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<br /> by ownar's And operators of similar proporties and as Be�aliciary may require/8r ite protection. Trustor wiii uuioptY � ;.
<br /> with such othar requiroments os Beneficiary may from tima tu tima request for the p�otection by lnauranca ot the
<br /> inta�est of the respeccivs parties. Ati insuraace poficiat maintslnad pursuent to this Deed of Trust shall�ame Tru�tor �:�.
<br /> nnd Bet�eficlasy as insurud, as thelr respect�ve inte�a�t may aDpea�8nd PiQVida thet there sh�lt E�a no cancatlatian or �
<br /> modificatian without tifteen (15)days prior written notification to Trustae and Beneficiary. IN tho ovent any pollcV
<br /> h�treundar is not�snewed on or before fifteen(1 S)days prior to its expi��atian date, Trustea or Beneficiary may procuie �-,�
<br /> such insurance in a�cordance with the provlaions oi Parepraph 7. Trustor shaii delivor tu 68�eiiciary tha o:lgin�l
<br /> policies of insurance and renewalt thoreaf or copies of such policles and renewalnefhc er�f�constitutaoa deteultsuAll ��_
<br /> insuranct� by T�ustor, or►enewal9 as required hareundor, shafl,at the optlon of Ba Y ..
<br /> unaarned premiume are he�eby assigned to Trustae as edditlonal security, and e sate and convoyance of tha Property �H__
<br /> by the Trustea ahall operate to convey to the purchaser the Trustor's interest in and to all poUcies of insu�ance upon _`_
<br /> tha Tru�t Propertl'• ° -
<br /> 6. Tax�s and Ass�ssmants. T�ustor shull pay all iauas and special assessmants te+►iad or asso�:sd aflain9t, or _ ___
<br /> • due upon,the Proper�t�efore delinquency and will deUver to Benoficia�y coples of receipts showiny paymant of such ��
<br /> � taxes and special assessments. �._
<br /> 6. Additiond 11��,�. T�uator shall make ell peymants of fnterest and principal, and payments of any other charges, �
<br /> fees, and expenses contracted to be pald to any existing lien hotders or prior beneficiaries u�dar eny p�lor Oead ot �.L�
<br /> � Trust, Mortgage or o4her secu�ity agreament, before the deie:hey are delinquent and to pay any other claim which
<br />_ jeopardizes the sec�ri!� pranted harein. ��
<br /> 7. Prots�tia�oY ��ic1�rY'� S�it1►, Shauld Trusto�fail to make any payment, fail ta da any act as herein _.
<br /> � �rovidec!or if any a.."tian cr prcceec9ing is commenced which materialiy� affects Beneficlery's lnt�rest!n the PropertY. �y.,
<br /> � includie�. �ut no li�ii� to, eanir+�nt dornaln. Insolvency. arranflements or procosdings involving a bankrupt or �
<br /> decade�Y,tt►an Benet�iary Q�4n:s=�e.but without obUgation to do so,and without notice to or dema�d upon Trustor. K=
<br /> and without releas�ng?easior irom eny obUgation hereunder, may maka or do the same, and mey pay, purchase, _
<br />-, contest or compram�se an.-�.y encumbrance,charfle ot lien, which in the judgament of eithe� a�spear� to afiect said -
<br /> ' Property;in exe�cising mn�r s:ich powers,the Beneficlary or Trustee ma1•incur a liability and expend whatever amounts,
<br /> including disbu�sements Qf re�sonable attorney's fees, which in their absolute discretion may be necessary. In tha
<br />-' e�ant that T�ustor sht�L f�i4 tQ procure insurance, fail to pay taxes and specla! assessments or fail to make any
<br /> . paymenta to existinc�or�rior lien holders or beneficiarias,the Beneficiary may procure such insura�ce and mske such
<br /> - payments. Atl sums �r,�urred��expended by 8eneficiary or Trustea in eccordance with the provisions of She Deed of
<br />— Trust are sscured he�eby and,without demand,shall be immediately due and payable by Trusto�and shall bea�interest =
<br /> u at the rate provided for advances under the Loan Agreernent;provided.however,that at the option of the Beneficiary
<br /> � or Trustsc3,such sums may be ada:ed to this principal balanco of eny indebtedness secured herehy and shall bear the
<br />— same interest as such indebtedness and shall ba payable ra4ab{y over the temaining term thereof.
