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zj~}..- ~:~.~~ EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE 822239-3 <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan'rJo.____-___ <br />K`VOW ALL MEN t3V THfSE PRESENTS: That David E. Mundt and Lynnelle K. '"undt, husband and wife. <br />(hereinafter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of <br />Forty One thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and No1100----------0ollars(Sir+`41 250.OO~t`) <br />Loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, se!t and conaey unto COMMERCIAL FfGEP,AL SAVINGS ANG LOAN ASSOCIAfiION of Omaha, <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "C6mmercia!"), its successors and assigns. the following described real estate, situated in the County of, <br />HALL S#ate of Nebraska, to-wii: <br />---Lot Fifty (50) in Potash Subdivision, :all County, Nebraska.--- <br />TD HAVE ANG TO HDLG THE SAA?E. with the appurte,.anczs thereunto nelonging, unto Commercial, its successors and assigns, torevei. <br />Salo Mart gars hereby e6venar..i with said G6mmercial, !ts successnis ano assle s, thai Mortgagors are lawfu!ty ser_ed e.t Bald premises. that <br />then are ?rte frix~, zf,c6mbranres. and f`,ai i5e mill fntev2r warrant and defend ?he title to said premises against the fa::rfui claims c•f all p2rsars <br />wha-scev3;. <br />Fre:~d?t+. ae:'?iu et?ss. m?se p'?soots are open tt,e fe!inwing candlLnns: <br />That wAereas tt ~ saio ".terigago~s zs members et Ca::metcta! ha:z this onto ex?cuted a note ev!tlenc!n; si;ch ~ozn a ~d ageein- to reaay said <br />se-,T 3f moae_v wiEh interest. sn ; as set +crth m said me antl hav= a;:°?d tc ao!tle dq the teams of s?i'~ ^',e sna C1 actor ano f3,' a! <br />Camk etciad. <br />That n~ereas iris r:;crtgay~ shalt s?cure am' a6m?ien3l adrances ,nth ,nl?=est. wh,ch mar, a! ?h3 aehan of CYm~eta~at- be maoe Dy Cem- <br />m?coal iJ th? undersr~c~ !Aortgagors ar ~ ekr s<:ccesscrs m nt'e fct any pi_rpos?. ai any Line Detare Gie reieas? anc tance!iabno of this mortga~. <br />'Wi't PRDVIGEG. 'ii<ikEY`EB at __ ~: me shat 'h_ a~greg.te .rr_~eal am~,.nt seruran Dy its moi~age- bs.-; n ;ant cne at any time en said <br />angina note and anc adda'.~nai adr2^Ces cede. ?xreed an amount ?gun; to il~~ percent of the amoun? ct ice tivls!nar note. Dct to nn event shall <br />said n,t_ exr?ed th ~ziTu~-. ;: z-~--. ',, :n:t-ed k Ian. >. c rRJ!',i•ED nDVSfVEi. t``vt nothira -.?:e:r. ia:;a:^?~: sna - be Eans:d?led as L^'it'ng <br />~e a^oua, obi eta, ~ s?a ~ .,22p .. .r. ..~.~ :~. ~;ei? ~e s2c_'i} m acc,..~;.n~e wi:^, ~_ oe; eats :.rta,aeo Fn t^? mo•?eag=.. <br />Now', !i the s3itl t~'?:!gag rs sw. ter' :ase ?_ ~ a:a tL? sa,? s!'ms ~. -an?y when aue as set forth :.^. said note. and any nifier note for <br />3tia'*ianai novances maoe rn,i! sa,6 .,._: -_ .:',t ;: «: -'. - .