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<br />not extend or pas{pone the due date of the monthh~ insiailutenc referred to in paragraphs 1 snd 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />10. Banewer Not Released. F,xtension of t!te time for pa}'meat or modification of amm•tiaation of the sums <br />secured by this 3lortgsge granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borro•t•er shall not operate to release, <br />ir, xny manner, fhe liabiiit}• of the original $orrotter and Borrowcr•s successors in interest. Lender shall net be <br />required fo commence }?roceedings against such successor or rrfusr. to extend time im• payment or otherwise modify <br />amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage by reason ai :ntti• demand made by the original Borrower and <br />Borrower's suecea~-ors itt interest. <br />12. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. any forbearance he Lender in esereising xn?- right or remedy <br />]tereunder, or otltern•ise afforded by applicable Jett, s?:;ti? not. hr a waiter of or preclude the eserrise of any right <br />or remedy hereunder. Tire procurement of insursnre or the payment at uses or other Bens or charges by Lender <br />shall not be a :c;.ircr of Lenders right to accelerate the maturity ai the. indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />~` 12. ?emedies Cttmulative. X11 remedies pmtided in this \lortgsge arc distinct and cumulative to any other <br />z-ight or remedy miler this Mortgage ar atfardrd h}- Jars or c ,airy, srd mac L+r rserciset9 concurrently, independ- <br />early or suct~eiveh•. <br />-13. Suecessots mtd As~gas Bound; Joint ®d Several Liability: Captions- The cotenants and agreements <br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respectite successors and assigns of Lender <br />snd $orrower, subject to the pmtisions of psragrtplt 1 ~ hemaf.:lil roteuauts and agreements of Borrower shall <br />, be joint snd seteral. The captions anti headings of the parxgr.3ltl:s of zltis Mortgage are for concenicnce only and <br />are rrotia be used to interaret or define the pmtisians hereof. <br />Q I!, Notice. any raiice to Borrmrer protiticd tar iu this Martgagt• shall he ;ices by mailing such notice b}• <br />rertifi~t3 mail addre~ced to Borm~-er at the Pmlterty .~ddR,v -fated ;:clots'. except for ant notitt• required under <br />psrsgrspit 1$ itereai to Ix giren to Barratter in the manner prrsrribrd ?,y spplicsblc law. _~ny varies pmt•ided <br />tar in thisllortgsge shall br dermrd to hat-c beta sit er. to Barron er wi;en niter in tl;c matures designated herein. <br />15. IIniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. This Earn; of mortgx~r rombinrs uniform cotenants <br />itu national use and non-uniform cotenants with iimiiatii v:n•iations f>t jurisdiction m censtitutc a unitornt secu- <br />tiiy insitument entering real property- Thi. Mortgage ,hall he gaterned by the late ai the jurisdiction in which <br />t~ Property is ioested_ lr. the etent tits*. sry pmtision or clause ai tl,ic ~fartgsge or rite \otr ran8icts with <br />applicable tan, such eon$nt shall not affect atiter protisions of this Mortgage ar the dote which ran be given <br />e#feet without tlse conflicting pmtision. snd to this rr.d the ;tratisions ai the \Iartgage and the \ate arc declared <br />to be ~vera3sle. <br />18. 8ar:ower`s Copy. Bormzershall he furnished a conformed ropy of this \Iartgage st the time of esecu- <br />tatta or offer retardation herd- <br />29. !rte of the Properly; Assumption. Ii all or an~•- ,tart of fire Progeny or an interest therein is sold <br />or trattsferred bF $arrawer without Lenders poor written consent-excluding ia? the ereaiiou of a lien ar encum- <br />brance subordinate to tlvs Mortgage. t'n i the crestimt vi x purchact money security intttest tar household aggli- <br />an:>zr, fr) a transfer by dense, desteni or by oltezation of Ists upon the death of s iaim tenant ar td1 tlte, grant. 01 <br />any iessrho}d intemst ai tlttYe years or less not eontainiz.g an o, tion to purchase. Lender may- st Lender ~ option, <br />declare ail vre sttms ;ea•ur+ed ht thr Itiortgagt• zo I.r itmnediat<,'y due srd payahlr- Lender ..hall hate waited such <br />o to stcelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender ;vtd the Ixrsor, to wham the Ympertc is to ire solo or <br />tratLierzed merle agreement in wciting tltst the credit ai sac?