<br />— g, pasi0en�nt of R�nts. 8eneficiary shsll hsve tho right�power and avthority during the continuance of this Deed
<br />� of Trust to collect the ronta.issues snd profita ot the�operry ana ot a�iy Ne�s���:��:a��K;l==a:�th='s'-"'n `"l'rh or _
<br />- without taking possession of the P�operty affected hereby,and Trustor he�eby absoluteiy and unconditionatiy assigns
<br />� all such rents,issues and profitato Beneficiary. Beneficiary, however,hereby consents to the T�ustor's collection and
<br />� retention of cuch rertu,issues and profits as they accrue and become payable so lonp as Trustor is not, at such tirne,
<br />� in defautt with res�ect to paymant of any indebtedness securad hereby o� in the performance of any apreement
<br /> � hereander. URcn�nY such defauit, Baneficiary may at any time. �ithe► in psrso�, by agent or by a receiver to be
<br /> v� appointed by e c�cuc��r+�►ithout notice a�sd without�egard to iche adsquacY of any security for the indebtadness herebV
<br /> � secure�: ta� entec �on and taka y�ossesston of the Property or any pan thereof and in its own name sue tor or
<br /> — othsrwise coitQCt such rants, issues and profits, including ttwse psst due and unpaid, �n apply the same, less costs
<br /> ,� and expenses of cWezation end cultection,including reasonable attorney fees,upoo any i�debtedness secu�ed hereby
<br /> and in such o�der as Beneflciary may determine: (b)perform such acts of repair or proteciion as mey be necessuY or
<br /> .. propsr to conserve the value of the Propany: (c)lease the same or any part hereof for such rental term and uQon such
<br /> � conditions as its judgment may dictete. Unless Trustor aru!Beneficiary a9ree otherwise in writing,any applicatlon of
<br /> — rents,issues or protits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or pos3ponethe due date af tho instaUment
<br /> � payments ss provicPed in the Loan Agreement, and the appAcation thereof as eforesatd shall not waiva or cure any
<br /> � defiuit or notice af default hereunder o� (nvalidate ar�y ect done pursuant to such notice. Trustor aiso assigns to
<br /> � Beneficiary, as further security for the pe�formance of the obiigations secured he�eby,ell prepaid rents and ts!! monies
<br /> � which nrtay have been a may hereaftsr be deposited with said T�ustor by any lessee of the Proparty,to secure the
<br /> � payment of s�ny rent,snd upon default in the performance of any of the provisions i�ereof,Trustor agress to dafiver -
<br /> such rents and d�sasits to the Beneficiary. Qelivery of written notice of Bane�iciary's exercise of the rights granted
<br /> � herein to sny tan�cst occuPYinp seld premises shall be sufficiant to require sa� tenant to paY said �ent to the
<br /> �
<br /> :i 6enefidary urtti�fc.rther notico.
<br /> �� g, Car�dMtma�on. If title to eny psrt of the P�opert� shall be taken in condemnation proceedinfls, by ripht of =
<br /> ernine,iy cart�ss ar similar aciion, or shall be sold under tFuest of condemnation,all awards, damages a�f Proceeds _
<br /> � � are herebY assiQned and ahai!bB paid to geneficiary wiw si�aii appiy s+sc;�swsr�,dama;�°.:r.s�proceada to t4H�wns
<br /> j secutsd by thr Deod of Trust,with th� excess. if any,paid Yo the zcustor.
<br /> 10. Fuwr�Advanc�s. Tha I..oan Agreement provides for advances from time to time to Trustor by Beneficiary� _
<br />- as provided therein. In addition, upon request of Trustor, Beneficiary,et Beneficiary's optl�n,prior to reconveyance
<br />_ � of the PropertY to the Trusta, may make additional future advances to the Trustor. Such future advances, with
<br /> interost thereon,shall be sacured by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes
<br /> - are securad hereby; provided that at no time shall the secu�ed principal and future advances, not including sums
<br /> � advanced to protect the security, excoed one hundred percent (10096) of the original principa! amounts secured
<br /> �,ereby.
<br /> ��, R�r�sdi�s Cumuls6v�. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and c�u1�Li�ry�yany other
<br /> ri�ht o� remedy under this Qaed of Trust or affordW by law or equity. and may be e�ercised'`C'aricurrent(y.
<br /> independently or successiveiy.
<br /> 12. AccNwstion: Rwt�dws:Sal�• A dafault shall exist in the eve�t of:
<br /> (A1 Any fraud or misrepresentation by the Trustor in connection with the line of credit which this Dead of Trust
<br /> securos:
<br /> � • 408-2
<br /> � 9i94
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