<br />?N? ;Pi:,1'TC,'
<br />V^rixV ca :16 ~;~iiz 3r;:ST G\ ;i`'.
<br />MORTGAGORIS : + -
<br />i:. _ .:ii; i' i:s 1.?T'. ;: NEBRAS1iA
<br />AGREE6 RATE OF CHARGES: ?% per month on that part of the unpaid balance of the Amount Financetl not exceetling 51,OC0; t'hti, per month on any
<br />cart thereof exseediny S4tlt)D Wi nox excewiina S.F tNRi~ t !.: „ nor month nn ena remainder
<br />WtTNESSETH, that Mor~gorts). does mortgage, pant, bargain, sell, and conrey, unto Mortgagee, its successors or assigns the following described Rent F.sta[r
<br />
<br />witlr ffi brddisga ad ttpprovwents >wa sa 2raLtter erected tlttrorm rod W Aettent, awnings, shades, xtomr stsh and bliMs, and heatitrg, lighting.
<br />pL14OtlIg, gvs. e1KYtir, K.'AZyalBrg., r0"aWg and equrpmen2 axed 1n CmUTK.tfon tlrel!Witit, ail e7 whiHr, fOr the patpox Oi SEIIa mortgage,
<br />sbffi as deemed forges ad tadF+'t x the 9en hamof, and the hereditamtnu and appurtetuncet pettainurg to tM property above desctibed, and air stmts.
<br />}aces, alleys, passtlRS, ways, sagas, water t' Wes, rgha, L3extias and ptnrileges, whatsoevsr thereunto belonging or in anywia[ appertaining and the mxrsions
<br />and remsirrdeAC ffi at shirk is adarM eo heseu,afnu a tTre 'pmmiats"
<br />TO HA!'E AND TtD HOLD eht nboveslescrrbed paamiari with the ppuu nane[E and fixturts, unto tM said Alartgagee, to snco[ssars and assigns, forev[r, for
<br />!le pruptses aa1 alts 'lra!>es as forth, flee ftom ffi rights and ix:~fit~urrd[r atd by rirrue of anY Hoatettead Exemption Laws of the Stut of N[nrasts
<br />abreb na@ !R esaased. sebirb said rights gad beaaLts tEe said IialE•agur does hereby exprsssir r ~leuc and waire.
<br />dm aasigeA ro Pba>~ee all rents, ismts z¢d pro5ts of said premises, reserving itte rght ro rolkct and use the same, myth us utthoui taking
<br />and oaoSaa a dn~@re same ts9tbaat segaM to adetissan~of ~se¢tttY for the rndsi fedntss hcr~eb ~at~m~y any /w fu! mcarrs tnclud:rtg
<br />appoeamm3 of a roeeiva ie iffi na>a of anY Part Saereto,.atd to a~Y the same Tess costs attd tspertses et tspesation and toiks[tion, in[ludir~s; reasattabk
<br />aarotat'Y`s fees, rgroe ~ indebrndnets surged hereby, in arrIl order as Martpgee maY dettmriae.
<br />Ef3iR TffE !liRP(lSE L'F SEL'LIRfNG: iil 1'erfoamsntx of ucfr apocmcnt at :lattg~or r~ntanad lretesn: t'-) Paym[nt of tnc principal sum with mtemst,
<br />as pavaided ~ amisdtzm efth the trams gad peotrisiomms at a lsomisaorv Nos ~ Lean AReanent thetematrtr tefetmd w v "promisxtq• note"1
<br />chard t-yi;r ~'-'~i f ~+~ . #rctc+<ith tacceud by Mor'tBK~ and
<br />payaNe io the order of Mortgagee,
<br />s the pdmm~ s,mr of S~"~~-~ ~ ,and eater[ the date of its feat payment doe on __„ _ ,
<br />a err estanded, ddaaad or redraduiad by reaesd a seftasnae; (?# paymae of my addttroea# advam'es..rth mixrest Iherron, as may hereafter bt
<br />laasod b!i lh)tsgwgec m afatSgagor in a te:aseam sum a~~.QQ wrtErn 10 rears tram the date of thrx 11sNigagt, {a7 The payment of anY
<br />aranr7 titre teat 6e advaeoed by the Yortialae m Yarigagar fa any reasarr n: La Chad pvt-bes, wren interest ilr[mme, wtsme the amounts err advaocrd to
<br />A~ Se rac~tY a is aoaardiercr wddr tLe aaauaatrH of 4lrx Mortpse, 151 AaY rrnecal, rtfrnar,rwg err [srrm.an .rt tad pn-arrisanry Wort, err any otntt
<br />apeemcei sa pay wAiph msy bt sn§svirraed tisacfta.
