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80-- ~ <br />MORTGAGE - ____ ____ __ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2?„ (~$O <br />rNOwAL~MENet~TtIES~PRrsENTS:That John E. Pfeifer and Lois A. Pfeifer, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in wrtsideration of the sum of <br />fifty Sbnucand~'nur Hundred and No:=LQs2-- __------°-°-------°--------------------DOLLARS <br />loaned to slid [stortvssgor by Tht Egrritabk Building and Lunn Asscciatiun of f rand Island, Nth:aska, Mortgagee, upor. 504 shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Crrtifiwte No. L 23,660 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgagt tmto tht said ASSOCEATION the following <br />destxibatl real estate, situated in Mal! !'cN,mty, Nebraska: <br />LOT T4t0 (2) IN BLOCK THREE (3} IN COLONIAL ESTATES SL~BDIUISION <br />iN THE CITY Of GRAND ISLAND: HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA- <br />ingather with ail the rrnerntnts, hrudrtamtnis and appuneuan:es thereunto brhmgsrm, mr3uding attacitrd tl wr ;,rowrings, al! window screens, <br />window sicadrs., biitrds, stem wiatdvws, aw•nirtgs, heating, air amditianine, and plumbing and wester equiprrxnt and aa"essaries thereto, punspa,stoves, <br />tefrigerautrs, and other futures and equipment now or hrrrafits atia,_txd iv a; rrgd in corinrction with said mal estate_ <br />And w3tertas cite said rtx r ,ttagor ;ss agreed atr3 dots [earthy agroe that the tnvrtg~or shall and will pay all tsxts and a~^^^ts kt+ied or <br />asrtessed upcw said premfsrs aix! upon this martgsge and ~hr bond srwrd tirtrrbv before the Sarre shall became delinq~txat; to ftrrnish approved <br />ittsat~rx nptan the btdldhtgs an said premises sits>rted it+, the start of S 50 ,400.00 payabtc to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOfIATIQ?ai ttir Ix>;ic±es for said insurance: and nxx to rnrzursst or pertxtit any waste ear; ar about sasid prertrises; <br />la tag ro defarsli ir. for perf:,rnranrz of an}• of the arms and u~•anditiexs of this tnurtgagc or the burtd secured hereby, the mortgagee shaIl, <br />w demand, bt envtkd m immedwte ~ ,~~~n ct th_ ntort_taged premises and tlx nrartragot hereby as>iarrs, transfers aad sets over to the <br />mOript~ee a6 *,#at rents, rr'renraes aaw irr, to t,e drn4~d from the ntar[~m premises durittg such tittx as the morr~ indebtedness shah renf`in <br />ts„grsiei_ asd the morxgsSce s#utl have the p<wre; to app.:ir<t sny agent ar agents it may desire fur the ptirpa5e of rrpairittg said premises and renting <br />xhe Satre and ~illeczing dx rrnts, rrsetttte> and inWrrtc, _nd ii may pay ont of said irairtx all rxpertits vi repairing said premises artd ntcemty <br />tYVr~issi>rras a>»i txpengs iaaurtd in [:Wring artd n*~:ra the sane[ and of mllrctittg rrntals tlr_rrtrnm: tfx !uhnex remaiaing, if aay, 4o b- <br />applied sward ilea disc~arfe :*f said rraortgagr mdthtettnrss: [hire rights of the mvngagte nay be exaastd a! a ,y time dtirirtg the existtna of strt$ <br />tkfaut4 arc•sprctivt of nny xrmporan~ wzivtr of ['tst sarrn. <br />T'heac I"regnt_c, hawxxr, art upon lire t: arxtiti<in, That rf Lht sand M:KC r shy repay said ktan on w ixivre iht tnatutity of said sham by <br />paymrna: par mtmrhiy tv sYtu'- :iLS50CIATiON ,,f ihr suer[ spirt?u<! in ta' t &3nd seemed hetrh sx intrust and pnnapa! on said iaaa, on or before <br />:tx Twca;xetis day c» rod. anrt tree[ risanih, s. ti3 ;aw loan 5 . oily paw: psis a13 taxis and a>sesmrrris irt-rrd 3tAinst slid premaes and on this Mortgage <br />rend tlx Bcxul secw d t:r_reb, , .cf.,rr &imt„txa,-v: f:.