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<br />L.ender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all r:rortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under pazagraph Z hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pm-suan[ to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree tp other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement ai the rate payable f:om time to time on outstanding principal under the Nate unless pa}•ment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary [n applicable lau•. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained ir, this paragraph 'shalt require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />&. lsspactioa. Lender may make ar cause to be made r asonabie entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shalt give Borrower notice prior to am• such inspection specifvirsg reasonable carne therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />4. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for dama¢es, dirsct ar consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned <br />and shs11 be paid to Lender. <br />In the went of a total taking of the Properly, the praczeds shalt he appiied to the cams secured by this hortgage. <br />with the excess, if am•, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propert}', unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such pmppttiprs of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that pmpprtion which the acnaunt of the sums secured by this Martgaee immediately priar ro the dare of <br />taking lxsrs to the fair market vaiue of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with rite balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is ahandentd b~ Barrower, or if, after native by Lender to Barrower that the rnndemnor odors to make <br />an award or settlt a claim for damages. Barrower faits m respond to Lender within .>0 da}s after the date such native is <br />mailed, Lender is avthoriral to rnilcct aitd apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either fi restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured ha~ this ?fart¢a~~e. <br />Unless Leader and Borrower otherwise agrte in writing, am- such application of proceeds to principal shalt not extend <br />or pnsxppne the dt>r date of the monthly instalRnenis rzfzrrd zo in paragraphs t and ? hereof or change the amptmt of <br />such iastaltrrtsnu. <br />lty. Eortoasr'rot Released. Fztensiaa pf the time for pavmeet or mc+dificatian of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Marigage granted by Letrdtr t.~ any' sucresso.* in interest of Barrower shall oat operate to release. in any manner, <br />tyre fia`aiiiry of tht ;viginal Saxrower and Horrowcr'c xrecessors in interest. Lender shall not be regteired to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse ro sxtend rims far paymem or otherwise modify amorization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by teasan of any demand malt i+v the original Bormw•er and Barmw'er's cucceccors in interest. <br />11. Forieaussce ftv Itsder Nott a Waivsr. Ana tart+earance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise affardod by agplicahlc law, shah oat Ire a waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />11te pmevtcment ai insurance ar tht psyrtxnt of ;ax~c ar other liens or charges he Lender shall not bz a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acKlerate the maturity of the iadetstednesz cc~rutzai by this ~fottgage. <br />12. R~edass Catattdatl~vs. All remedies provided in this M~~rtgage are distsnct and cumulative m any ether right ar <br />xernedy tinder this Mori¢age pr at€orded he taw or cquin-- and mar be exercised cancur-entiv, indeperrdentiv ar stxcessiveh'. <br />13. Satcessors asd was 16oae~ Jaunt and Send t.iabilih; C:ptipas, The covenanu and agresrsaenu herein <br />:~ntainzd shad 1-in$ and the righu 'xxu,-tde.* shall inure ta. t`r respecti.•e su~s-sots and assigns of Lender and Barrauer, <br />strbjxt to the pme-isipns of paragraph 17 hereof. .~H .avrnants a.nd agztzments of Borrower shalt be joint and several. <br />The caPtioas aced Ueadirtg: pf the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for rnnveniens anl}' and are rapt ro be used ro <br />snteaptet or dsfare tht prnvisic+trs here;if. <br />1J_ '.~Ittiax. E1<cept for any natix required under applicable law to be given in anothsr manner, ial any ,rock-e to <br />Borrasver provided fo.