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<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />iadebtedaess of Harrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ether terms of payment, such <br />amounts shal3 be payable upon notice from Lender to Horrower requesting pavmzn: thereof, and shall bear irterzst from the <br />date of disbursement at [he rate payable from Time to time on outstanding principal under the Noie unless payment of <br />interest at such rate: would be contrary to aoplicahie few. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />petmissibte under applicable Taw•. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />$. Iespection, Linder map make or cause to be made reasonable entries span and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Harrower natice prior to any such inspection specifying tcasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in tlx Fropertp, <br />4, CtrmlemaaNon. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages. direct ar consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnatian or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for cana•e}ance in Lieu of candemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of iha Property, the proceeds shall br applied to the sums secured by this MrnYgage. <br />with the access. if any. paid ;o Harmw•er. In the evenf of a partial taking of the Praperiy, unless Harrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree do writing. there shall 6e applied to the sums sect:ted by this ?siarigage such pmgonion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that propartioa which the amount of the sums scouted be this iiartgage immediately prier to the date of <br />taking beats to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the t+atance of the proceeds <br />pasd to Bormwcr. <br />If the Property is abandoned b}' Harrower, ar if, after native by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor afters to make <br />an award ar settle a claim far damages, Harrower fsils to rYSpcsnd to Lender within tO da}5 after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lersdrr is authorized to collect and aggly the grate-olds, at I_endets option, either to rzstaratian or n~pair of the <br />Property er to the sums sectrred by this A#ortgage. <br />Unless Leader and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such appiicatian of praeeeds to principal shall oat extend <br />ar pastpace the dce dare of the ttmnrhh• installments referred :o in paragraphs 1 and 2 }x:reof ar change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />1!. rower Not Rekaml. F_rtension of the time for payment or modification of amnrtizatian of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Linder to any sstccessar in inur~t of &~rrower shaft net operate to release. in aay manner, <br />[hz liability of the original Borrower and $urrawei s successors in interest. Lender shall net be required to commence <br />pn~scaedings again such strcetstar ar refuse to extend time far pa}•mtm or atherw•ise madif}• amartizatian of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of an} demand made by the original Hormwer and Bormw•ers successors in interest. <br />11. Ferra~ce by Leader Nast a Waiver, An}• forbearance br Lender in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, or <br />otl+ervrise affartled by sppticabk taw, shall net be a waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or comedy. <br />the ptxtcttt•etaent of insurance or the pavttseni of taxes ar ether liens or charges by Lender shall net be a waiver of Lender s <br />right m acoeletate tM maturity of the: indebtedttecs scouted b)' this hiartgag¢. <br />12 Reat+Bec CSrmulttiie. All remedies provided in this }fortgage are distinct and cumulatiye to any ether right or <br />ttssta#y under this Mortgage or affirded by law or equity, and may ire exercised co:icurrently, independently ar successively. <br />13. Sarr~sors trod Assiges Hoorah Joins aed Several i.iabilift; Captioes The covenants and agreemtnts herein <br />amtainai shall bind, and the tights hereunder shall inure te, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and $orrower, <br />sttb_}exY to else pmvisioas of paragraph l7 hereof. All covenants and a¢reemen¢ of Harmwzr shall ba joint and several. <br />7be repliers and headings of the paragtap}is of this Mortgage are for wrrvenierce only and are not to be used to <br />inierprei w elefi>•x the prov~sioas hetmf, <br />14. '.KeNrc. £accpi far any tsaiice inquired under applcable law to be given in another taanncr, (n) any notice to <br />9errewer provided far in this Mortgage shall br given by mailing such natice by certified mail addressed io Harrower at <br />21st Pr3prtty Address ar ai such ether sddrexs as B.irmwer may designate by natice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />ib} env trolls-e• to I.endrr shsH be givers by wti&d mail, mum r~ipt rrquestu3, to Lenders address stated herein ar to <br />sexlt ether address as Leader may designate by tmtice to Harrower as gmcided herein. Any notice pmxided far in this <br />Mortgage shal3 be danced to have betYS given is Htvmw•tr ar Lender when given in the manner designsted herein. <br />13. 