<br />(I) month prier to its due date thz annual mortgage insurance premium in order ro provide such hnlder
<br />with funds to pay' such premium to the Secretary of Hvusing and Clrban i~zvclopnlcnt pt3rsuaat to Che
<br />tiational Housing Act, as amznded, and applicable RYgulations• thereunder: ur
<br />(Ill Ii and so Icug as said ncae of even data altd this instrua~n[ are head be the Secratsry of }{Dosing and
<br />Urban Dzvetopmtnt. a monthly charge f:n iicu <rJ a n:~rr,age iusurmtce prentnorli which shall he in an
<br />smaunt equal to one-nvzlfth (]rl~) of ore-half (lr_1 per eenturn of the average autstanding balance
<br />due un the note a,mnutzd w-ithoat tai;inu into account delinquencies of prepayments;
<br />(b) A rain eyiiat ip the ground rents, 1f atn .nest Sue.:,lus the premiunti [hat wit] nest become due and payable on
<br />po!iaes of tare and other hazard inst3raitie iore:vr_ i}te nxutga~ed property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on thz mortgaged pmpeFtr ;al! as <•;rfmare,l ?>r ,'7;<• :1,:neQect'' less all runts already- paid therefar dirtied by the
<br />number of tnontns to eiap~ bzto;z a,re month cna+7 to ~i1c dau ehen such ;?raund rent,, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessnents vtiil nee.,mr dz!ntqucp.€. s~eh awns to nc head he Jtortaagee in tn3st to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />miums. ta~zs ana speiiai a>szsslnenis: and
<br />(c} A!! pea-menis r:*enilumd ~1 the !wt+ p?eczdine, svh,zcttons .,f this paragraph and ail paynte-nts to ne made under
<br />the pate sriurrl hereht ,i:ai ^: a,ldrts aai><."tner, anti thz aggregate anr~t3nt thereof shwa be paid h}' the Murt',agor
<br />zaeh month i31 ~ stnele t:rtntent ;,, ne at,piird ~^, the' \loiteaee2 ta, the i~~llosving iiznis in [he order act f~~rtlt:
<br />Uf 2tnmm ihargrs .m;;er she : entree ,~ -~::,,^.ra;:a kith the ~ir2!an' of Housing ant C ii:a11 lkvelopmeni.
<br />'
<br />a . anonthlc ;.h3r.c ~.. 3.v , ~ , . ~_,
<br />,rsursric. ,,•'rc~n:Run;, as the cast mat he;
<br />i
<br />tlii +_'I ~ltlnu ic'¢tie to\Y~- 351:'CS::".Yli tS tal a'
<br />3.- l,'i=e; 7:alard 3naL'I3nir p12l11n1111S:
<br />u
<br />i Ili} ,ntcrrst .°n !hC !1 i:tz'v.. ,... .. Ch:. _r: a
<br />tlV~j .asortizataan of tae ^-rnitpai of sa1J r;ete.
<br />am dzt~iizriv ~. the amount .; s^s ... ,. -_ .etc ~ .orahn rac:nrnt sha;i, unless made good by the D1olt-
<br />arae, ._, me eve dal, ,.- thz to°tt ..,,. ..... __ _.. si,t;:,_ as Yle'r ,,..cult cr,~ ihls tnartg>ge The
<br />\lor>; ~t3 -u-} - a s .a,. i.r = :.. ~ei__,..• .., .en> ai :,ct; ,iolia: (Si i c. tail: payutrnt more
<br />than n't..n t I ~3 day s 3p. a. exs to .. ,...,.~ es1_,.. yr _-`- .,:,,,:ca',.. :_.-., hrg , e?tncjuinf pu) !ttenls-
