'°°°°+~.~~ 321-047738-235-- old
<br />321-083222-203-- new
<br />THAT MOON LANDRIEU Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
<br />o£ Washington, D. C „ Grantor, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOI,LAIt ($1.00) and
<br />other valuable considerations in hand paid, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska , ;:rantees,
<br />as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, the following descrihed real prapert~~
<br />situate in the Counts of Hdll Mate of Nebraska, to ~.Jit:
<br />The Easterly Nineteen Feet (19`) of Lot Sixteen (16), and The Westerly
<br />Forty-Four feet (44'} of Lot Seventeen (17) in Slock Five (5} in
<br />Westerhoff's First Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Ball County,
<br />Nebraska, except the Southerly Thirty Feet (30') thereof, deeded to the
<br />City of Grand Island for street purposes.
<br />IVELR.~~C.4 ~20GUM-".NTARY ,~
<br />`\`^~
<br />4T:Aix:r TRic
<br />dAfit 3 ~ 198[I ti`
<br />$1'~?s`/kL~'~~'1'~ rev
<br />B£IiJG the same progerty a~yuired by the ~:rantar gursuanr to the pracisians of the
<br />National pausing Act, as amended (i' LSC 1?O1 et se~,~ and Li;e Department .~f ttax+sing and
<br />i'rban Development Art X34 Sta[. ti53).
<br />TpGETfiwR :,lT;i all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br />sari all the estate, right, title, interest, clai-r, ar demand vhatsoeF~er of the said
<br />uraator, af, in, ar to the same, or any part thereof-
<br />IT BEING the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of
<br />either of said Grantees, the entire tee single title tip the :eal estate described herein
<br />shall year in the sun*iving :;rantee.
<br />T~t3 ',iAt' ASij TO HPLD the above described premises, with ti;e appurtenances, unto the
<br />said :;rantees as daint tenants, and not as tenants ir, cansr~n, anti to Their assigns, ar
<br />ra the heirs and assigns of tf,e survivor of them, forever, and the said ~erretarv of
<br />Housing a*_vi I?r}±an «~evelspment, arsd_`ar his suecesaors and assigns, does covenant with
<br />the Grantees herein named, and vith their assigns and with the heirs, and assigns of the
<br />survivoz of them, that the said Grantor is lavfuli; seized of said pre-rises; that the~-
<br />are free from inruteitrance; that tee said t,rantar has good ri,:t;t and lawful aut~iarit~•
<br />to sail fire same., and that the said >ecreta r; ai veusing and i`=ban t;eveiopment, wilt,
<br />and his succeasrrrs and assigns, shall, WARRAN'i" and I>F~Ei:D the sane unto the earned grantees
<br />s31Si unto their assia~xss and the heirs and assigns of the survivor of the:r.•, i~.reyer, as;ain~.t
<br />the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiuin~ '~~, thr.;:~:t+ ~r ..ndYt :k.~--:, and
<br />sgainss an nther claims or demands.
<br />SUi}.IECT trs all revenants, reatrictioas, resrrvat ic~n~ , ~ a>;,,:a-i,: >, „>;~.!; ~ i.~n, .any
<br />rights appearing o[ record; aad Sl'BJEC_T tc an, ..tats .,i ia~t> >,~ -,, ,. r.v;~ - ,:~!
<br />show,
<br />