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<br />]0. That the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />upon said land, nor suffer the said premises to be used fur any unlawful purpose. <br />ti. That if the premises, cr any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain, ar acquired for a public <br />use, the damages awarded. the proceeds for the taking ef, or the consideration for such acyuisitian, to the extent of the full <br />amount of indebtednes upon This mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, aad shall he paid forthwith to said !lforigsgea to he applied by the latter oa account of the next <br />maturing installments of such indebtedness. <br />L. The Mortgagor further agrees that should this mortgage and the mte secured hereby not be eligible for in- <br />surance under the National Housing Act within sixty days from the date hereof (written statement of anv officer <br />of the Department of Housing amt Urban llevelopment or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban <br />Devek?pmen[ dated subsequent to the -sixty days time fram the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said <br />[rote artd [his mortgage, bring deemed canetusive proof of such inehgibilityl, the Mortgagee or balder of the note <br />may, a[ its option. declare all sums stcurred hereby immtdiateh- due and payable. <br />~ i3. That if the Mortgagor faits to make an} na}'meets .?f money when the same become due. or faits to conform to and <br />comply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the note which it secures. then theentire princi- <br />pal sum and accrutd interest shall at once become due and paya'ttie, at the election of the Dfartgagee; and this mortgage may <br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately far the whale of said money, interest, monthly payments, casts, ground rents, taxes and <br />the cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclowre suit, and a rea- <br />sonahk attorney's fee, all of wfiich shall be included in the decree of doreciasure: and the contract embodied in this mortgage <br />U artd rite [tote secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the <br />same is made. <br />"Ibe cavenann herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall imure to, the respective heirs, executors, <br />(~ administrators. successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used. the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />ptural the sitlguiar. and the use of anv gender shall tee appiicab}e to atl genders. <br />iix foregoing conditions. atl and singular, being performed according ut their natural and legal import, this conveyance <br />shall lee raid and said premises released at the expense of ine Mortgagor, othrrw isr to be and remain in full farce and effect. <br />IN R'fTNESS WHEREOF, the Mongagor(s3 ha hereunto set hand(s1 the day and year first <br />atta?vt 41itiM. <br />to presencte of: <br />T}tottw~ 1 ~ _ ~ - `.' ~ (SEAL ( <br />iS£AL) <br />l7~?nr?-i /J~ S/YY+l.rr~ (SEAL 1 <br />Carol A. Morin <br />[SEAL) <br />(SEAL] <br />GPO 911.131 <br />$TATE{)FNEBRASKA, <br />$$: <br />C?~3ti7Y Z1Fiia ll <br />as this ;8th day d Jantiarq . A.D. 19 $C , befart wee. <br />a ~taty public is and for said i'aatuy. ptrsosaily ~[oe <br />Tlxutas R. Morin and Carol A. Merin, *ttrshattd and wife <br />~~~ persaaally to ere known <br />~°O s ts~t+ase aalne s ~~ tt~xed to tht atwvr at7tl foro- <br />~'~~~.aad fey ha>rz ack7rotulyd <br />+exeraeett ~,~ ~ ~ grd the said instntment and the <br />hair valunaar} :tct and deed, for the purposes therein expressed. <br />is many +chca~f,Illaseht9YttntasNnty hand andaiacdby my ~~~ Grand Island, Nebraska <br />~ the day ate hate last shout aroma. <br />f , <br />Nc7tarr it37bliC <br />STATE t-F NEfiR~4SICA <br />Ft1nd tat rtxxa+d t4ia day of <br />a9t a'dnd[ <br />t~acloetieri i~ $o®it <br />~ ~ <br />~. <br />_. _---- - <br />~_..- ~ ;ia•_ai zee ~ ~3F,~t~ . <br />~t;iyt- r~-~-~^` <br />A.D.14 <br />M., and tatertd in Nutntr~ Iluitx, and <br />of Mortgages, on <br />Register of Deeds <br />P NA~75 baM (t(1~773 <br />