<br />That the Mortgagor wilt pay the indebtedness as hereinliefore provided.
<br />That the- Mortgagor is~fhe owner of said property in fee simple -and has good right and lawful authority to .cell and
<br />convey the same and that the-same is. free and cleat of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title- to said premises against.fhe claims of--alt persons whomsoever.
<br />To pap irtrmediatatly when due and -payable-allgeneral taxes, special taxes, special assessment , +vater charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice. charges, and'ntlsrr taxes and charges against said pmlx.rty, and alt lazes le:•ied on the debt secured herehy, atui to furnish the
<br />i#ortgagee, upon zequest, ui!h 'ti+e original nr dupli~atr rzktripts therefor. Thr :14orfgagor agrees that them +hall Ix• added to
<br />ea.:ta trsonth}p paymenf required hrre:zrtder or under the ,•+idence of debt secured hereb}- an amrntnt e.ciimated by !hc• \inrtgager
<br />to be sufficient- to enable fhe Mexrtgagee in pay. 3; they 6emme due, all taxes, assessments, and <imilar charges u}wn the prem~
<br />tees subject thereto; any deficient}' hxause uI the insuf$c•iency of such additional payments sha}I he foci Mvith depenitetl he the
<br />4#ortgagor with the hiartgagee upon demand by the \l+?rtga~ea- .Any default undr,- this pa rag ra;?h :hall he deemed a d,^(ault in
<br />pa}znent of taxes, assessments, nr :imilar charges required hereunder.
<br />Tkm Martgagsv agrees that there stroll also tee added to each monthly payment „} principal and inh n•a ergot red hete~
<br />under an amount estimaled by the 'slnrigagee to be sufficient to enable the \#nrtgagee t, },xy. ;+.. it hcr,~me.~ du.~, the insu rane.~
<br />prv nrium cxa any imurantY }wlic delivered !n the \~Sortgagze..Any deficiency txY~ause ++f ihr in.sufhciem'y uC such addrnnrxal Pay
<br />men#s .hall be forthwith deprnited by the 4loziga_ar wi Lt the Alnrtgagr.> upon demand by the A#ortgagee. Any default under :his
<br />furagraph shall t>z deemed a default in the payment of loco ranee premiums. if the }x~lirr or P,-~licies deposited are such as ktnme-
<br />ewmers or all risk }solitves, and the depnsiL are insuficient to 1'3" the entire premium, the \tnrigagee mad apply the drpo.rt is
<br />pay premiums on risks rcC}uired to k+e insured by this mortgage.
<br />Facmen~ made by the liartgagnr under the above paragraphs may, ai ;he :q,iion of the tiortgaree, he held by iz and
<br />.._r~inglec3 x-ifh nthe: such footle .~r tt_c :?w-n funds f!~r zhr Pap~ment of >urh, item:, and until so applied, such 1^ayments ar+~ hrrrhy
<br />pledged as se<~ttriiy fv the unpaid fislancr of the• mortgage irdehirdnrs.
<br />Tc* prMUre. drii+er k, and ntainiam fcr th+`w - t ,h- \ic r aft -~ -r n_ the bfe nt ihic mortgage ~ri -ins! nnhciv. and
<br />_ x,~=~...r ,t..i...,.-._x3 3x }..,-s u-n ~t~ be3on> ihr r~r:. atr.,n ,f any .uch } .-t ~i ~. :nsunng aKair<t (err a d other rusarahle
<br />tiaaazits~ casualties, and rrontingencies as the Mori; agx^r~ mac require, in an aittaunt~ a}ual to the indebtrdnevc secured by this
<br />?viartgafe_ and in ttampsnias a.^ceptable h^ the A#„rtgs;;c~,•, wnb lees pay ahlr c'_aasr iu faavr of and in (arm acc<•ptahle to the \furtga-
<br />ga. In Y.he f resit ant }via^>' ie x:at n=nrw.n~i „n +,r hdor.~ za~n ,tvy:.:f cis eaPirs€r,:n_ tbx• Rlortg=.Kae ~,a~ hnx ore :nsuranre~ „n the
<br />i-n;a~n+ement._ pay i.he Pr~mium t3trtr7r.r, er>„ ,,. yam shaE; hra.,,nr immrz ,at:•!}~ dz.e an.i ;,a }nDlr with uarrrst at the rate sr•t
<br />frart_h ir. said canto urti4 paid xnd shall kw 4a,•unwl.hc thz. mortgag.~, Paziurr ,+n the pare +,+. !hr \i,+rtfiagor t„ i::rnish such n rr~,vals
<br />as am hezYin required nr failure t:a pay any sun•~ arlvanex~d tx~tYUnder she;1, at the n}>tirn :~. ,.ia :1+trfgaga-,.•..:+n.trtut _ r3r(ault
<br />unrier the terms of tlti: morteage The re7i+~erc of s<rah p,+licirs :hail, in the rre~nt of default` ...nsun:ir an ass,gnmrn=. of the on-
<br />earraed premzvm.
