<br />sAVIN~s FUND
<br />FnaN No. 720-t79
<br />Loan Number_43442 - 188 - 1
<br />~rve ----e.ancn
<br />$~-~'+~~~~ M D R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this .-..-....__..25-.._....... day of .....,lanuazy..._.-._.._..._. A.D.,
<br />29__liQ.., between the Rlartgagor, ._--_-G....Wayae..Yolck..and. Shazlene._:. `,_hushand_and.-..-..-....
<br />kite,..-~f)SnLl$ --- - - - --- -- - - -- - - - - -~ -- --~------ - ---- - --~
<br />of -_._.._._..Grand._lslam~ County of .--...-HaZ.l.-._ .............__., State of ..CiehzZS.ka..-....., hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, 2235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68502, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender-
<br />Wrrrx: That the said Borrower for and in rnnsideration of the sum of ..-Tlai.rL-y_= ldina-._...--....
<br />-2}~ausand-.Nine--Hued-and--hn/-IIIQ==--.-_----_---_>_----Sellars (L'S 3".39,900_D9_..---...- -----~--)
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />falioocing described property Located in the County nf -._...._.Ha11-......_._ ............. StatE of Nebraska:
<br />Lot: Three f3) Shar's Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall Caunty_,
<br />Ibraska
<br />'I~acErH~ with all the improve-menu now or hereafter erected on the property, and aH easements,
<br />ruts, appnateBanoes, trots, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />grater stork, a~ aH fiztures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace-
<br />ments and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br />Maatgage; and all of the #ategaing, Together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br />Mortgage is ext a leasehold3 are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />Btutotcor covesmnts that Borrower is IawfuDy seise3 of the estate hereby com-eyed and has the right
<br />t+o grant and convey the Property. that the Property is nrteacw:.bered, and that Harrower will
<br />warrant and defeatd generaIly the title to the Property against a: claims and demands, subject to any
<br />t~asrsntsrta and rrsiaictions listed in a schedule of eiceptians W rnverage in any title in-urance policy in-
<br />stuatg Lis intet~st is the Property, or {?) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title cer2i&ed
<br />bq bmrded absttaetet_
<br />Paosxnrn Attva~s, and 'these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, agree-
<br />ments sal c~b3igat3ons of the Borrutcer, to-wit:
<br />The 13aurctwer W pap #o #}~ Lender, ar order, the principal sum of _ -Tltiz.Cy..L3itte..~ltoutiattd
<br />~3.ne_eii aad_L~1.1BI)---.-.'_-----------------------------.-.__-. Dallarr, {I7S 6...39_,44Q,.ASI-----------------)
<br />3~Y~ as pTavitled is a >aote ezervted and delivered, concurrently hrmn~ith, the final pa>7nent of principal,
<br />i# a~ attar paid, on the -.-------~.._---------. day of ........ FeZrruai'~=. _ s
<br />- - ...~..=-t3t~_
<br />t?rerra<txar Cova~-aN~. Barmw•er and Lender rnvenant and agree as foHaws:
<br />1. ad > ntad 1arrower shall promptly Pay wheat due the principal of and in-
<br />tetea-t. an ~ ittdebtedners evidenced by the Note, prepalzaanfi and la#e charges as provided in the Note,
<br />acrd tare principal of and intzrest on any Future Advant~ secured by thLs !+iortgage.
<br />L F Tar ?axes mid I~rrrvnee. :~rbje: t to Lender's option under Paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br />ro~' sl>rll Pap #a Lewder on the day mnnt3dY ittstallmcmts of principal and interest ate payable under the
<br />I3oir, ttzrLl t3te Note is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds"1 equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tazes and
<br />rosy attain Pxaari~ty over this 11Iar# ~±*e: and ground tpatts on the Property, if any Plus
<br />+za~-tta~Ifth of yearly premium ixts#allments far barard insutattce, glue one-twelfth of yearly premium in-
<br />ests !flr taorfgage }+~~~ if any, sIl as reasaresbly estimates initially and from time to time by
<br />' cat #be bat;ia of sorts and btZls and r~essonahle estimates thereof, Lender shalt apply the Funds
<br />~ pay geld ta, i~rtaaoe pr+emitrms and ground tents. Lender shalt make na charge far so
<br />atad aI-plping dhe Fttrtde ar v~iiying and compiling said asaeasments and hills. The bender shall
<br />~e t$ t~ ~; t a$fartle, as annrtal acmuating of the Funds showing credits and debits to the
<br />artd the ptufwae Ina which mel'i debit. to tike Futsds wan grade. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />ttecari~y fear tifta attma aeauad by t}ria ~, The Borrower agrees that the Funds may be held by the
<br />Ltrader agrl ~ whir ate' ftaxia grad td~ Lender's own funds and the Lewder may pay such items
<br />~a axtd the 7 ~c-dar ahal! trot be liable #or inteaazst or dividends an such Funds.
<br />of t;he ~ trg Lam, tageth~ wi#!t the future ttxutt3ily Ina#siltnents of Funds
<br />1E lam' ~+ ~ ~ ~ ta. ~ preaniums asd grotmd rents, shall e:oeed
<br />~-aa ~ Lo gaud ttusa, site, inatuance praetittnts gad ground rent.; as they fall due,
<br />' ~. a#~s opts, prom~y r to Bamowar or credited to Harrower on
<br />_ . <+~ Fins. )ii ice, swatmt of fire thtn by I.atrder shall not be sugicient to pay
<br />~ i>e amI gtomrd -rests as they fall due, $o;rower shall pay to Lender
<br />~S' statt~rt ~ to rrlsl<e ~- t3~ wsthin thirty days after notice Pram header to Borrower
<br />yaaent , ar >ez sba~~ I!, nay an iacr~ae in monthly installments of Funds roquired,
<br />refmy the ~ w+itltiai t#te Fiord uccauatiag petiod:
<br />U~ -paw- ~va~ent ice-full-9# a'=saes-"mot by tis~ =`~sage. l.,e*.der rlaall apply Funds held as a c~r~it
<br />aSainat all strata tom.
<br />