<br />wS pa?°~ aratEr by m sht abb@9ae acxvraed by Nn. Yatgxe tffiah bt ,pptied is me i-+Ho~.agt arde,-
<br />F7iRSY': Ye 7Ye pstymrat of urraa gad anent®raea ttui teat' be t[vW aM attend Vawu sod pxmmar., tttwratxt ptcrn-.:a•ns. tr#vttrs. and aB oUrtr
<br />and eapaaata t~se9d ten 8c' ~aald by the learttg~nx
<br />tel: Ta ate peyaeaat a ts~ doe a said Soaa
<br />IEfti*: 'Ter ere pwa'aeat of
<br />7[i T~ES33~'T Ilf£ ~3'fY i~tFA3F, IfORTGAG081S1 t'YSti'EhA.NTS A7~D #GR£FS- tfi to tat9 satl Memnaea mnatod against +su by €ae sad
<br />~`- irim3c. ita nvasirtpamsrs ~ s ffic ~ t~s ai a°, $G fx tSe pada.-;.cs ~` fiw--~tdae .a ~~ a-rr.~.ar. rn sum ~aaais, atki
<br />is taK# otrny~a is ){apt say ties ter sz ter appsass, era tau l~3 Pram*ds Ilea [spcaase cd --'- ~'~= I >8ffi, aL Margsge['s ap4iax, be
<br />a w aid ieddaledsas, tLeWv doe a »at a: to for rataatraa of said mpravaarann. Tn event of Mtn itvt[,a{ar wi#1 girt mmedut[ oohs[ by
<br />~ ere Se Siataget, she maY acute penal of tau $ mat made prsuepety by Mmsprva, gad tatr7r rnswanax Yrmpar>± roaxrncd l5 lxrcb) autnonrcd and
<br />dYcaesi ao maia psysema for tech #au d as Nu ituEad of ra rbc Nartpgta t?) Tu pay aR texts araf spectal asmssmtnts ai any tend
<br />arN hat ism a aaag ixe bred a aaaCa7ad apmt sffi ptemeat, and w drhses to Elam. span ngrast <u the Mangagec, the affx~ul rocetpt rhuwsrrg
<br />pgmmt of ffi ssr3r iarsa gad na+amerre. s?) to tM event of dedwh bs liortgagur aMtr faregrapfu 1 at ? sl+ovt- MarrgaGte, ai its aPnon. ma) ra>
<br />plea and itat@' arss~ irrtmnet abate proridad tar m fanx rprtrrgtrout aM itfc at Uric tAortgsgr and pay tfir rtauonwr+k pr[mru.ms and yruuges, thrretur. rc+
<br />Pay ffi said casts gad asaraentsaa wahwr detesa+rnala the vahrfsty uixnaf; and r<! i"a#' ~r~ txns and aH m:h dx>buracmvnrs xha6 t+r dtrmcd a parr .~+
<br />Me asmDUdacar atcaead by tAis .#laetgge awl alts be seueadtsaeb dot gad payalsk DY lgurfiatat to karfgagee t~T To coop ur buUdingn and o:ncr
<br />i®paeavarsarts xis oa bamaDa award err Itnad aaudititsn std i+grer. cwt to xmmn tv sa es any wane err gay' ate ra said pn:arracs canuan w
<br />aaettivliees of tntiaei at emuaay~ ris tllw, ani ao paaasit Ira wrmr at ffi tWOnabk t6ues fw thr pntprrsr of impcctirrg tfir prcmirrr, >k.t to
<br />aomase a daastrtitds gray badYNgx t#kseae,, m aestaee paolapay` as9 err a gaud and s~rekmatrhke tnsatKr any bnildiats wnrch ma) lx damcdad +:r dcsuo#ei
