<br />•~ry MORTGAGE
<br />OO Tt1IS MORTGAGE, made this......~~............_.....day oftT~F ................... ]9.. ~........., by.................................,.........................__......
<br />Floyd..A...,4:~s~utt...axid..7.i.~~..Me_.St.Q!f~ ........................................................................._................_._.........._......._............ .
<br />of..G,rand.-Z9~d.._ ............................County of.....................................................and State oC Yebreska, hereafter retezre6 to
<br />as "Mortgagors,' and BENEF[CL4L FINANCE CO. OF NEBRASKA, a corporation organized and existing under [he laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska and having an office and place of business at...~~}3a...~Q~.~t~l..~i911.t2..~,5~ ................ . ..~... ZB18iiti).. $~.....-......... ,
<br />hettaftu referred to ae "Mort,¢agec."
<br />WIINESSETH That the Mortgagor, in order to secure the payment of a certain gromissory note of even date hvowith in the Actual Amount
<br />of Loan of S..~~.QQQ~Q~._....._._........-.-, together with intereu on unpaid principal balances, receipt of the proceWs thereof being hereby
<br />- acknowledged, hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee the foilowittg desrn'bed real estate situated in the County of..l........._.........._...__... ,
<br />State of Nebraska, more particularly desenbed as follows:
<br />hest fkne Himt~ed £ift~Y-three (1~3), is Husaaviets SubdiviaiQa, as
<br />addition to the city o£ Grand island, Heltra9ka.
<br />SLiBlECT Ta_
<br />tolterhet with aB iht teaxmentx, becoditameats and appunemacee to the sane bdottprrg, and all the carets, title dove: right of homestead,
<br />deans gad densmds whatsaeaYr of rho n.ari~oa of, in or to said grarriaes or any pan thtisof.
<br />10 HAb'E AND TO HOLLt the abets descn"!>ed premiatn, with aB the ptirde6es and appurtenances to the said Mortgagee. its srtettssurs atM
<br />aasgns, fnsever:
<br />AA'1) the idaaigaroas do COV~A.1T with the said Mortgages, its mectssnn and afsig¢s, that they are lawfully seized is fx of the pstmises.;
<br />that said pt®ers me it*x of at1 etnwniuaares, sacepi as af6lrsaid: that they have Eoad ripjtl to adt and aonrey the same as afm~emd: attd that
<br />~!' sad thta Leos shsli and as71 forever W'ARP_ANT ANA DEFFS~7D die same to the sail Mor~agce, iu mccesnn and assns FoiCYCr, against
<br />the Lwtrd ciaans and desuands of all pers~ts
<br />Ttte agaeed rate err charge oa the aSottsid pratrtissarv Hoge is ?i'b per tmrntm;l~ pa etoath) on the[ part of the unpaid Principal balance not
<br />iR rrertss of S l,itUt)- 18Yr per asamu { lii,F pu meat3r) on than pan of 1}tc naptdd pritt~tai balance exceeding S ] ,tX10 but gat exceeding SS,006:
<br />and I i~ poi mnum [ 1 3,3~ per mcmtltl on aey raaaiada of snt~ awl+aid balarax.
<br />UatiR the ptpztuat an fuB of the gramiseory cote evidenci[yt Chia lom, amard~g to the tams thereaC, dtc Mtvtsagon hezeby COVENANT AND
<br />ACaRF~: t 1) To pay aB taxes aa3 aatemnmts tm tht ptmrises 6txa'bad hetsat to whnmausve[ levied and asaen+~; {2) To keep rhs buBdinp
<br />and impravaarnn sitaated rhrraoa i~rred against fee and odta bawds in each amosat and with mrh inenraace rattier as shall be aaxpbide
<br />m thr MiRtgagr_: t3f Ta ataintam the prertturc etMtaa~:ially in as goad eoaditian and rtpaft at they an cm the date hereof. attd ndthu to
<br />traasait a~ to mifv say ~ m wtstt tbereoi; and, ti )Ter emit iw tararlt of any caveeant hsidn ~varaiaad.
<br />}'ROtr'IDED. N~l'f.RTMFt >: cc, that if Martgagots shag pay tits fu8 amount of the laaa to the Mattgagec, u`cardi^r,. to the tams of the nett,
<br />gad shaD grsfatm aS of the germs aart casditiam of this marEaage, ihu mnrtgs~ge, togc~er with the aid gromissarp Herr, shag teas and be
<br />vevd. OtAriaiar it Elul! Emtaia in etCert. In the went of gay dtfauit is tix paytarat of the mtn:ddy iaraalmeats an the rage, Mortgagee, its sue-
<br />aaaaats err aategns, mxy maianin as active at law err alnitp to raasss[[ ilre unpaid prutcipal balaox of said )aan plus any amued a~ unpaid
<br />if mdY one martLtaPaa arc apart- to this instnunmt, a5 giant aids herein reiemrtg to Moritrigars shall M rnnstn,ed in the singular.
<br />iN ~12?TE-S^3 t471EREZ}F, the gut N rtgaµasa hose t+areunto aer chest ksada asd stilt nn the date eta ve nzineti.
<br />aradad gad ds~rd -tw ietsr~ag-us
<br />~_ r-. ~' a{ ' ~ '~ i ~•"~.e-' .a1 ~'~"'*'_' (SEAL)
<br />~'-S7~j ~ ~ ~~ s ygr .4aeear alltfart>*aaw
<br />Floyd J. Sta"'dL"~
<br />' ~^ r .~ ,. a {, t:-e l 't`.~- ~-'.-"~_'~ tSEAL)
<br />Aitrtra ' .
<br />?teat nor T'v£r h'neur of Morgagw
<br />STAT£ C3F NL&R.~4Si.A ~ I,t l l i e 1'~a $L0116
<br />t
<br />f n. xs.
<br />rant x_.22.__ -a} ::,_dimus.~..-. .... , :s~?_-_.... t+etoa rze.__~3a_rald-M. Ru4h
<br />`~ ....._ ..................... ........._. __............ a
<br />Ieiotas7 1'uhtic, dn)S' app:rntad and gaaliftW far and xsidtng is said .;w:arrt}, peawnaBy aPPeue3~'3tr„sag..ga_$~6i~i_...___.._ .................._.
<br />aged I-i 17 3 n . ]Q._ ".._...._. _... _.... _. _. _. . Tits a~itr. *_o me lu~wa to R a3ae idusti.-.si pztmnt d~ribni in and wfio tsecuttd the s.~ithtn
<br />axaGgygr--. rand Ebrj' apprSaBti ;-2II~ a~ledgM mC gear EoLa} aCT and deal.
<br />L'.~
<br />iti irTPiFSS 1KIL:kEOt.) hays ttrrs,uato art tn} >~., aff -. ...._.... _..._ .. ............__. __..._ ...... _..._..
<br />n Yjd c.wnts . tht dtn attet }'ca !aG at*.a~yAr ~,~ _ ~. "~
<br />:~lataiy I'utd4; to end li~i satd l'cwntY
<br />td-y C EalWcs ~--~L~ .##~+.4r
<br />5a+ at.t. 371. fa. aua '~'3
<br />