31-02-0345 This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />8Q- ~
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 28th day of January ,A.D-
<br />19 80, by and between Thomas K. Morin and Carol A. Morin, husband and wife
<br />of tke County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />~ Ittortgagor. ~d Mortttazle Plus Incorporated
<br />a corporatist orgaaiud sad existing under [be laws of the United States of America
<br />party ~ the second part, hereinafter called the tdortgagee.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Three Thous d Eip~-~ and
<br />_ Dollars (533 050 , QO ), pat~y the Rtbtt-
<br />• - ---- - ------ -- -- -- hes
<br />gagee, rtspt~ whtchis~tereby aclnowEe3ged~ias tfranit~and Sold an ~+y t e presents does Grant, Btu-
<br />gain, SeR, Canvey and Confirm unto the Martgagse, its successors acrd assigns, forever, the following-des.-ribed
<br />' teal estate, situated in the County of Ha11 .and State
<br />of Nehruka, ro wit:
<br />4~e 8ast Fatty RRtree and Five Tenths (E43.5) Feet of Lot Thirty Four
<br />(34} and the hest Five and Five Tenths (W5.5) Feet of Lot Thirty
<br />Floe 1351. in $tiL+navsta fixzhd.ivi Ginn in tie City of ~~d Tslan,3~
<br />ltall County, Nebraska. - -
<br />also kasxrn as: 343 E. Dodge, Grand Island,F:a11 County, Nebraska.
<br />of r?te ~idL 14iatapnl DAetidi:n, tnauti,~ng in all county P~Per'tY acres according to Govern-
<br />7'tt HAY£ .AND TO Ht?I~ the premises abo, ^ descnled, with all the appnrteasnccs thereutuo bekitigipg attd itxPtdit+g
<br />~ ~ t and h ixtttt+es sad e4ttiPment mw or hereafter attacAed to tx used is connection with said real estate
<br />tiatothc >t~tp~ec, sad ao hs ~ sad assi~s, tomrr. The Mortgagor represents to, and covensnis with, fhe Mst~-
<br />thft the has }pnd ~ to seH and convey saw premises; that they ate tree from ettcumbraa.,e; and that the
<br />tt~ ivar:a~ and dead rite xame a~si the tawfui riaims of alt penaas whomsaevcr: and the said Mortgagor herc-
<br />lty ~ afi tittius of hasresaaad, and all martial t76ists, either in law ~ itt taptity, atxl all other tontatgent iMetests of the
<br />is aed to the tom, ihr itNe»ti~w ttpog to txmvcy htuebY as absolute tkle, inlet simper, ktclad-
<br />iat<aS at hutustead, and Oahu tights and itttetcsts as afia'rsaid.
<br />)~gL'L#s'D ALR AYS, amt these presents arc executed and defivcred upon the iOIIuM jnj cartditiotts, to wit:
<br />11teaSxstopaytotheMors~tgec,cvtttdu,~cptimcipalsttataf Thirty Three Thousand Fifty and
<br />t1®~lflt9t3is ----__-.._.____.y___._~ llcd)arst333,flS0,L10 ),v<~ithintctcsttrom
<br />dttae m die rase Sleeets and one half Pct acetate 111.50 '&) ptt atuttun oa
<br />the ttaPaid roe wKi paid- the said l sad imertst shall ix payattle at the xd!tce of Mortgage Plus Ittcorpoxated
<br />ht Ettg3ev_ood, t: oloteado , s atgsuch other polace aslthepha~ldu of
<br />ate sett my desi~tate itt isat~, m aaoatthly Daftars t1321132? . ~ree fltandred Twenty )~commeadirtg on~thcOtvsi day of
<br />March . 14 $t3 , amt am the first day of each month thereatter until the ptirtdpal and in•
<br />tuts tae tniy gted. exa~pt that the final payment ad paincipa) acrd intutst, if not spotter paid. shat! be due and
<br />par}ahitat~taLt%t4ty ni F~Dzuazy 3010 :all at:cardi~ to the rums of a certain promis-
<br />mn} att~ ~eweea last fietexes~d ~ the saki ~-
<br />1]te ~ tat ardet inott ft+tly t4a #toeua the scaniay of t9tis 1~4artgage, a~rces:
<br />1_ 71u1 he r tray the mss, as ;aeraats pauvided. PtivdCgc is rosetved to pay tlrc debt im whole. or in an
<br />ttslttti to ant 94 wtaat tatty payaarma oa the ptiacapai that art next due art the note, on the first day of any mant6
<br />prtar m atap~#y-1~lnvtidad, tiantt~anr, That wtitttm notice of an iatemtion W -exerts such privilege it given at kart thttty (381
<br />dttya print w pas~.ytaoat.
<br />I "t», k/etAu tom, sad is addirran Rt, dte atasrhly ptymcats of prinei}ul and intuest Pt!Yabk uadcr the terms of the
<br />nple ta~cttrad t1~aly, t~R ~ rant' to the , na the first day od pc6 month until the sail! rtotc is tttiiy paid, the
<br />ta~ntrigd rWla~
<br />Via) t5,taoant fwnjrpai as prongs the httldct hcsaof with fonds to pay the next mortgage ittatravcce prrntittm if this
<br />sad t~ ; arc ~tttsd. or a trronthly ci4ar~ (fs Ltu ~j s rrcorr~s irtwrenn Cwt
<br />tt~tttr/ it they ut ~9d by dro Seoratarry of liotnia; amd ifrbxi I]exo}olrmmi, to fo4tnvs
<br />[l} ff { aa+ lpg6ac acid rtt#a oA suss t4tme anti this itsttttrttnt sac atatucd ur am reinwred undo the pro-
<br />®( rise 1~4ttiasai #iauaiag Art, an amount euitadent to aet:ttmulate itt the handx if the holder one
<br />v+*vio.e 6tliY.tnt tr. t)am4u !iTA'TE 4F NEt~RAso' hA
<br />