<br />Az-y autos rxei..•ed }+c t?rr \SuriKSg«• h? reas.~r. .,( ::... „r ;iamage insured against may t+a• r,•tsin.vt t,y the 1}~=rigagee
<br />and applied mwaati tree 4sa. moot .,f the ,~rhz hrrrt,c :. cut•~d. „r at the n}:tic,n ni the \Sorigage,~, su.'•h sum. either uhully „r in
<br />part may he paid assn t.~ ihr \#ory;az.,r t.? br s.ed ?,+ -.•narr such ksuil+.iing, _^r to i•uilr! new boil,?rugs ir; their {,tarn .,r ic,r anw~
<br />ether pusgxrse nr i~;cY'i satisfacic,ry tr. the ~S„ttgac:•c• w,thz.ut atSrrtinG the hen an i}e mart gsi'r f.u the fu}! amount :rcutsvl hrrr-
<br />by ttekue such Pa*"mevt :vwr 1u,k Is1aY
<br />To prcmapily ze}sair, trsto>r or rebuild an. 4>_dding. ,u ~mpmiemrnts no+ or tarreaitrr on the prrmi5e. ahtch mac br-
<br />znnxt darnaRed or destre»e•3; =n i,rap .aid Fat-mi.~-. in Krsrd rnndit:cn and repair anti ir.^r {rc+m any mrchanic'> 9ic~n c+x other lien nr
<br />claim ed lien ncx ezpmssty suiaordtnatrd to the lien hrrand; m,i in suffer ,•r }><•rnzit an}~ unlaulul use of ar any' nutsancr to exist on
<br />syd ptaapeY.y rsty tz. permit waste eat veld prrmisr•s. noz to do any other ac-z whrmh>~ tl,e pn+prrty h.=rrby nsna'e,.-=J >hal} }+ecomr
<br />tFx ashra~« r.,, ctx•m.. ah r imtua t rafue br an': a t +•r orni. y,.at Yn art ,n ,~^mz,h ,ath aP. r.-rtuirrmrut~ „f t.+.c ..-+th :r.~rt
<br />to Ihr ~nri€+zgcd p:~ein~ and itie~ use• ihrr~ f
<br />?Tsai should t.~,e rsreauses ru ana~ part ahrraKS be taken nr damaged be rraon „f any- l..ubhr imon,vement or <rndemnation
<br />pr~advgg..x tender the rsgtzY ci z,mxa.•ni domain. of er+ any ot.iter manrmr. the '`I+arigager ,hats br e-ittlc~ri to all arom}tr•nsations.
<br />awards. ar+d any iathe•r payrnenx ar rsz}ref thrrc~i:u, and shaII he entitled, at its option, to evmmence, appear n and Prrrsecute in sG
<br />rrvn atone any artisan ur Rruc~din€,. =+r it?• asakr an>' ~,espnmzise nr srtt}rment :n ruar>=-rL;nn with much tak;ng c.r damage. ail such
<br />- arardx, darn+tta'e. right nl anion atxi prooeexts are tsereoy assigned €o the A#rat>zag~, n=`.r= may, ®ta dedr;M..iag
<br />ifxyc~aam aU its ec3atan say moneys ass x:xwivad lay it ur apply the aaetm sm any iadr6trdz» secured ttetelry. Tim b#art.