* in this Mortgage shad tee given by mailing such notice 6y crrtifled mail addres_ced to Borrower at <br />the ?ruprrt}' Adder-ss ar at such other address as Barmu~r may designate by nrnil~r to Lanier as provided herein, peel <br />f?rl any ratite to Lender shall be grvett b}• .roniiie~ mail, retain receipt requested, to Lender's addtt~ stand herein nr to <br />str:3r ether address as Larder may designate ba• native to Barm:ver as provided heron. ,any notice pmaided far in this <br />Mt-sttgage sh-}l lr deamtd to heat i+ae~ grv.-n to Bermwrr or t_ctxder u'hrn given in the manner designated ':zrein. <br />15. Crfarn Mtge; Gavet~q Law; Seserahiity. This trim of mar-tgage cambirtes unifatm coveruru for nstianat <br />use and non-uniform ravenaatu with iimitrd variations by jurisdiction to coastiwte a uniform snunn' instrutttent caverirrg <br />real prrpen}- This Mortgacc stsail tae earn-~rrd by t}x lsw of the jurisdiction in which the Property is }peered, In the <br />wart that pay prpvisian ar clatrss of this Mortgage ar she Nate rnnflicts with applieahk law, such cpnflict shalt net affect <br />txlur pmvisttxts of this Marigags pr xhe Nntr which can be given edect withaui the eort@icting provision, and to this <br />eta ihz pravistons of the Mprtgrrge ark *lx `':pre are declare', to be severahlz. <br />1G 7ior:swer's Copy. Barmwtr shat? be furnished a wnfcztned caps pI the Note and of this Mortgage at the tune <br />pf ezecutiaa car after reaardatirnf hersoi. <br />17. 7i,kattsfsr of tfte Ihoptaty; - if all or pay part of the Property or an intsr+est therein is sold ar transferral <br />by 8nrrowsr without Leader's prtor w•rinsn consent. sccltsding tar the creation of a lien ar arrcumbrance subonfinate to <br />xltis Idcxtgags, tbl tht ~eaciart of a purchase roans}' :e.-uritp ;merest far hazsthald appliances, (cl a ttatrsfer by devise, <br />descent ~ by apt7atian p# law upvt the death ai a ipim tenant pr ids the great pf any leasehold interest of throe years or less <br />not ;'aataining an t>Fttioa to purchase., Lttuftt may, ai Larder's aptitart, declare ail rite sums secured h}• this Mortgage to he <br />itttrttediatety dax arxf payahie. Irn~i shall have u~s,ved su;-h aptitvt to accelerate if, prier to the Bak or transfer, Lender <br />trod the peasort to wimm the Property is to be roil iv xrnnsferred reach sgtecntent in writing that the credit of such person <br />is saYsfacxuy to L.tnder sad that the intsrrst pa}abk ,n tht s::ms saurcd by this hfortgagz shad 6z ai sash Bate as Lertdtr <br />shat! tpqutxt. If Leader has waited tiro aptian to accelerate pn+vided in this paraErapir 17, pad if Bprrower's sttecessar in <br />iatetL# bas stn,=u~, a st'r'itiaf asumptsart agree®cnt a...epttd in writing by f.erh3er. Linder shall reirase Barrower from all <br />nl>,ttgatwes wader tltss kintidage pad the Note.. <br />If Leader eser'caass such opting to accrierare, Lender shall mail $nrrowrr notice of acceleration in accprclance with <br />paeapaptr I4 lreatxf. Such notice shall pmvitk a period of trot less than 3D da}°s from ir'ie date ihz troticz is maSkd within <br />w}udr Barrower may pay the sums ~ctarsd dire. 1f Bptrowrr faits re pay strch sums priar to the expiration of such petted, <br />Lett say. wthotst fritfher nags pr damped an narrVwer, invoke any remedies permitted by parsgraph i S lsereof. <br />Nast-Lir.~t~tea Covtxuavrs. Barrower and Lerzder further covenant and agra+t as fellows: <br />IE. Aeeshaatla~ Fsa~ >s prwidsd fa partrllrtyei f? herrof, apoa lierrawcfs frresci at any cavesttnt or <br />aR»aseb d)6oasaRer b t~s Mstijs~s, tlrz rovcsants fo pay when due any cams muted by tisia Martertge, <br />}.artist ~siar b atxdaspss alulf meta aa4tx ea f3arr+s~et >ta gtn+ri$td is pry 1$ harx+.f apxtifyia~: fli !ba btsxb; <br />~ t~ ~~ tgnisd b eras ttsei hs+rsd5 f3) ^ dab, ~N !da tiraa 30 Sys from the d>re tbs aortas is mailed to Borrewsr, <br />ig a'iiti ststi issaei tsapt tle tatse~ psi jI) tip[ f>~te+e b tors Bach fAtsaci am ar ftet't~ts tic dais speci6sd in the optics <br />aa>q Leask i aoctleeatDies of fie Brass ascatsd bs' ti}s Matlts~s, farerlowre iy jnd;cial preeesdiet= peel ads of the Ptupcrty. <br />21ra rttiee rir~ fsnietr ittaas lfatrswtr ~ tie ntsirt w tie aftsr aartderatian .ace sir titGtu w seer. la the tttreclraare <br />peaseaiiq se ass. of a idaak nr asy arlrr tkfeate of Barrvwss b aectlerrtias and lpreefnsurs. If the btsach <br />is na ~ es es iefea+t !ice trio ~ tie atelier, i.erstlu at L,etrder's opt;ttn ropy dscfars ar3 of ttbs soma seetrt•ed by <br />sis6 ie dfgei b cafirtt is wti~ 7std pr{3Aittt rr-lEieat fart$tr deIDiad rwd stay farecMse iy judiriat prnceedit~. Lender <br />er#dascs, tsiaftarta sad title sk a of foteclawtre, lnaaadisg, but ad Braked fo, costs of tfncumsstary <br />lff. S ~ b 1?Ntrafate. Notwithstanding Lender's accereratian of the sums securzd by chi. Martgagz, <br />Barrower stet} have the tf~t in have pay proceedings begtm by Lender to sntarcc this MunBage discontinued ur prey time <br />