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30th laruarv €30 <br />THIS INDENTUR&, toads thin day of-__.~_.__c.......______.. _..__., 19 __, by end between <br />Dri P RPnrirr nrl Ra niO,a S Ra rlor ilit5ll'inrl qnd t"f P ' r him and hnr DWII righ.L, <br />aad as SA9ixSe Of Cale Other, _ _ <br />of _Ha1I _Connh•. Nehxanka, ss mortgagors-, and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized end ezsstirrg under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee; <br />@4 STNESSETf€. Thst salt mm'L~-'a:_~_ ,for sad in tonsideratian of ttio sum of _ <br />**Faur Thousand Fire :iw^,dred Fifty Dollar. and 301130******** .Dapersfg 4 SSt).35 1, <br />the tocaipt of which is 6ezebv ar]mos•ledged, do - by these presents martgego end warrant torte said ttwrtgagae, its arr7aesBOrs and assigns, <br />fo!ever. all the following described real estate, situaCed in the County of _~ ~ a2 ?__^ <br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br />Lei tour i~;} in 51ock Taent~-fear (_:i), in Scarf"5 addition to <br />rest iasm in the City of Grand Island, ?fall County, Nebraska <br />Tagethar with all heating. air tanditioairg, ligktittg, aad plumbing ez2uipment and fizcures, irtctudittg scmens, awnings, steam windows std <br />tlmrn. and winder shades or blita3s, aced on err it c~nc^tian wsth said grag-rtiy, whether the same are >zuw lateral on said prttpsrty or hereafter <br />plated ttteteoe_ <br />7`D lit\'E AATD TO HOLD THE S.A.11E, tagexhar with all and sitrgulnr tba tenements, heteditaments and apTM•*tF ati~ tl~reatntr he <br />losgmtg, err it agv+rise apQvtainiag. forever, aad warrant the title to the snore. Said taargegor S. hereby covenant _-- with said <br />t~ £ , he v a fa , u t~ delivery basset, tlr }awful awner s of the premises above conveyed e~ dascn'bed. <br />~_ are astral of a gaol sad indeAeewv3k estate of inheritance t6emia, free aad clear of sll encttmlxrnnces, and that t he ~ will <br />vrsrrarnt aad did the tale tlt~ew ftre.~ sgaiast tir ehlima a~ detraads of all peranas whamaoever. <br />PIiYT4 iDED ALWAXS, aad Lbis imt:ssmemt. ffi.a«ro.n.+ and deliverel to secure the ps<vment of the sum of -_._.. _ <br />*a*a***Four Thousand Five died t`if~~ Dniiar~ and 3bfii3'~Doi3ars~s :i,550,3i~ 1, <br />rich tautest tbeeetra, tagetlar with at~h charges aad advatwea as may 6e dae and pnyabk to said amrtgngee uads the terass aad candi[ions <br />of the prum[eaory sou of evert date herewith and ercurrd hereby, ezecutad by said tmrtgagar S- to said mortgagee. payable ss ezpreased <br />ie 7aa!'eaa, aad to aat~e the petiD~ettix of aH the terms aad cotrdkioas ..,..*.:.,..t thvain. The teast~s ~_-said note are Iterehy ineotpora[ed <br />instate! by ~ raisenee. <br />It a the isa awl of tfr part5ea betas that this a shall a}sa aeeum sqy future sdvsrta+e mask to acid mottSagorS- <br />h9 arts! • ml asr aad all is addition w the araottn! atwtY sated whit!. said mortgagors, or sqv of them, may awe to <br />said . harecQ evidasoad., whaber by rate, book an^nunt or otherwise- This mangage shall retrain in ftdl fnm and effect between <br />tine petits 3~ofo aad rhea Leos, pertoaai repreaeotata~w€, suareaaors aad aaaigas, until all atmwate st+rurpid ttereundar, i~luding luwre <br />advames. tee }said ~ fuL` with iatmest. <br />'t'he mo¢t~,gra~. bneby aasxgn.T to scud taortgagee all sets a~ intxrer+e arisirng at say a~ all times fxstt said property and <br />baelry sttt8mrite said err its goat, at iu optwa, upon dafauh, to lake rhetge of said property and caIlect nD rett[s and itsrome <br />t3er~ avd apply rho same to the pryawtss of raeavs~., prasstpal, iaeurama premiums. taztrs, •••~+,~„to. "span's c~ inprov~mta <br />aeceasaty rty keep said preparty is tenantable i<•_,ctiiuen. err is otlra charges err pa9"mecu prmitied for herein err in the rate hereby secured. Tfu~ <br />root assigammt shall imtiaun in ruse natii the uryrd trsiaaa: of aad aot® is fu11J' Paul- The rxki~ of passassiun hervuad~ steal! in w tnennt-r <br />. err raard rid atteet~e@en is the otaBecsiae td snit swim by bnadamtue ca osbaviee. <br />The faihtm of the atartgsgee is sasset arts of its rights hereuadee at any time shall tort ba wnscruad as s waiver at its right w assert. the <br />some u aey .later i-rmo, aad m faster apnea aad eat safes tamplsaaoe with ell the terms aad gravisions of avid Hate std of thu tmrrgege. <br />If aid meri6slior 8 shat! uses to'oe paid ra said mnrsgugae the eerie amount due ix heteuodar, and uadw the t-+rms and ptricisitsls <br />~ rid acre hs+e1'3' aerated. i future adnztrooa, and say ezreasiona or nmawale tfteteaf in acrnrdaoae with the terms and provissms <br />thesa$. snit i! acid mert~r _L_._. sbrg W Willy vu3 rII tLe jstovieions ~ said note aad of this titor[gage, tken ilrase presents shell be vats: <br />e~ierwise to teywds in fad fistas aad oit6ct. ®d acid ahaq he astitkd to the pasaaasion of all of rid property, and may. ax its option. <br />dashers tTsn risia d rid sate acid aH mdabtathaaW teQriearmted tharetty rn be ;-,^~;•:~y due sad ~yahle. erd may forrxlase this mortgage <br />m redo asg' stYr kraal adiian to pwct iu ~~. refuel. <br />1'hie sdna8 ha l ttpop sad shill etsme un the haneCx trf the Lava, a:acutrra, atlmiaiat;stora, Eucaensors anal assigns of the <br />reapettive psKies hseu+. <br />IAl WITATF.9fi WHE$f~, sell Iiw4gMgar_S__ ltt StEt__be<Rltate aet_ and __.3__~ day and your first alwte <br />atritfep. ,~//' !~~/ <br />.-ri 7F. Ede e3 r -------- <br />Br.rniee 1, Rer@er <br />