1Jeitoerr hi~»Sei Goveraietb 71w: Severabiblty. 'This farm of trtartgage ~rmbitses :mifa*m covenants far na[iaaat <br />ttse and trtttt-ttnifortn xvetiants wills iienited vanatians }iy jurisdiction to catrsti[utc a uniform secsrnh instrument rnvering <br />real gropetxv. 'This Morigag~e shall be gaver,sed h}° the law of the jurisdiction in which Ilse Property is Ixateti In the <br />evratt that aay ptavisiaa ur rlatrse of this Mortgage or the Nate avtflicis with spglicabk law, such can0ict shag net afieM <br />othC pmvisitnts of this Mortgage ar the Naxe which can be riven rffez[ without ;lxe raniiicting proviian, and to this <br />ettd ttx tsros~itsns a# the Morteme attd the Hare are declared to be scverabk. <br />16. Besraws*s Copy. Hturouer shall bz furnished a c~~afarmrd copy of tI~ Nate and of this Riortgage at the time <br />~ r=.Y..rrs~, ctr after t~da~ Ite:~af. <br />i7. Trsttafs od Nee lh+e;rat3: Aaseayrtieo. If alt ar an}' part of the Pmpem' ar an imertst therein is Bald ar iransfrt•rcd <br />by Btirmwer without Condo's prier written rnixsent, excluding ta7 tfer creation et a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Mmiga~, {b) the cteatiats of a purchase mxsn secttrii}• intern[ far hauschald appliances, (cl a transfer by devise. <br />eieaerni ar by tap~atiaa of law upots the desah of a joint tenant to idt the grant of an} teasehald interat of thra years ar less <br />net eaatamirtg an option to purclsasrc. Leader may, at Lender's apzitsa. declare all else sums stcurcd by this Mortgage to be <br />immediat~sy= dix and paysbk. Leader shall have waived sorb aptiwi [a acxkrate i#, prier to the sak ar transfer, Lender <br />sad the person to whom the Prt>petn~ i} ui tx said tsr iransirrtrd teacls agreement in writing that the credit of such person <br />is satisfactnt3• to Letsdex ant! xltat the rntetrst Iuyabk isn tls; scorn soured by :'cis Mortgage shall be at svclt rate ss Lender <br />shalt mJueci.. I# I.~r Isaf uvaivnd the aprian xa a.cckrate gravided in this paragraph 77. sad if Barrpwtr's successor in <br />itttsao< has eaecured a writxas aramtptim ts~eemmt aexgted in writing iw Lendu, Leader sha11 release Borrower from all <br />dims uatkt Stir M[tzgxee sad tl3e isl!ttt <br />Lf Lander a:ercisex wch aptian to aeceierste, Lender shall mail Harrower natitg rn acceleration in accordance with <br />para#rap#t 3d haw#. Such online shalt pr.~xride a period of rxn less than 3{} da}s from the date the notice is mailed within <br />;blob Hcetrtsrrr may pay the stmx declared d[ie_ If Harrvser faik to pay such sums prior to the- expirrtion of such period, <br />Iattdsa tang, withtxtg furt}aeer asi2ice ~ deatand nn Harrower, iavtzke an) moodier permitted h}• paragraph I S hcrcof. <br />'3taa-1:iriFtatsa C~veMax3•s. Horruwer amt Linder #unhea rovttsant aril agree as #aIl~x: <br />1S 8e~aeBee. $c~t m provided ~ paragrapi 17 tserrof, t+pao Iierrowcr's biearr oI any coveaas! ac <br />t of Baiaswer I• iris . i der rosxwh to pay wiKa doe ear wins s«mcd by Ibis Mortstige, <br />L t~iar pillar ~ ~ ;~ >~ a~ee to $R:.*rar+ar ~ pr~vidcd is parrapr S3 rs.~af y'~: {13 the bresrht <br />t~ tie aciiae ta~tied b tore wee rteacr: tJl a dce, eel ter than JA days lrtsm ter dstts ire notice is etaikd to Borrower, <br />Y7 wait! ttttdt rttaath tNSt fie retell aed ill Md hliate Ui rare snail breach w or ltdore the date specified is tbz notice <br />ttatq traaaY rt amelteatlatt d Mu soar feeteed by ~ M~». forerbwre ry jadieri proeeedlwg and sale oI Ilse PevspeAy. <br />77te tttrtlre rest JerNatu Waam Boeroarer aE tier ritlK ~ reiasdte ttHs moderation aed the ri=rt to escort io ire [orrelosurc <br />! i[r lieit~iidtta s# a tratatdi or aay ems defmsr of Borrows to atvekratiue and foteclesw+e. U the breach <br />)i teat cored sat er btfaee tee date Rre~ei 3s tdsr mine, Cooler at Lender's option stay detittee aB oI the cams arcured by <br />tell pdsrtyBe b be rrrntliddY dix art payahfe wkYoat fntther domed ae3 aay #oneeiose 6y JodicLl Proceeding. Leader <br />stilt Ile ewANed M eoBee! is mod; aY esprsnes of frr, ieriacdie;, bat not Rattled ta, coed of documentary <br />eviieeee, trlsr'aeb asi tllle tapaeia. <br />;f! 1lartrrrada ~ im RsiYMC. Natwithstandiag Letder's acceieratian of the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />Borrower sha$ have the rl~t to have rosy procecdittas 6egtm by Linder to entore this Mortgage discontinued at any time <br />