<br />,,. Ttls€ if tfre total of ibe psvmenL< made b~ the \iort~*a_>ur under ' . „f par.~raph ' preceding shall exceed
<br />the amount of payment, at-taa;!t trade by the \kinexee,• for _mund rent-. [axe- :rod a--ex,ments or in-uranre prP-
<br />mium~. x_,' the ca=e mxt 6e, .~ueh ecc;>c, ;f the loan :,c current, .rt ihr optt.,n of thc• Ator[g,tgor. sha11 be credited h#-
<br />t1tP'ik,rt~scee tin sub>eyuent psym2nt~ tt, be made by the \lort~a_vr, l5r refunds^d ti, ihr' \k,rta,ur !f, hU11'e\'Pr, the
<br />^aonthiy payment- lraade itx the 1kxr~aGtxr under :: at` paragraph ` Frcccdtne Thai[ nt~t be suffictenr to pa}' gratnS
<br />i£Y.t, t3\P= and ~-es~mPrtt_ or insurstsce premiums. a._ the ca=r mat bP, uht':t the -ame .~haE! bernmP due anti psy-
<br />sbte. then the \but;aeor sfisl! psv [o the \latt_sr;ee env smimtnt necP;.-an' to mai,P up the deficiency', on or before
<br />21tP date
<br />ttliPn pacmcnt of =urh ~t,nund rent. tsxe~, a?=e=smPnt- ar in;urance Gmmiums =ha.! be deg. if of ant'
<br />~
<br />id~P 213P .~.a~8£t1r ±h "dl} 1P.ndPr SO rhP Ihl(Ir3~~!'G P, :n :'-/Y'it rd3nf't' U'71t1 S}iP pt'OSl~ltln~ tTt ihP ROFP .~PI'nfPd hPr'Ph}',
<br />F,s11 payment of tllP entire indebtedne-~ rept~=eared thereby, the \k,r.>:a_t^{• ~ha!1, in computing 1hP amount of such
<br />tndebte,3aes;. credit to t31e ac:lwnt of the i4angagc,r all a.tvtrent+ main u3tder the ,-rot ist.,n a1C .: ? of paragraph
<br />31ere{rf witirit the \lrst-tayce hs, nos irrcomP zeblieated io pay ;., ore .~erreta-~ of Sian>in_ :tnd t-rban Det-elal,ment
<br />set,; arty b5iant'e mmainitln in the fund< at t u^iulstrd optics 1hP pnav i~iixn- of .: of parYerapb '_' hereof. If thtxe
<br />=h al! be a dept"quit under aay of the pm' i=iop~ of thi.= mort_xvP rPwitins in a public -ale of the premise= , o.Prt^d
<br />h PSeiiy, i1r i3 ih2 \k3rin,'BtPt' 3t'ajUl n's th t' ;irtlp{•rtl Jih PTKi~P aflt'r t!P fa U!f. Iht' ~}i,rl-~:ia*t'R• -!731i :tpp1Y, dl lht cline Or
<br />ihr rttmment-etePStt of --uch prorPPdin_s, ar a: the time the pmpeny i- othPnti-t' ac~yuired. the 6x!xtnt^e then remain-
<br />.n3 3n Ii1P tund~ at'PUmUlated Under -' - ili D3i3'3_,ranh precPdln E. 3.K a C?:dil :1`aln~i L!tP amtlnni <)f pPin('Ip,tJ {hen
<br />remsinini< unpaid tinder -aid note. :rid :d3sI1 pn,peTls .3diu~t sun puvmeri- lthich -hat! has-P heen made under c.'
<br />of parairaph ''-
<br />,. i';tst ttr_' 41art23ci~- '.:t31 _-ay x;r;=uh~.i ;:na,, lave.. as,e.,m2ni<. uat.r r~.._ ,nai ~,ti;er 4a,zrnmz>:isl .r lnuniuf,al
<br />?
<br />ittitriC ..::^.nr5- atI 1m[h>1i l,n. ':,t :d n?i^ : -. ,:. l nay ha~i i,c2n m:i:.r n2r23n1Yta'r2,
<br />3n0 tot °}3li11 thee: c~i 1hC \i.,rt3g22 may'
<br />i
<br />. yY FiTt s:.tne: ,,. i,`t11 rhr \t.X;i:;ka' ..lid :`iR(`tlt .72171 er t`;r :,;l:i1a7 r ct3pii Int?ttaH to rit2
<br />\~. rtga 22e.