-*rtzsh app;a=x:+ msu.•arsx uptm [tat btritdixsgs t~'ttrruai m rht swsa ai i 3~ ,t} flQ . {j fl pavahle <br />io said iSSOC14T'10\: repay ro saad ASSOCSA270'+ upon demand at] money by n pool t:ar saclt xaxrs, asse;y-rmnts anJ is~ ~rartx with interest at <br />tlx mxximurr irPa: ;ate t'us atn tram date ,~_. pa}earn[ ail t+i ish,th M.,neaear tkreby agstrs u, pay; ptr~nti: rav waste vr. saxi prr.:tises: keep and cvmpty <br />vitir alt the rpxkastais and cx rnisr,ons ct the Fond roc S 50 ,+.OOt*~ dar given by tixe rod lixgagor r+ saw ASSOCIATION, and osmptY <br />with air t2re rtqutrtxrcnxs cv the i .;r-.statuxw~ and By-taws et' stud AS.SLTCi A'fi0?d: ttua ttxst pr;stmu ahatl bcatnse nui3 and ivi<i, othttwr;< [hey <br />t>it~ trrnaID m fall fc~.x and r3ay hr F.trr~4asc3 at rite c,rtwxt of ark sxid .~OCLAT30> afire fadaur tar Alter rrxinths to nxaia xny of said <br />pet-'+ae@ts cr I+e tterrc rzx~.i~ r± ;:<ara±~ ~ 2=ateag sad z<A,szL>±d.. pz}~t< <_ to Step an3 .as i+?s w-st_h tt~r agtee~ntt arw ~ mditiens of ~ Ltvnd: <br />rind g agroes to isavc a rcwsrt a,~,x~tad f~athwrz): m s»kh f tta:}ivutt proxedmgz . <br />If there is aa) s owartstnp of tfx real estate r~toitgagai heiem, b) salt ,.u ctf~rosse, rhea ttx rnsrr retna.ining indebtedness hereby <br />serantd sftdl, at the stprian of The fquitatde $ttiidmg and Levin Am.-aatiaat ~ Graau lsixtxt.'vrbrxtYa,fiecvmr tsntoedtateis due and payable without <br />furtlrr isatiix, and the aririNSUt rer~=,~,.,. dot unrkr said bond, and any atRsrt ii..ind !as oar addetx nai adiatt<xs :uad~t ttrereunder. shah, fraa& the <br />dsx of raters of said apticm,±+eai mtrxrst at the rraxisn~am irga! rxtr _ anti thn marigirgr array itaen to ;"cxi.-Sostd to satiny the amunnx dire on slid <br />bored,and any ~,tltrr 1>Laad frn additxanal adsanxs, tatgethtr wrh ai3 sr:ms paid hy- ssid The I~.,uisablr Ssuldirrg arwi Lawn Assa•.tiatian of Grand Island, <br />!~raesia tar ~ausuranac, iaxtx amt asatssatenzs, and abstraxrng rrtrttw,n Surges. wtt+.i rntrrest o'xrrcm, [oven -±ute .af paytrrnt at the maximum <br />'dep3 rate. <br />As pra.•a~ m r3ae Band Swore' htre',+}, w-hik tens xv:;,~gagc rrir-am. + rtlt-::t t`~sr_:.g~rc• s~~y irt:eaftt; rftancz widitwnal sums xa the <br />maims at said &'wd, ~hrn asignt o: sirrcrstxus in :attars:, w~hictc sums >_t-3a1! t+: wat3:s itr: x: urn} ,;i t;v; m<srtgagc t:,r Tarir as the ftmds vr;giruay <br />rtk~rtd thereby, the tarsi atmarnt r,i prmcipa! de<-. -„r, zc, c~xa+c6 ai anc term try w:patui a:iw=ant .,t thus t;w-xtgye. <br />Awe t1w 3Ctt~ - ~ ,-~ ,rr January n r ;ti aO <br />..,_ <br />Luis .;E. P#eifer j <br />3'iA7£r"iF NEilILA.~>t.A,~ ss. On tbs 30th oar-of 3anuarv t9 8O ,btfutt ,me, <br />t~fiLi4.'Ti' t)E IiALi E <br />rho •-~•itigritd, a Naxary Public m and fur said Cnunxy , perauoatly qtm <br />tks) f. P#eifer at~i Lois A. P#eifer, each in his and her o>win right~h$nd as sp~riaxetai~Y'knuwnAio <br />ot~acr ->~ are <br />!it lea be ~e ~dtsxirttl peawta S V~_~~"`~ allured to the atwsr iristrutrient u rnarlgagcx 5 and they srvrtally <br />a~iaewimglod tae atod iw6atmee~t #"J~'~'1a+~Wxy act and dad. <br />- YPI31itE::~S ink .47alxtai Sr~l~;~ ~1{afurrsaid. r <br />~y ~ ~ <br />t_..'~ `.> '. Maury Public <br />swaant iu Y <br /> <br />