<br />THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between
<br />CHARLES F. & COLLEEN E. L•ANGE, husband and wife, herein called
<br />Sellers, and GARY & B021NIE SCHLEUTER, husband and wife, herein
<br />called Buyers.
<br />LvIT*dESSETH ! HAT:
<br />Sellers hereby agree to sell and convey to Buyers, and
<br />Buyers hereby agree to purchase from Sellers, the following de-
<br />scribed real estate in Ha 13 Court.,*, Nebraska, herein called the
<br />real estate, to-wit:
<br />The street address known as 1828 North Kruse, Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and legally described
<br />as:
<br />~:ot ^ive ~~), _l~c: :_.._~~_._ ~1=~, Scarf°'s Addition
<br />t0 itie.'~.t Laltii, t0 LZ,e .i ~,~~ O=~' .:r3?ld isla?ld, H311
<br />~~Gllnt;~ , A'ebrask3
<br />together with all tenements, heredztaments and appurtenances
<br />thereto belonging, upon the following terms and conditions:
<br />I.
<br />1. Th"E PURCHASE sRICE. As the purchase price for t-he real
<br />estate, Buyers agree tc pay to Sellers, and Sellers agree to accept
<br />from Bu3~~ers, the sum~f r^IFT~' THREE THOIiSANP SE~~'; :?1'*,`PnED DOLLARS
<br />2. THE MANNER OF PAYA'IENT. The purchase price shall be paid
<br />in the following manner:
<br />a.~ The sum o' ~i,l5'J.DO to be tendered to the Sellers and
<br />credited on the purchase price on the date of the closing :~f this
<br />contract.
<br />b.~ The su^ of $3'rC.Ot~ shall be paid on the first day of eaci~
<br />caierdar month hereafter, commencing on the 1st day of
<br />?zarch , 3~8t1, with interest as herein provided, fox a period
<br />of two 2 years, said monthly payments to include interest at the
<br />rate of 12~ per a_nnu*: computed monthly and to be applied first to
<br />accrued but unpaid interest an the unpaid balance of principal to
<br />date of payment and then to principal.
<br />c.) After payments as set out herein have been duly made for
<br />a period o? tka {2) ;Pars, there wi21 remain on the contract the
<br />vutstasiding balance, includinc interest of, ?U8,3b3.73. The Buyers
<br />cgrec to pay said sum, together with interest ~~n the unpaid balance
<br />at a rate of 32p per annu~.~ on 3 thirty-year a~^mortization schedule,
<br />kith payments being made in accordance with said amr;rtization
<br />schedule for a period of three {,) years, and that at the end of
<br />three {3) years, the entire balance, including interest, will be-
<br />eurfe Sue and owing. At said time, if conventional firancin~ is
<br />~.:.na;a3lable tc the Boyars, the Buyers will ha~.e the optian of
<br />making payments to the Sellers based upon the 3;ro,;.rizatio:; schedule
<br />for a further period of not to exceed three ;3) ~~ears, at which
<br />tip all soma due avid owing in accordance with the terms and con-
<br />diticns of this contract are due and owing.
<br />
<br />