<br />,
<br />.. T!>; }~! ilC.aC"t 6,1. n :' 2 ,Cr
<br />nAe. ^11t tK _tt2v i.p. isn the \{t11T !_'2e , -.. t. mi,i3u real r>iS:Y anJ lmnNlr-
<br />i
<br />`lltnL~,;:-hd t+i:tih ;nfi\ i,t kl Ird 'upll P. i[ll> ~?ui'i_ui: a,F tnr ilrnl ,rilrtd nr?Cr'i :hUt .'.ni+
<br />li: cite t\IenI titer SUin IS nJi prOIi1D1I-
<br />'.'Y'7!'t' tail end '.^.nia Its ihr Cl;Pn2 iti35 aUi^ e\ -t ^1_1.2' sI t ]l:an L_UrilTlJ~i, hUt:\i tttdJn[:317i c itNn tat. ~i ji2 a,r F2n27Jt,
<br />:73_;'ti=cya.' ;Y^ ~.;`-rt~3~tC :;~tt1 u., . .E' , }1t.1:,- . k - ..t A -~t ....,. t' .t?: .tit LA:l; - -lc,-.. . .:.. . ~ . . an3er-
<br />T ~li inL. ..F J: ih2 't~i'~rt£-'-mot-'vac f+:'~a't;3i,ali'1! i? ;:^t ..4 ,u, - !]_rt.., tYr tl _ntll lr. ?1 n' l:1'i~ the Nha '',~ ,; "IR ,-]r'_t In t?t nc~'eftl7Y-
<br />'
<br />~au; liten_,,b! 31pam it#r 32ftirrlrL •u tint iJZA'; Ut:.•YC'"
<br />J,htn111n£ the ~,x 4'nltnt ht [rig \l ar!,:at;lV ire ant ~[1ih L342,, tN !~ Sllcit last
<br />.,r ,7tir:2 } T{'*, kt2.~ li3ai aht smaaL nl tai ps:U hx i. ~[' \laai tEaz:!i .R it n2 ~72ati1CJ ,-n ih2 ma,it_t`.ivr Jznt. tn2 \i liri4aE'22 +hall ila\2
<br />:iK rICh2 r = 19 t'2 nlr5rty nl , n.?12n r,,=r tit t.a -.,r ~~d r . , tile -...a77 - 1 a t 1
<br />t.3 _ ~?L'rP,hl Iiti nit n12nt a f I!1r n r`g~t22
<br />t
<br />'
<br />urllt. Ff >Li.tl IKtr3iY i12 ~lcn, :hr `.:3iaf ,Srhi ah.:~l fY:a,i...
<br />.:Ue1 ~~ ,.:t`!Y anti ai`!-': t
<br />;hi2` i F:1t Ctplr::n„n tit .3117 nlntli dal i.
<br />!+. ?$3r SiHlrt}d h2 t111 ell :ta, qn1 -iiT a~S i;eCP nl , ~ t 2^IS^~t Pil`lt,i2d 1557 iP. =.htl ~la,itC3r?e, ihCfl (h2 \far(gaRrt'..tl Ile l)p-
<br />'Sa)b,_ .T a paS i,L }21T ilI'm 11k= .amt. aced ~i- :;~v^3;?lillr'f1. 4J rS1332 Shilll ^t icj u2d ii' 1112 {a71nlE~-3i aUnl C1 tS lnE Ur: ih2 St•'CitY nl,t2.
<br />`hat; !'+C tiYi and *t2t21`9', iniJ \ixa17 beat 1012.'C ~1 .ft itl.' `.xi.^ K[ {lYr~.jl In lilt did na,[e. tir3nl ~-Yin'.
<br />'. ~tni ii2 fret Ci':'v±.lJC^> ;7_if ~i::-~ :nit wC3: a+t Yi :tl ;}=2 ~}a•,-' t>t. ii' '*2 nr t,h2~Q It~N ru tnr j"sl~:Cnt i~t ih2 ,°.t•i2 and :iii
<br />,;:ms iecurtd taerzFy in ca>2 ,lf ~ .fefluit +n tht ;=rrfaarmsncr a~i ..n. , : the terms :and :a•nJ3[ions t=f thls \iu;t,aez l=r thz .aid
<br />nrre. al! She ;: nt+, rEVrmlr> and in>:•: nr :. -. ~,.., rt`r~am the *';.~rgagrJ . *2,;ti.c, dunr,~ 4uih rite -^s [ie mong:igr andrntrJ-
<br />n2s> shall remain unpntd: ofd Lhe 3tortc _- -._.. `:3vc r:,u27 ti= a: ,ant . agent :. aernr. r, .. .ire for the put, oz of
<br />~
<br />~
<br />r2pairtrtg card premises anti ;:s renr3nc s rc ,a:n2
<br />_nti .-, .,:nine the ~nt,, rc+
<br />enu2> ~nJ iailarne' and it pray pat .,ut ei said m- ~ti,
<br />.'tYtri2s a;1 er..,nzrt_.,r.sf rc-xstne ..,,a rc^iise> - s n:ies it,mm - .- and ttp,cns2n incurred m renung.,nil manab rg the
<br />~
<br />awmE:~Bd et *:it-icing cerr+~is iActefr,rh,- the ^a?sn:r *cma3n3ng, 1i anr.