-rs. .r>n tsesz cues?nts snlil De ~. ~: oth?rx,se to x and .?main ~n tu'1 `care ano <br />?'tPCt: Di:t f d?f3ti.t s4~~;o De r:aC2: <br />+at to any of th? }aymars o;,e a^ laic h: to ~.. ano E.._,..._;? in7 adddional ad.ant?s mad?. as herein agre3d to he ..,adz let three men(hs- er <br />ht In i,e2pmg th? ~npm:emxts t: s,. _x sas ns:: ?a 3;a:nst loss Dy leaser of tare, li ~ttning ane otn?r bean: ds {nrluded .n ext?nd?d <br />ro:erage insurance m a^ a;hsaat n^ ',?mss ':nay the ~ c talar.;.2 of said m;,dgage loan, in a Ea.npany m cem;u2les accepiaDta tc Cor~ <br />'rzrciai, re 6rig;na: of s,,cr s.-:n ar a.,': es :~ tv hece '~~ Cam°~errial, and w~ih a mortgage Natse a?~rned to said polity ar pr.laes. <br />i6 ;ati~cr cf Cnmrercu:::i <br />c:tn the GaVrWni of Ux~; a^,c assssera ~!s ere_ ;:Pon s;..:r2r.;;ses. on iris wort 2ge. L~tor? u5ey are aelingcent: or <br />di tf tines is any char: n i!° .x°n? ~ ~:.: 7E :ca: ~?ate •-page;-: serein, by care, either auhight cr in~ !and cantrztt, or Dy assignment of <br />3@y ilt?;?Sf $FBreDr Cr ,-=fiern' Sc- <br />`he,n any at t^? abc~v? s?;~tatth ;.enis t^.e tsh: ~ :r~oertaAess n?*e_n sewrc37 shall. at ih? ~oeLOn ci Cor..?e*ua: .-.mod;at?iy mac.-e d:ie anc <br />:13.'3D'e wi'tf6,.i 1tirLler nbt...?. and «l. _mnun: dc2 .i..e Sa' ^.ac 3nc 3P) dtn nCIe tJ. 36dtLDnal 3d13n;.C5 -ad2 1,. i'i:"~~. L'7? dale t' t"e exert i5;', <br />of saitl sn?Ian Dear in>r;>=stet fie m=_x,mam'cga± r3:z P2; 3nnuT and Liks moatga~ may then 9r nr?ricmec ti sal:: t tae arnur.t o~;? ;,, said note- and <br />any outer Hole trr a6dktronal 3arani2s toget,er w ,r _ a;:r.> pa 6 Dy ,_vnme.,!a fo, ,nsrarce taxes, assesss_ :_ ,. ~ _.a.:a:, ?x =^siun charges. <br />na s,>arest fierce, from the ds~ ci raymer, at the nax,muT legal ?av <br />?RDY!DED L`,at in no ?ve>n. e~ittiet before o; 3?te~- oetauit aha!. ,lie :rte;ost eve :n6er snap nrte ano .n s n.~-trage and arx over ante far ao- <br />n,t:zra' a!ixaoc?s :race exceed the maximt:?r, lea ;': ,merest ,3t? <br />"fl'1'i ~i=j;'. tu'1~2 Lh~: h' 2V2nt in3f J.13..~: ~:'_.:,5 ~ •,? `.~~i, ^r^, :T:E• ;,.-ti- ...rS ?_. _. 5...':.. 3.,_ .". 3`!} ~ ,...,2 :;,; a~CS ti rdl3l <br />ac.•aaces. ?s L?c';1:tf agteei; ~ n2 mad?. ::??eing utc _ .?: _.S .^a:..c]. as 3?. to _. . ]?-:- ., _e-3'e', "_'2 --_ _,ra\ ,rrt ~Ct 5ne C11eS <br />i1 azS£S$Cr?, C -_k-e per'. t"e y^;?T.S.> 3'<'L -..._i. __" _. __ _ _ '.:,~-~? '~' ..f ~2} u,. -..N Ce- .. c.,. ~__, >-z-- S'ia:i b? rte,-; t;?d <br />.~. ','t: tRiFta6t ate ,^.>52Sat 3B o' 2n_ _?5 5b; 14-Ck'Si':?k~~ ,. t'r'.?'ec a~.." '?n°S _ :??CS :.... >' _a 3 ~a .~ .. 1 „?s•:iSes. nu 'tdY <br />._ 1-5---.tri J;: ~St :"'.. ,C~.: _ 3. a5 ,. ^??rr5 '1. ~.,.,SS3 r _ :.,. ._ ,.5. _, ;,3F n -. 1i.^> t;_c. ~_ , "'., Sf. _ ~t_; , _ ~e1'.-+'."t ;+ !19~;3Zi2 <br />Sc t liII:S ?x~S aBn BSSPSStf~^.Y'>J43ri S:; Cr p~Cr' Ya. a`f: ': ..°i.?SS3.1 Pxnc't's?5 ,n:1 ?~ 'c'nt!r±g Su;:, €reu;: S._ 3..~ t_.:° _rng ,2n: 'he *rJ?. dnC <br />3p[::'k Santo irr Sa:6 P^te an d any n?T25 e1~16@,n.: „y t„u1° a. i,~:.,.., n2=ti.',ne- ,!,;it' .. ..iJ? $_,,~-e'u .5 {L --r 'vrd, 37'6 !-., Si: r^ porn^S?S. <br />t`R :M`7e15tQrred tfbeS he(e'Jy Se,; 8>s~gn sr'? .`>ti"~' an6^af.S_ . ~.1. ~J'!.,c..'