<br />paEat aljaeta to s~aeeuke snsc#; furtlaa'r auzpzmrr+ta c,f any nuapznsatt„n, aw-atx~, dansag,rs. and rights of aciiz.n arvd Prue •e3b as the
<br />~'~'e rely t~rr.
<br />'S'hat :n t~ of faliw+e to ;srrixxrm any c.S the K+aenant> ixrern, the ztsay d,. <,rz the A#ortgat;tir's hrha}f evetpfhirg
<br />as canrt+.; th% the Murigrltia+r may else d.+ any act .f essay dorm nrs-c>ssrY o, prvurn ihr t:rn th:•n•o(; the; tier (alortgagur wtFl
<br />arpatp tipttn da'QUCnd any raaarya paid or disbarac•d t»' tar Mcxrigagrr• for say t+f the at+rn•r prarixrw.a next loch morays together witle
<br />itataaeM ibemga at the ritte pitA+ridest is said taede atxati t,nratne ?o much aridrtionnl :ndrkri+drseae hrrebp xw.rureal and may !ae in-
<br />t~ed in eau decree faret~srsg true rna.rtgagr and br p~ed..wt of tt+r rrnta or prnee•rxts csf Bak nt saad prrmiranz it taut azhetwtsr
<br />paid: that it shall nee tae utzlriatasry opera ilar l.+lortg,'ag~ to iragvire into the t-atidity t,( any hen.., .-umbranrr.. .,r rta:m ,n ad-
<br />a at tiS~e assttweiaexf, $ut asniaxta~ iart+rin contained tdra}I be •erarsfrrtisd as rEgzsirirg tttt- 4lartgaga-a- au advarax any.
<br />aooeays far ,any each puapaaa aor ass do any ar@ hrreaaader, and that Mw•tBag~ obeli mat incur any iwrwnat lrabality tres-auar of anX-
<br />>~tyq-il,attq~ +da er mot M do hateatader.
<br />#u riot Yaae[ e:i rise defaada h}• .ivrtgaia'+.t in the }saymrzit of anY insitl}ment, a> raquiran`I bs' the Nnte secured hrrrdry, or
<br />in 'tom $eafcs~r of trier ah}yga2ts9 in taus +_nr+rig'age .-r in the' Hots soured #tmreb},. the LiuRgagee shaft be entitled tv declare the
<br />diar acrd ~tr~sle+s waipsatt ssnt+ee, anc} tier StirrigRgc-z shat! br entif7ed at its upfi~:t, wittnwt nnttce. either by itae^lf
<br />~ #g a ~'+eicXS fu ~ agpcYaits# t+_r t3se court tla~ex+t_ nn~' *zitlwu3 mgard io fhe a.9.:quac. „f xn. ^ curse, i.,r tree +nrlrh[evixxra, ee
<br />cajrad laettsab9. W evatrr uPim a~ take- }xosikasirat cif live mrrAgaged Premises, atsd to rxatitrt and r'etersr the rents, rsaues acrd prnf[ti
<br />tiaeaeai. zmd agp#p tlae mac. ~t cat' ~nl -'A e'+a+~+ and eullrrtion. upon the iadel+tedt>e,~ srx+zred lay this rnottgage; said rents,
<br />ittt~ea atad }weirb bsinE >seraiby~ataoierwrd M rite h7'urlSrgre as fart}arr aarnirity /~ the payment of alt indeh[erlness secured hereby.
<br />'t~6e Mert1;y~er shdrlF basue #3te Fwwer iu apfxunz an> egret s+r agsnt> it may dr>ire Ior e}te putp:asr of rrpatriog Braid prem~
<br />jsag; emtwlL tt6a .aautse; Ca~pC~lip1{, ttnr +taata. r5vaapyrs sad lracfane_ and it tMy Pay out of said tncotrte all expenses mrurred to rent-
<br />,~- }~ aaaae rmd ~ ~ tls rontals thetad wm, 7'iae hatarsce remaining. it any. aha}l tar applied toward the
<br />d the > Thi: aAaigntarat is to tetanitutr and Mcnme null sad .'old upon release of this mortgage.
<br />~.... --
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<br />Lam.
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