X30--~i~.G~~.7 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENT[IRE, made this 28th day of- .IanuarV _-,-. IB ~~ by and between
<br />Walter H. Kruse and Shirley M. Kruse husband and wife each in his and her overt ri¢ht.
<br />as spouse of the
<br />of Hail County, Nebraska, as trrattgegor s _ , and Grand Island Trost Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and Basting under the Laws of Nebtavke with its prinapel office and p!sce of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />WITi~ES`SETH: That saw m~tgago8__ , for aadm canvide~ation of the sum of
<br />** Two Thousand Five hundred Ten dollars and 00!100 **********Dottarsls 2,510.00
<br />).
<br />the receipt ofwhich sa hereby acSmowiadged. do _ by these presents mortgage and nerrant unto said mortgagee, its succe_9eors and assigns.
<br />twever, art the EoAowutg deseibed real estate, situated in tbe County of fIa I 1
<br />end State of Nebraska. to-wit: - --
<br />Lots i)ne ritutdred Fifty Four !2~4), and tine ;hundred
<br />Fifty Five {1~S), West Lawn in the City ai Grand
<br />island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />9'adsfa witL aI1 Erring, air m„~t'+r:,.+.' e, 3ightirg. sad plumbing equipment and ;orates. including svvexis, sa~iggs, storm sindows and
<br />deraa. ear! tsndoe sLades or hIards, used on o: m conaxtioa with said property, whert.a. the same nne mw krated an said prapQSy or tterenfter
<br />plated tiesms.
<br />YID HAiE AND T(} HELD TH£ 5.4hiE, taigarbar with all and siagtrhrr the terrm.enu, hareditamenxs and appurtzaaoav thereunto 6e~
<br />iatSflaR. a is ~Ta'Qe apprtaiaing, fxae!r~, a~ rratrsnt the title m the acme. Said morgagor ~.. heaeby mveoant __ with sold
<br />mortgagee tyt t Le v n ra _, as the daiariy hereof, the hwfu! owaer~ r:d the pretrrisae shave cAnveyed sad learn'Led.
<br />a~ are aoaed d e gmd and itrddraihk aatau a! +nLrxaance therein, free sad Blear of a8 encumhranres, and ihst t 6e~.will
<br />warzsst anal defeed the tide thmem iors~ agaenat the claims and demand: of all parsons wham_1oe+'rr.
<br />PR01'tI}£D ALA AYS, sad ~ inatrtameat a maeutet! sad detivand tQ segue the pavmtnt of the strm of
<br />** Txm ?'Itousaad Fire Hundred Ten :tellers and 00/100 ***** Dolh~lt '.'10.+J0_ _!.
<br />w9h latest tLedewt. ttgether with aoch ~ sad adaaates as my be dtx sad payable ra said ma :gages under the terms end conditions
<br />d tie pnremrorp ntue of trvao date hmewidr and eecraed hereby. etecuted by said mortgagor ~ to said enortgagae. pa}•able es eaptessed
<br />m stgd aria. asd tt.+aeuue rho pafmm~ra at sII the terms and noadsiara rroataiaed tbetain. The t`-rras of said torte are trezaby ineaporated
<br />leeteim by ~ rdereare_
<br />It a tie ids sad assaeetteac of tLe patties harem ricer Lltie matgege shall also aearre say future .dvzinas mode W said mortgagors
<br />IrY sell • and say and a9 irxabtedoeas m additixar to the aratwtai alxrre >%.ated wttitl, said raortgagnrs, or arty of them, tnay owe to
<br />sod morS~ea. Lewets evidmoerf, wlreth~ by Wore. book srxsant or otherwise. This rnatgage shndY traain in tuft torte sad affect between
<br />the parties Laeta sad thot Lairs, pmeonal rtpruetmiativYS, saocessors and assigns. uatii ati amortnta secured hereunder, including fu[urz~
<br />aAvaaoeR. err paid m Earl; sx.L intaes.
<br />TLe mrrsppv._~ hesalry _ xo said asnrt,gagsa all x~ts acrd tmtme arising at any and alt times from said property and
<br />Iaerehy ataiotaa acid mortis sr ire agent, at its option, upon drdau3e, to tape charge of said ptxrperty sad co4eet alt mats and irreome
<br />asd eApI3 tare acme m the iatrnrmt ad ire9Qeat, leinripai. iasm~arYr psemhrms, tam. aaaeasmeatn, repairs or impaovetnaote
<br />seeeeevv m Yarip acid puopeetr is teaanzshk cx rwatioa: a to ot~ chergm is pa}•ms~t~ provided fa n m i the acre * y saturad. This
<br />sot astfa~ shot! ta:>astte ~ dome antit the ut>spaid bahaaoe of acid amen i+ttW paid. TLe taioag of prima heaeuader shall in no manner
<br />ptavsst a satand sod m LLs zd said ~ LF foreclom.:e a: n6ha'sae.
<br />The 5t7oee sf a3e mart;agaa to asset airy rd its rigLta }:eta at say time aball cwt l+r coaxrrred as • waiver of its right w aasett the
<br />tame at arm isisr t `sae, >nd to msiK apoa sad ~fmae at2ia aampiitirre with aA the terms acrd prc+viaiona of said cote and of ihia mortgage.
<br />If acid 8 sLstl aurae ra be paid m aid mortgagee the enL¢a smaum doe i= irereumor, srd wader the tetras and provisions
<br />at sod ffiOe haaby aerated, inrLr~ faanre advaatrs, sad any ateomaa ~ reoesala rLaeof is aocardaare with the racers acrd provisions
<br />< turd if raid _~_ ~ witL sg the ptorioens of and cote and ai this mortgage, rhea rheas peswcarta shall be void:
<br />+tliYtsiaO>a eaaoie m fi~ btsaa ssd atlas, asd said maetg~ae abet! beeer»led to [Le porroon of aL of said ptopaty. and mty, ai its option,
<br />+alet~ats tie rsLris d odd tsDte t.'~ a6 adabtaiaa te¢aasete~d LLereby to he rmmediatety doe lad D4_vable. erd tns} iw'evnsn this mortgage
<br />a tarn RV alit! Ltpt aortae m pILOSCt its ~, waited.
<br />Tl~ neaal~a aial3 ha 6 apoio od still antra to the h~ d the heirs, ezecuwss, rdminiauatme, ssrrcaaaon and saogns of xhe
<br />apspectiva prrOes is:sa.
<br />Ihl YVITpII~ WH&&EflF, rid .Yaxtpgor.. g..__ )m .~p_ Lerw++ato set _.;I',aj,~__.____., haul _~ the day and year fast above
<br />~t9ito. /
<br />tI51LC 1~. Krµrte -
<br />S r. e .
<br />
<br />
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