80-- ~=~~~ Mt3RTGAGE
<br />THIS IND;sN'142RP. made this 25th day of January __, 19-8Q 6y and between
<br />X e-in C k' ;d c and *targa id {•? c HLthan d_,3nd 5~7i f[>. Perch ;n hic and hnr n'.Zy ri ~s_
<br />-and as spouse of the other;
<br />~ Hall Cosmty, Nebraska, as mortgagor S ,and Grams Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />agaaired and existing under the Is!vs of Nebtaaka with its grincipel office ersd glace of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />WITNffiSETH; That astitimatgagnr s , for and in masidasation of the sum of _ _ _
<br />*Six T}mttsand Thirteen dollars and 00/100****************~~?S*~~y~e~~ -6:,.013. Q0 i,
<br />~;
<br />- r.;
<br />the txtapt oiwhir~ is hereby admowiedged. do - by these presents mortgage atui warrant unto said mortgagee, its euet~esdore and assigns.
<br />fotevs, ai! the fdbsiag dsssrnbed real aerate, situated in the Coanty of Hai l
<br />and Staie of Nebras3ca. to-wit:
<br />I.o[ Ten {20) Block 'I\reive {12} in Parkhill
<br />'third Subdivision, an Addition to the City
<br />of Gzand Island, Hall Cottnty, Nebraska.
<br />i+gge[3a with tai iseatiag, air msrdhisaag, >~a, and piumhing eq¢~rmat sad fiscwree, including screens, awsrepga, scam rrindawa sad
<br />doers, smd allow alaadw arbtindr, woad m err is maaesrion with said pNperty, whether the same are row located oo snid psepe'ty or 6sreaRer
<br />f~ ,
<br />TO SAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAYE, wgethea with aA and sia=alar the testa, 6srediteasents end agpo:Yeaatscea ChesestaW be,
<br />~, err is aey:iee egpsetaiaaK, itee+rr, s,d warrmt the title m the ame. Srd amrgagtu _S.__ hereby omromat -with said
<br />tiaa t l,~v aze T_ , ~ the dativery hereof, she lewfal owt+er s of the ptt®iaes above asnveyad tad described,
<br />sad i~ seiasd d a psed sad adeiem3le aante of iaherFcance thsrees, five sad dear of ail earomhraassis, sad that__C_hey_wiU
<br />tsartwet sod ddaad rise title i3rreta foteawr ibe deims sad demands of all pssntsna whomeoa~x.
<br />p$pi'!3)ED AL4i AYS, sad this mNSt>~t is ascatad sad delivered W asnve the psyroesrt of the artm of
<br />*+ Six Thousand Thirteen dollars and ~%i~'+~***+*;*********~a„n 6z~113,?0 i,
<br />ts~ iasarerse thsesao. sells sac! sharps and advasroa d mRy be dare sad papaisle w said sanrtgngee wader ts'+e terms sad conditions
<br />of cis peaeaissEty races ~ srwm date hseea~th sod canoed haeeity, erantted by said > 3 w Weill mortgagee, Paya~ as ~P~~
<br />acrd rssn, std a aerate tie pa3sa®ce of s8 tie teems sad rnadieisets ,~amta®ed therein.. Ths terms of acid nee era baeehy ioonpoeated
<br />iaera hp till tisem.
<br />its aeiskeasiea s®d a{reames, d tie pertiea presto that this morttEaga ahdl also aerate say fatuta advatsoas Wards to said mortgagor-
<br />~ atid» and sap sad erg iodeFte~w a addrtiaa to the amomn apses atatad whicL acid martgaaas, or aaY of them, may ores W
<br />aid aaa, hawses evideeead, trhatia by •oq. soak amsotrt a otheewiee. 79sis moriaage shall remain m full force sad offset between
<br />tie Pa's assets sad iLeir bases. perms] rapeaasaaaasvsa, suectwsore sd aseigm, ware! ap :mooata eannsd 6mmmder, irsdudiag fnWre
<br />adsrapaes. sea paid m aC tritb iateeat.
<br />TLr as3ilF+r-~-_ haeiry aare(ta - to said mottaoQas elf seats sad irscoras sesiog u soy sad all times from sears property sad
<br />i+anbs aatiaae sell aserpips s stn syeet. at its apciea• clam dafiwlt, w calm charge of said prCpaty sad ndlen. ail trots sell income
<br />drsdreae aid app~p tie severs m the tslassrt d iatesesx, peiae~al. itiwtraeQ prem~s, teas, aswa®mu. repeats err improvearmsta
<br />rsorrsary ~ lrrp acid lasPerty m uaasehin aosditecvr. tr iD ether charges err pa}zoeora g.e~r;ded to hereur m~ ur the note bareh~, sensred. This
<br />asS aard~mamt aispss a fxcxaWts shs tolar x of aced ao€a ia.fulty paid. 7Le tslrists of p~eeeion herssxoda ahaB is ro marmsr
<br />;saarast err aantd ardd era~rela a ~ at and aaas by iereolsm+s u atLeatrinsa_
<br />7Sse failaes $ tie aasipepee to asset a~ of ire titian hsaesmds tl say tea ehs@ ace be eomruued e. a waive of rte right to esern the
<br />ease at ate ials Reaa4 tad 4a iamt tgsen sad >adtxce ruin. wish sd the terms astd ptovesioas d said rota sad of this mortgrige_
<br />1Z said eearF~apar p nisi arms RQ b paid b aid martarµee fie aerate ameaffi d,re it hweareds, asd vadec the trims and peaviseoas
<br /># ardd mss ~ erased. ia~edhrst fotate arisnaoea, sass a~ esctmaiass a resieaala thereof is accadaaa with the fntas sad provisiorsa
<br />ti~wessi. sad if erd> 5 ala9 naoply witls afl cis prwva~s d said eats sad td then soatgslle, tam thaw ptesatta shall 6e wridi
<br />aa3+t+ds-aa7+wrafsisfs~fetesmldfett, adadmeet~eabsilhsas>tiplad m else pomeroan o(ail of said gmpaty, sad may. et ate option.
<br />dadsas lie ^~!isir esl aaii ssss asad ali Lsdehsdaeas sr4raaaoud thseby to bs immediately doe std payabis, and trmy forectrwa tdsbs arortgage
<br />a Leis pu¢ skis Yrtlsi scrim a pnnsct ins ti~lrt. Aapswisessst waived.
<br />'itaris siisii iw laldiap tspsr oaf airs aeaa fo dr 6sordit. d the beoe, axraswre. adst+iajatrrtpra, suoceaeon std aeaitpes at the
<br />tgPadive p•iWs lsaMO.
<br />SN iMi1aCli~ WH~E1pQ1s'. said lioeyryera-__ lasir~_ heasursto art hand s. t2sq day aed yore first shove
<br />. az et Weidea
<br />.- t..,..
<br />