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CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED <br />Leo J.-CafEery and Margaret M. Caffery, Husband and Wife, herein called <br />the grantor whether one or more, in consideration of Eighteen Thousand, Three <br />Hundred Dollars {$18,300.00) received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, <br />convey and confirm unto The City of Crand Island, Nebraska a Municipal Corpora- <br />tion, herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described <br />real property in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />Part of Lot Ten {10) of the County Subdivision of the Nest Half of <br />the Southwest Quarter {W~SW~) of Section Ten {10) in Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Nine {9) t7est o£ the 6th P,M., More particularly <br />described as follows, to-wit: C~enciag at a point 166.52 £eet west <br />of the northeast comer of said Lox itl, rwming thence west along and <br />upon the north boundary lixze of said lot, for a distance of 96.8 feet, <br />running thence in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 139.9 <br />feet to the south line of said lot, said point being also the northerly <br />boundary line of Fifth Street ias the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />running thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary line of said <br />tot for a distance of 85.0 feat, running thence in a northwesterly <br />direction fora distance of 92.6 feat to the place of beginning, <br />Part of tat Ten {101 of County Subdivision of the West Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (W~SSi~) of Section Ten {10), Township Eleven {11) <br />Nort3a, Range Nine {9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of 5th <br />Street 11.3 feet south a£ the Northeast corner of Lot 10 of said Sub- <br />division, running thence westerly along and upon the North line of said <br />5th Street a distance of 130 feet, the Actual Point of Beginning, thence <br />northerly at right angles to said 5th Street to the northerly line of <br />said Lot 10, thence easterly along said north line of Lot 10 a distance <br />of 29.30 feet, thence southerly at right angles and parallel to the <br />westerly line of the about described tract to the northerly line of said <br />5th Street, thence westerly along and upon the northerly line of 5th <br />Street to the Actual Point of Beginning. <br />Part of Lot Tan {10) of the County Subdivision of the West Hal£ of the <br />Southwest Quarter {L7~) of Section Ten {10), Township Eleven {11) North, <br />ltaage Nine {9) West of the 6th P.H„ Hall County, Nebraska, described as <br />follows- Caammeneiag at the northeast corner of said Lot 10, tLance <br />ramming westerly along the North line of said Lot 10 a distance of 23.85 <br />feet to the actual paint of beginning, thence continuing westerly slang <br />the north line of said Lat 10 a distance of 111.79 feet; thence deflect- <br />ing left one hundred twenty degrees and twenty minutes {3200 20') and <br />ruaning southeasterly a die*_ance of 78.16 feet to the northerly sine of <br />5th Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, thence running north- <br />easterly along and upon the northerly line of said 5th Street a distance <br />of 97.2fl feet, thence running northwesterly a distance of 22.85 feet to <br />the actual paint of beginning, <br />To hnve and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, <br />herediteaesats and appurtc-nanees thereto belonging unto the grantee and to <br />grantee's heirs sad assigns forever. <br />Arm the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with the grantee's <br />h:irs and assigns that grantar is Lawfully seised o£ said premises; that they <br />are free Exam ancumbranee except easements and restrictions of record; that <br />grantor has gaud right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor <br />wrranis sad will defead the title of said premises against the lawful claims of <br />srli ~ers+sns asotvsrr, <br />