<br />MORTGAGE __ __
<br />MoRTGncELOAN No. L 23,687
<br />KNOWAi,LMENBY'IHESEPRESE*iTS:Tt+at Ronald V. Rathjen and Charlene R. Rathjen, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mongagrx, whrtiter onz ar nmre, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Twen y-five Thousand and Nol100-------------------_----- _ ------ i ~------°-------- DOLLARS
<br />batted to said ttsortgagor by The Fquitahk &titding and Luate Assoaation of Grand Fs4utd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 250 s}rares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na. L 23,681 , do hereby grant, gmey and nmrteagz unto the said ASSOCIATION flu following
<br />descn'bed teat estate, situated in HaIl County, Nebr?rsY.a:
<br />toeeaiee with sll the tentarnts, }rereditarmnts and appurtrnanxs thereunm tsrlonging, including atiachrd tluar tvtecictgs, all window ,.,;treat,
<br />wiodnts siaades, bLsrds, atatm windawa, awautgs, tntaiirrg, stc atrn.iiamitrg, and plumbing xnd water ~uiprnent std accsssnries thereto, primps, stoup,
<br />tdcigetaiorx, tud axhrx frxtwes and egtupment now er lrerexner attached to or acrd in .vnntctian with said real zstatz.
<br />And rvheuas the said nxxtgag<r has agreca9 and dons herby agrrt th:•t the rtwrtgaQar sfiall and wii3 pay all tapirs and assr~ments Ivied or
<br />as>taed upoar said premises and upon this msrngagr and ihr twrd srcurcd ihere64 brfarz thz same dull bettttm delinavsnt: to furnish approted
<br />^' upon the Dttiidhrgs an said prentisss sattmr 3 b the sum of S 25 , DO©. OD psyahk to said ASSOCIATION acid to drErer to saw
<br />ASSOCIA'f70N the pelidts fcv said insuraax; peed ;tx-ri to mmarit m permmt ~. waste nn ar about said premises:
<br />In ax of default in ihr performance of am of the irrrirs and amditi.?,ns at thrs mortgage or the bond sxured heszt+w, the m«tgt~gae shall,
<br />ao de>mad, be entitled to immediate petatesson of ts±r nxxteRgrd premesrs pad the rarvtgag« ffzreby assigtu, transfers and sets am to the
<br />aaorig~te aH tie rafts, resmftes amt ifttxxsrc to br dzt:ied from the mr>rx3s~d pramwes during snr3t time as the taortgt~e afdebtrdnrsa shall temaia
<br />€stpmici: pad tIrc trtoctgagee shall Save :he power an tpporrt any agrot trt agenu it troy desae for the propose of repairing said prerises and rcnteg
<br />Ute same pad tcdiectige the ratts, rnrnstes pad ttscome, sod ti tray pay out of said income >); expenses of rcpairictg said premises and neceaa.y
<br />mat~nx and expecats incurred in rrntmg and '"=~-k°~' the same and of vlkcting renr.aFs therefrom: the batatfa tetmitfisfg, if any. to !b
<br />applied €watd the disdfatg of said mortgage indrhtrdrrss: tltcse rrgffts of the tnungsere• nn}' he exercGsni at any time duriifg the existence of sttdt
<br />dtdanli, isrttgertire ccf any te~aran' raitxs of ilse same.
