild any twildrngs :+r impr<.vrmrnts nova „r hrn•aft?r +.n the prrrnisr. ahteh rnay' M- <br />tnaae damsgr~ ar destroyed; to kip said promicrs in gored rrondetion and mpau and Cxv from an.- mrrhsnic-'s lie.: or other hen pr <br />rlaiat of lien rx>t expressly subordinated io the !:rn preen{. n.rt to suffer +•r lx'rmit any unl3wtul u- :•( nr any' m:rsa n:r to r i>t ern <br />said prxxpem par u, prrtrur x~aste are sa;d pmmtas. ray u, do sac other as whereby ihr l.,nq»~rh hr rehy ron.•ey.•r# .hall hrcrome <br />less yaitu6le, nc+r to drm:nrsn o: impair its color by say act ,.r pint.-.i.m to act. rr+ ~+rml,l~ <.ith xll r<-tt utrrmrnt „f law' with revpert <br />ti ihr mnrigaged premises and ihr use iherwrf <br />That anc*uld ihr premises nr and part tnrzx.f tv takers cv ,iamageel by r aa,n n! any ;,..bli: .m},:n.~;n<-nt a+r vondrmnanm~ <br />pxaemdxne and=~r t}:r r:E}',t ;., r .nt ~i+,raarn, r ::•hrr mr;m<-. r},., v1„r, ~_+c=... _.-+~t !•. ,.. t~;., .: ..1! .<mtH~r •;at:or.. <br />swag and any cxlx•z payrnrnt ur mite? tnrrsfur, and .nail t<e rn tided, ai eta upuon- to n:mmencr. apzx•ar i- and prnaecute in tLs <br />t.w3t rratnc• env actiart oz proceetlir.~, us to make a.~y :.tmnpntntc or setrlrment to ror_trxrumn with ,ucl: takong ur damage .411 wrh <br />cutnperrsatitur. awards, rta_mages right of actipn and ,rrtezreds are hereby assigned to xhe !siortgager, who may. after der}acting <br />therrdiorrr .alt its exlansrs. rrlraa<~ an} mane}s so rnYt+rd b+- xt .,r apply tar ~•nr <•n an? <ndo-b'--dnc~ss sr>-umd hereby The \Sprt- <br />Y+t6vr t'ttrra~ i-.n eze~uta- nxaeh :aFhrr rr,~iEnur.-rt> r>z a:,E >-. =5~,r,..a;r<,n. a,s ord. darrabr-.-.. aru' n-err.. ni aHit,n and rmcYrd= as the <br />Ms+rtgate+ee neap r'aYsite- <br />7 }ut. ;a cote y~ isitux to Sri<,rm say <:# ihr :2n rr.sna_` :rrc:.^, th.• \t+,rtg3&rr tray du rut ihr '`Surtg3yor's trehalf a+er}ihirtg <br />so c<avrrranerd. that the \7 ort,gag.•r may a!s:~ du an+ ac! et may deem nrxt•.~wry t.• pn;rrct ihr ?.en thrm•f. that the Mortgagor will <br />t•epay uptvt detas?xd an}• m<.ne.s pa:d or dast+u rsed #.t ihr Mt:r:g age. f:,r an> ..f ihr stn+.r pur{<,,.r< and .ur°h mnnry~~ t,rget}ier wish <br />iatcre.~ thrrra.-i nt She rate peer. ~3rsi en w:d Hair ..,'call hrr::mr s ., ,r. a:i,! .n:?rht<-:inc.. reb+ .rr~ur<-ci anei mx. tx- in- <br />dxdrd is any derma iaverlcwit~ this martKage and fw• paid r,ut of the mats r,r px.~rv.i u# cslr of wed prrmivs if not nthrrv,ise <br />pattl; that ii a}uil rxat tre• r+b#ipiarv :;pan Yttr hfartgager tc+ tnqurre rata the validity of an: lien. rntumf,rnnce-+, or claim in ad- <br />varityng ttanewyt. as ¢tatr.•c autlx+rirrcf. fiwt t:, Ching nerr.n c<rnta.a.v xhall h• r:+rc.irurd a. reyurrenK tFce Mortgxgrr t<, artvarrev say <br />rnurfr>': Saar any truth par}m.: par to tin an. art herrundrr and that \lnrt~agr-<- st.ali n<,i ,rKVr any rw-r..mal lie#.ilzt. t»rau>.r +.f any - <br />t~~ x ssy ~ c rtrut '_^ ~ t+rz^^s~r. <br />Aa t3r is ~. rd cM .}clear. !x. Rtortgsg=>- :n tl,r f:ay~mer,t ..f era, raaidllrn r. - rrqu •r.3 ,•,.- 1,rte <-,:r„ he r't'y- =.r <br />ua tl,E per#urtrar>r~• tti tho :dal:rsu.y< in Lha> ranrtgage <,r in t.ri~ Harr acur.^d iku•mb.e, Enayll r,r•gag=<i`.hail t»• rnntlrtii to declare the <br />rFrtK :ecured hzrefo}~ d-ar and payable vwutwwt nut.t'x• and xhe St„r tgagr-e ;},all t>e enutk3 at rL ~,, unn, ryitlr.,ut nutirx^. either by itself <br />;,r bti a tet+iiyrrr Sa br apiw:i need t»' ihr ::xctt tt.r rr•c•f xnr'# v~ith.rut r.~rand zn *. ht• aderuar. r n.. .. -.•.... r • .. :;,-.!. !-.,,.-.. „- <br />ear,c~ aerc§y, +-• rater ~.... lase n,.:.a , r th• - r.,.xfic•u :, <n.. and ,. ... e. -• -.- - , ..-- ..-_+- .r, r• t:!- <br />tiaetcad, sad a}apl}- ~ sare+e. .lexa . w~ ,S opcrariuu and ruilr+tis n. cp..rt~thr i d bt~j•rrs ,r .<~~ .S,> .,~rtgagr .wiJ ernes <br />ila4ea irfd }avbta Srr30g }tetE3:y a~rgzud #n tts:x Mrrtgtga-<~ a= f:;i*her .rr rib- far 2hr , a. mane ~f a;l ,rr,i-hurl ro<-s. ~=•rurrat Irrr.-h x~ <br />Tb• SdvrtgarEC.r xixall have for power Ue apptvni any agent rr agents it may dew rr for ihr ; urturr :•! rrtsai crag w.d perm <br />ax-a ~°*,;.~° :;;~ s..°;r.. r_•'s3s Y~~,S r:,r its. ;~•sz;^.:x=a ar,d :rr.~-rsr-. e:-.-a.:r tares: ls3i <=t:i :;f sa;:! ; =-:.+nr sE? re~nsrr: erx?:rs nt :^. rent- <br />ing sad ~at+aiitY the varwr atul rd <afh+cting the rentals il.rrrircxn The bafamcr erecter r,.aF :f dray =hall ts• applmri uw.ard ihr <br />iSkrrlwttir rd the taoriRage ~. Thu a+aigrum nt :c to termtnatr arks hcv-<,nre nail anti :na<i ut+.,r. zr?.a.<• .:f this mortgage <br />J <br />L_ <br />