~.,' ... , ~.~C 'ftn. ~ r-.nt.....a 3, a fnfJmP_ ,:t,luutng 3nr !3n6 contract <br />C+?ar.~iSz ~e n~r~b"~ Cwn?'S ~, a,: rfie' tn~r.~.. _, 3n~r: v?e w'a3'~'K'.4R. '.!am s?',~ ~,.. ,-„• rra ByL,,.,v 3n ;t!2 a132S aS.. 6._c. -~- - _^,. a,.d <br />-~}.?:., @.;8~ St',a 111:1 nc w5e Dr S,3D'e is Di..2,iu,x t; ~.~aL'c _.3, :s ?. ., ~ .t: -~iS _ 'JSt µite alt, l-tS iL' t?rDYC! PCSSeSSiOn Ot Sa;c t,ie'P: SPS. <br />Tt;e ii6rtgag3rs ful'hwr a;pn:t:t „?unme.. _ - J .aaa `?, as+,a ':r? _ ,.t _., z ~, nKi-: a a;?Jr'[?y Power irt2vccae'e ~r is awn <br />nMP r ~3~3'~'2$vi s' netlteS Fd 23f2 a:: n?C?S55!q~_F..r.S 1?' 6.J--... .:. ~ -. ..,, .- ,. ;Be'n-S? i' ca=st ad:0 P'emIS25 IC L>< vacate,'.. tS EOti_., '2!l to is <br />ar ~~~ '~~,^res r~ aa6 Wcen ra;ant is •ek?t :^. ~-:~ is n.~e _ , -~~ 3_-=~ :e,.a:t - _~-~ ;a{ ~x?s a,t .' sato';'.nt5 at;!;is- rantrrt ~ymers cr <br />'nM,',S :n.^ ^:~ v. a. saCn ttnngs °-. th?i Di .'< ~w: _ ...,!S :. pi ........_ : 2'. ~.,- k 3::.1_-~..._ 3nd a,s~. '{?7 7} :,. 35 ~tS age^,t 1;,. _ : p;.,t.,.S?- alC <br />, _ 'bi ::: t2)' 3 ie3San3Dte tde t8` S,:C^. S?h': _c'_ .. TME a;: ,: :. :)- „i ,.., y.. ... a an'a ., a... .~';i:2: a"? .li S_C1 ..:. s 3S tC t^?,- Sa'~ <br />_tsrt„xet ria} S£?R D?Si. w!in f:.•t'; p6w~, ::. Su DS tt t....: DP <br />T*x skxtgagurs tt?teD: a. e? lea .:amsz•'..:a~ r .r?' v. ,...,.. ,E:iw~. ~..~~.:r-., . °.ane a :.a.ty t. a^.a s,:t ~ ?roter:,ng i?iat;ng <br />W _ <br />:;; ~!r~se..ia?4trrc 6esr.*,txw tea' estat? 4. s -,, . s_ a . .... .:_ .. _ - . ~>,.r.,..:~ L~• r _•_:.:!or[gagors ti li <br />-~-.:,,~:+~ ....,. .,, ...r ai, reasanau,. .._S._ .'...,. -_,: :4 __... ...... -... S ._:. :`' _.~.,~ r: .E~ ,F;.S:,'S -.... ..g .e .': .. .. .,., e;nit",":e <br />~^S'_'; Y.-J rte: es~te m anq~ pan tnaza >Y :: na? ,.; ,..:.. _. - .. .. ... • a. _ w--se ,>--` ', ?. b ~... ... da:^ages <br />,~'a:~ 's;• ;; vacs ~ the t~k'::g 3^" t -the :~....,_ .... ., _ ....~... °, ..... .. _ , .. , ,. ... ~„ n~ ;,r~ .. ,i;,cateo- <br />it~' Sp..w'rBA ~ $1:S int:'ij,9$'2, D2. ar':; Lhey '.t,.tet _ ,.>S i*,'t_,. .. _.~. P:P _. _.C S*~2 2 ,~-__ ~: ^w~: .. .,-. ~,r .._..~ _. „l_tl ~. , z~t,n, .:, <br />ff±e sACt m="w:;;re_ ins~iirwnts :'' sv'w ;n;aDiean?ss <br />~~~ ~,s 30trs dap _i 3anuar~ ----_-_-'-- -; &D _ <br />._.._ a <br />SFATE OF NE9AAS1tA <br />s;. <br />o00tiTV Of t111I.I. <br />t' <br />- David t. N.undt <br />Lynnelle K. Mundt <br />~ ~s _ 31}ih -.t'ny of - January __ ._._ ;9 .~~_- ~fcre +ae- a raYry puD,ic :n arts tar sa,tl County. perr,naus race <br />David E. Mundt sad L~anelle k. Mundt, husba~i and wife. <br />#n r>rp well itnmvn tc De tFre tdentiwt Person nt persons'wtmse narrte is br names a.e affix?d to the above mvi~S'LIFiiSr~flWYiiiiifiMi(fi~iitii~r <br />ar stsz. sevesatty acknowte0ge the uid instru!nent e~ J+e axer;ti~on lhererf_ to ~: ine:r v-,iunta7y art and d <br />~]TsiESS e~ hantl anG Natari3`: Sea! th+s 4ay an6 year last above written. <br />t ~i _ <br />iv"ryCammsSS,o,;?xptres.n;-a ./.I_-____.,- -- ^.y 2r je7e~~_-_. <br />