± 1>et~on is satisiartan- to Lender and that the interest <br />papsble on the stttns sea•uted by this \lozzgage 3ta11 he at sorb rate s` Lender ;Itsll t•c~luesz. Ii Lender has waived <br />the option to areelexate prodded in v'tis paragraph i ~ snd if Borrower'; successor iu interest has executed a writ- <br />ten asc'tttnption agrreetuent artepted is tirriting by leader. Letxier shall release Ba;rawer from all ohligatiaas tinder <br />this Mox3gage snd the ?Vote, <br />Ii Leader e><ertis~. sorb option to sctelerste, Lender shall mail Barmn•er notice of acceleration in accordance <br />tvit3t }taragrspL 1# hereof- ~uclt notict~ si:xli pr`a;t-iris s I>ertad ni not teas titan 30 data fnxv the ileac the notice is <br />ruaiied trithin w•}tirh Rormaer may I,ay the >utw drrlami etas- li Borrower tails to par such sums prior to the <br />erpiratioia of taarch period, Under may, nithoat further antics ar .lematxi tut Sormner. intake any remedies per- <br />mitaed by paragraph 181aeteat. <br />\taa-I?arroaxr i_.ttr~arta^r_t. Bot-rr_txvet• ;tnal Londe:- fut•Slxr cirx-enaitt attt3 agrr~e as firllotrs: <br />i$, Itaae; Except as }:tv+-,}ter i:t 1•:tt^agrt}th 3~ l:rrc+ai• altar, Sorma-er'= hreact, oI any <br />rosenast Wragt?ent of Bar±v3axt in t3:is \itjrt~ gt. n„•Iutln:}; tl;t• ,att•nsms to }>sy nh~~n ,fur auy sums serurrti <br />by this'+l;xte, Lrrtdrr },nor to sreelrrat:att -itali n.ati nt,ttrc to Bornrwvt as prottdtYi tt, }taragraplt l# hetro! <br />g>f+e~ilj~g= all t3sg bnsclt: d2+ t?~e artxn rrywn~+ t., tare aunt l.reaeh; +3t x slate. not }e tlkan thirty flays <br />imm the date iltc ntgire is tuaileei to ~+rrowrr. I+~ u !er?+ >tx•it hrearlt roust In cured; anti ,i} that taihuti• zo cure <br />etch tonearLi tux or before rite dare x;~cr3e1 iu tl.e :,oun~ tuag rr_uit in arevlrmtian of t,tc <wtas t.eeured bt chi <br />Varigages.rai sale of the Protanv. if ttte breach t~ t.ot :urei a:: or lxion• ti„• dxtr :Ite+•iti-^d in tIx notice. Lender <br />aS Le•rtderts it,;steno mat derlam ail e+f the soar. _~•rutani l,t flax \lortga€e to l+e imatttiiatel~• due anti payable <br />rvitbcst it2tshc: dtat~rt.? ant: t :ay i.{~,e ttn<'+Iona;at~ by udtrta} ;,re.•erviing. I.~•nder ,hall E>e entitltYi to collect <br />in surlt Iuarendi all eslx-~.~r c+i ioreclc»urr. znelu~iing. but :cat hneitrd ta. ea.Tz of ~Ittcun:cntarc atidence- <br />atretntas affil title teyrotia. <br />1!. IIenowatra ~ ~ Aerate. \rtwitlt-tsnding I_rndes- srrrlesutimt of the sutra, secured by this <br />!fie, Barro>tvermttall It,+1'e the right to have say proreetiing: Itrgun b}• Lender to rnfomt this \iartgage dis- <br />ti t<ti arty tsar prim to entry ai a jttdgtttestt ertftarriag chi- _llongage ii: {a+ Borrower pay.; Ixnder alt <br />sttros tvltioh tvatkl tae t due ttder this 3lattgage, tltt \ote and note scouring Future adtantes, if env, had no <br />nottirted; tbi Borratctrr sums s1I ktr~°arht~ crf am• other ratrnants ur ngn~tments of Borrower con- <br />~~ ~ t~ ~_ (c) 8arz»veea pays ail ret~cturatdt- es}ten-tie:. tncurtkat by I-ruder in enioming the eatrnanta <br />sad ttb of Barsarsrer imtained in ittia liartgage and in enforcing I.rndrr'ti remedies as protidrd in para- <br />IR , itrcitxliad, but s~ limited to, a+nasouaLle attorney':: iers; and +dt Borrower takes. such atuon as <br />I.,er rtta~ tettaetly rt~tt3rc Set attaum that the Tien of chi. Mortgage. I ~vtder b interest in the Ymparty and <br />Boreos~ta ttbiiyetiiam to pay t}te zttms aertrrrd by this 9lortgagr .hall continue unistpaired. I'pau sash ttayment <br />tend tS$e t*! , t~ \Sott and the a>hiigatintu sertrr•rei ltemhy =hall remain rn i ul1 fatrr and effect as iF <br />m aopda i~ oeeurrsd. <br />~' ~ ~ Yratilrp ~ of *wr" 3,ct~s in Po~ga -~a additional security here- <br />~dter, Ho@aa~ar attitg~ to `Leader the rents of #iie Propetty. prop tiled that Borrower shalt. prior to atreier- <br />stSan tinder pata~s~ 181 m• abandonment of the Property, hate rite right to eoliect and retain such scare <br />as ing became etas atoll }utysblc <br />''~pete ~ usxler paradraptt IS lierttaf or airaadoatnent of the Yroperiy, Lender, in petrwn, by agent <br />~' b9 ~y tad receiver shsil be exttitlad to enter ugtstt, take p+in+.~eztsion of and manage the Property <br />aSd to ttta. the seats of the-Property, iatcloriing t_tsoae past due, .~l1 rents rollectt•tf h.- Lender or the receiver <br />~ tad first to Wymeat of the twria of tttana~etnent of the Property and eollettion of rent.,, including, but <br />not Ttmited to, teoeiveri, fees, pretnitttna on x•reiver's bontlF and rrasotutitle attnrney's ire:,. sail Then to the aunts <br />aeotueuoy tiiu'vlartga~e- )xift3eT sad tltc eeetiver shall br liable to arrauttt only far tltatic rents actually recrited. <br />