<br />9amme gad 1a }ary. ivlaea daea ai 3atea fag 4abaa pasfosaed gad aratairitt iarmsised thetetar; 151 T'aat he w~ pay. ptastpt6' inr imirbiWnes.s >r.-ured
<br />Y~bY. and pmSanam >i AMra atdjptissam tuB ratttpltasz siM arc lerrru ~ saiJ PrsrtritaytY Natc gad this Elargge. Ctrl Thos ine tines of payment at
<br />!-e t basby >., a a[ tqy paetwa tirraed_. may` be raftirdad err evrtamd, and mY portages of tb[ premists herein deitnted may, urthaut
<br />nataee, tae at#lemd isaa Se liaa hereii, rvitbaatt adeasgg m afba.~targ the hlhitity of goy person or the prixtiy at Lhrs Egartgage, t7) Thst nc
<br />doh lriaabY ftra¢affi taa~f! and arm ftiRRlRr dttli-ad ~ tt€#[ a>d paatAmmi of LRarmt t!u 7awiW tlatms al anY +nd atl pttsou w3uttrxR-cs
<br />fT 6i IItLlT4.:ALLY ACd£E4 THJaT= 4fl u t!e seed Yrrigtam sbaH fad err oegket to pay insW~ents an nerd Praaussruy Note u the samr may hertattcr
<br />banana #, a ~ drLe+C m P4 ad alt' apsa®eat heraenda, a upon sale or oiMr dispositwe of tot prearrar by Mongagm, a: snauMl am
<br />arditla a bat ibd 9+ aO' tame sa adoenr any >sec. era, cdaea apoeet err iataresi to the pranisrs, rhea All Barns owir>F by tax EWrtgsgor to ihr
<br />weds as or zrmia ilda paa~e5 4.toar .taraW heraabY eW8 tmmzdiarcfY bes-+iarc due sai paYabk At the aptran of the ldortgagu,
<br />as gee ad'~r3r~~st atlpraq m asi oiuca prasoe rufaa may he eniitied rA sh[ monies due [nercsar. in suitr tveuf me lAortgagKe siu7
<br />tetra asa a3fr leamaiadidy to 9s maaagye by a~aeyLmt for ffiU pt~art. aM such comptamr may 6c prasacutW to rrrdgment and cxecutxsn
<br />aN grit ~-the aadfaorsea at tree srbaia aasarra d ffia mdffibedtrpt gad iataest tisrrornr, w3rrdirtg rcasona6k attorney's Fars, any amounts m4s~anred
<br />fuaaanad to ~ aea~q stones at sea, aai mats d alt, d 1 by hw.
<br />i?--h adra aaaN laid eta toad as a taretimasra sale„ d aha® bs haaie fa[ aaY defi~tncy runamr~ eater Bak of ttx prcmisn ii permrtrod b)
<br />fees, >a{- ~ send sb m ~ i > and as are ~ of f~-sue. sa::krdirrg ~artgag:c's mausaat~ artarnr>'.
<br />f~ aeaand. ~ a tflu tits of any and- 0 ptirq aamrnbrance4 boas err cltargan paN aru7 dtuMeged Ironr ttrt promeds at ~.r l.un
<br />p'~ ~ tad ~~ a~ ~' an ~ mew ~ teffi >> ~ t of nid imul>u~drstss slraU nt ,~urtd t+Y s+rcn stns uo thr
<br />t~y ;'ltai4Kic. 1tt bra titan eT Yp, twnrMN rM N ~ NaaC, dfe~,0r~ a&Y apUaa. web aptt~u may be extr.iud wnen ter rrgnt
<br />t as ~ #aie Wtgtf# tWaAp4i0R 4t' of pyaant ddACas la de$utt shalt ctmsttirrat a warxr at any .defaLR this,
<br />aaeass tatsw, gaga tae
<br />
<br />