<br />ie' l--e ppliei tr:N;i, l Sire dtsch:trge of raid muitgage j
<br />_ni~c}+teTnti. 9j
<br />y
<br />'S TI1`ei! tic` ,iL,TI le'rp 1112 1mpr,irm2ni. •7C,~. 2}tS{IP.L ,7 't ielfler r2-I2d n t1Yt f1 TI~sgYd ptonerLY 1rLnfcd 1J 1'SCV b2
<br />cGi1t'2a7 fr~R.if rttn2 is il'n2 - t IY1e 4t r? - -'YY -P.-? r,R I<'2 33'd - tI1CF h 'IE] -'E U 1. 12s an riingenlle5 17 "in
<br />3,4{3'J-nl*'-.4tr_ 3-ter l1iC}t yYS3a3a~5 „S :' -! ht .CS
<br />y1
<br />L37Y'J S*t" tom' ~7 '1Lssi>1 3
<br />'t xili F~3
<br />~ 1
<br />i
<br />1
<br />ri
<br />7 uUC
<br />s i
<br />`P
<br />5
<br />uiii
<br />t
<br />(
<br />...
<br />,
<br />..
<br />, 3.:
<br />.
<br />.
<br />c
<br />-
<br />,.,~~
<br />l
<br />S
<br />t.rC
<br />z+urarne paaitiriln ter pxs-tn2ni -;e ahxh ties rx 3 burn tad hrrrmixfore. 47! msl~ n,e r ! n2 ~ fined in a ttnpan3 r sip
<br />^ir'li Ct~ }`t 21~ ~ o-r=_?C -!r_ tom' ~ !f' tk. ~ ~ -. f .~f =h 111 f M1, hM1,~! Fl h iy'!
<br />~ ,}, h ~ d ht i,:ti• ,~j
<br />"
<br />~
<br />r„
<br />'t,,idi,3C it U~rS tP t1t{,r 5f Slid ;n f Rf °*f 2pldnt i1E bli„rtgagr2 In CY 2P,r i f 11 r \l tirl2.i~ f H,ii 112 mcJlalt n n4C i5y 2
<br />LT
<br />r3t`dt+ trd teC ,~7}*a¢22, wi,,. ?l1~5 m.1~.e ~Fi,t,t a f iv>-~ Ff nt+i made prampily {'t \iari L-3Ea7...ti4 tdl:h :R :Ui..ni2 .Um pAnl iUn-
<br />ir-T~i isha'e4.3 autix,riztd nn,d duetted t:: ne3G2 paynlcrt feu Such teas direct!}' to the \l.nnga~ce sn+t21J of to the 4fortgagar
<br />attd the Ultsrtrr jntntl. a;1d tin tit=vranie pTCleeds, t,r an} part thereof, inn}' nY applied by the Mortgagee at 3t, a5ption either
<br />to six rcdtttYxiatl >:tt zhe itxieittedness fierci s~ ucurt.3 .~r an tin r2ctaratinn nr repair of crag propcrtt Jzmaged. fn event of forge il,-
<br />.,ti2 *3 tllntntrtg,>$c iu tubes tr;'1€tsier t~ ttti2 to Llic mortgaged pruperts~ m r:tingvishnxnt !,f the indent2d~ess set need hereby'.
<br />a#: r€ght, ti#IE ar.3 .Ater. kt .{ ri92 terjrtt:+t :nand tr n; lea-:viarlcr ix,ticir; then in (Writ shah fie„ R, ;he rurihaser or grantee.
<br />9. That a+ aiiditx+nai aril t;c=iisiera! sr. unity 2lar the pay inept of the note desa rtned. ;,nil :11 rums t;, became Jut under chi,
<br />r-narigage. tee ±34ttntx hereby assigm tt* the ZtartE:tgrr. all profits, revenue., coy-altie+, rights anJ henetitr aiiruing to the
<br />tTt~D~i,r UIL1;7s 1iAN itid ati 017 SRd gxS KaSe+ !an vtd (±:rmii2s. K Itn !h2 fight t;,: iii 2ltr and [ei:23p1 tar SiK '+Alrlr and apply'
<br />Them tct S7#id indi~te4: $~ Tt'e17 tKfor2 a5 >11Yr d2favh in iltE iUnJ3tiiiirs f;f iii#S '.ni,rl~i1E'2, and the ~,7origagec mi31 JYmanJ, RUC
<br />for arm itic`ver acre suds paynten€s s,h2n dvt and pxy=hie, nut ahall pat h:r requirrG so to Jo-'?'h[, as.;tgnrent 1s [u ttr[n3nate
<br />Yrtd ntiUilie Rnil znJ \ f.ld Ups+n rC1EJat •al Lf11i TitiYrtgage.
<br />rr-.A?ta3M (11177]
<br />