<br />Tbta Presents. }ntwrsrcr, are upon fist Cexditnw, Th.' tf the sad Mcxegagar shall repay said lawn on a: hefore the matwity of said spaces by
<br />ppmaft: pay maathly to said ASSf)CtATSOti of the stun spedfidt in the Btttfd treated tsereby u vttsrest and prvx-ipal oaf said kran, on «beftHt
<br />the Twsastieah dry at each mfd every tnsrstit, until asp ktan is fu8y pad; pay atl taxes std as,~s:fmats ktiea rZainst sail pretnixs and m this Martgagp
<br />amt ttr Band smusd ihctrby, ixfore drlinquen.-s, fm-nish approved insurance upon the htrt3dutgs ilureon in the sum of S L 5 , QQQ, QD payahk
<br />Fo aid ASStIC;ATIO\: repay to sartl AS'SOCSATIOti upiu+ drtruad all t+a~rrcy by it paid far steep taxis, ssst~zrtrenis pad s^stuance with latweat at
<br />the maaiaasxm legal rate the±~n fr.±m date ca paytxnt aIf tf witi~#S Mortgagor hereby egrets to pay; permit no waste on said prctttissi' keep and complyy
<br />with a8 !hc agrxrmnu std axtditmns of the Bond .x S 25 aQO~i. QQ this day gsrn by the said Morigggur to slid ASSOCIATION, xnd mmply
<br />wins a- r4ar trquirrurenu of tSe Cemslitati,'ln prof By-Laws of said ASSOt:'lA;YO!d; then ihrse preswu shat; btxortx Dull pad wid, attfetwiae they
<br />sisB eesmm to full fursx a~ may to fr rech»rd at the opiian of tfrr >aid ASSOCLATION after fatlwe for t}trcr months to cute any of said
<br />r"~y~a ~ 'dc :tar;: ~€its -, arr~; _ ~. r~:.~ tax. ~stk ' ray-emu, ter to keep and r~tp~ Kith ihz agirzirrct,is and arnsiifioas of ssxI Itacrd-
<br />tmd' agrtix so tour a *~sr+•`r apI*c=atrd fosih ~ih iu usttr iarrciususe prirts.s.
<br />ff therz is aey at owtexship of the real estate martgagetl h:rem, by sak ur othenise, then tare rnta'e rctisaitsirrg indrhtedars Isereby
<br />sotatted sl9ttB. at die optitm ttf Thr Etptitabde Building asd t_cm Ass'ositttian of Grand Isfard, Nebraska, laernme itttmediatdy dm and payahk without
<br />fmt6ra macs, a~ tlfe amotmt rtr~initfg due utsdct raid iwand, sod lay other hand for any additiw.al advenaes made thereunder, shall. from the
<br />does d txexxatt o1' aid cipticw, bex ietlrrt3t ai the t»zssmum kgal tart, sod tttis tnnrigtge may then he forr.~aved to satisfy the amount due an Dirt
<br />Israoa,and any rx}tes hood for stldisii'xsat advancer, together wrih art sums paad Fy saw Tip Egratahk Btuldiog and L.ian Asatxiation of Grand Isiwd,
<br />I3tfixaka far i~x., loxes asd ases~:atsatr, and atrsuacitt;g rntnr,On charges. with ,nterra~ tfferran, from dau of payment at Life masimum
<br />~ ~-
<br />As prtta~eei i the Btaul ssi-itsed hzrrFi}, a3rde this trrangagr tnstains m rffra't tl~ m«tgagrt may hercaftrt advanaradditiostal aunt to the
<br />mr3exr oa s~ 7ioa$, their as<igns ar success,. s .,: +nrrress, :.piers >ams stn:l he wrthm flu s; -tntn of tFis mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />tie+r;by, the total amaust of r ~_ :;~i*t ~~t ee esc~ at z.y ? .~ t2~ or~:^_l at:z~saa o? t§s six.::;.
<br />~I7aaed flit _ 3Dt.~ ~, da} of-, January A. D.,'-9 8O
<br />Rta~ld ~ Rnt~en ? ~ ~*
<br />Charlene R. Rathjen .
<br />stAY£oFNE.t'ittASYA,} $ Oa this .loth dayaf January t3 8D .hof«rmr,
<br />eavxsr cIF x,ua
<br />• ~••. au;.lrregso d. s H,^ta., Pu6~s i;t rs' f::t sr~l County, e~rosna!!y ~sisa
<br />i~Itald V. Rathjen and Char:elle R, Rathjen, each in his and her own ri~tht, and as s o+~se of
<br />each other w are °"'~ t°
<br />Dee to he the idtstauol psaoo S aritac sucae $ art affarM to flu abuse - mot as mortgagor s and they trvecaty
<br />ttnteao3cd~d tie pad u+ br the 1 r xs3aa:ary ~ and datzl,
<br />,~~ - '
<br />t!~ tsy iced sad hla€atbd Seat rite date afruenid.
<br />v! Comanwiwn sspasa ,~ '
<br />_ -G ~~
<br />~~.sa...G'' ~. ~ .
<br />/ I r Y - - -~ ataxy Pubhc
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