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<br />$~- ~~~ <br />MORTGAGE _ _____ __ _ ___ <br />MoRTGncEtoaxiva. _j,_?3,671 <br />F. -- <br />KNOwattMENHV7HESEpRESENTS:Tnat Jinmy/Ummel and Janet A. Ummel, each in his and her own <br />right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one err rrrOre, in cansidention of the stun of <br />Thi~i<Y-four Thousand and No1100-__-_..-__-_--------_- _----------_--------------mttAes <br />locoed to aid mortgagor by The Equitable Bwldirrg and Livn Association of Geand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 340 ,l,a,~ of stock of <br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. t 2.t:671 , des hereby grant, convey and rnart~age unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwing <br />tksua'hed tea: esate, situated in Hall Cauuty, Nebraska: <br />A PART OF LOT TWELVE (]2), VANTINE'S SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF <br />SAID LOT 12 AND RUNNING EASTERLY ALONG AND UPON THE NORTH SIDE OF LOT 12 A DISTANCE OF 184 <br />FEET, RUNNING THENCE SOUTHERLY TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 12 WHICH IS 443 i <br />FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 12, RUNNING THENCE WEST, ALONG AND UPON THE <br />SDUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 12, A DISTANCE OF 183.5 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT <br />32, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH ALONG AND UPON THE WEST SIDE OF SAID LOT 12, A DISTANCE OF <br />132 FEET TO THE POINT flF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM A TRACT OF LAND MORE PAR?ICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 165, PAGE 102 IN THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, <br />IN MALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />lag<thn vrittr all the tearearnts, irere~.iitat»~ris and appmteaaaxs thereunto belonging, including attached floor toveri»gs, a!1 window screrirs, <br />trimdor shadrS, btizds, storm tviadows, awaftsgs, htatiae, ~ wndnixriag, and ptumbioc and a~atrr equipment area acresories thereto. ptmtps, uotr~ <br />tsftiprtataxa, and other futues and ham= rwa ra hereaitu atta;~d ro err resod in ronructiun with said real estate. <br />Aod vstrasas the scut arartgagar hu agreed and does irereby aerce tfrat the mortnagur vrraf{ ant: will pay all taxes and astr~ents levied a <br />m®ed neon said pmeifea cad np+w tires nnrigtge cad the band secrned thereb • fare the arm shall become delingtreat; to furnish approved <br />igamae rtpaa [be braltiasgs ten card prrmives rituated is the soot of S 34 , OI~D.~U pavabk to aid ASSOCIA77oN and to deliver to said <br />ASiSOCIATION tSe prriicies tar aid iruwance; and a:a to ixamit or permit am° waste as at about aid premises: <br />La rase of deFu&rn the ptrrfarttrasce of any of it>:'..crms and zor•iitroas of this tmrtgage err Lire bond srnucd hetcby. the mortgagee dull., <br />m demand, Iw: articled to immediate pisscmoa of the ns.xigagad prcmrsex and the mattgagor trercby assicas, transfers and arts truer to [be <br />teattggrc aN the mats, revearacs cad mtavoe to lx drriveri from the raort_Etged prctnises during such time u the mrxtgage indebtataea shall remain <br />and titr mortgagee sba9 have the pawner to a{•,pnmt arty rcgrrrt ur agents it trtay desue (err the pu+pnse of rt:pairitg said premres and renting <br />ibe stmt and ooHrstirg ahr rents, reveanes and itrzsrrre, and it troy pay out of aid intttme aH expenses of rrpating aid prc.miws and necemty <br />asa~iam aOd rxpeatae6 iarNred m Traturg grad alaaaRisrg thr amt lad of ntHettmg e~-aub tirerefrtmt: the haltna tnmtiaitr6. if lny, to be <br />7ENrtld the ds.rlrarrre tH saved aaut~tpr mdrbitt#aev= iheae ~u Uf fin' RRV igagCe inay be CllerOaed al 1aY fame dLLlLlg t}C eIH(CaQ Of 9iCh <br />~w of fay femlj![xatY 471aCY ~ Lhe attre. <br />Tiax f~eaas. hosarver_ m ttptsr thr Coaditr°eo, Thai d t(re sari Mrtgagor shall rtpay aid ban r»t or bet`tre ih_ maturity of sad shares by <br />ptymeat; pay mmrlhh• to sail ASSftCtaTiQN of trot sum spexafaed is the is„ad servred hrrrby^ u mteresi cad priavz~al err aid ktaa, on rx before <br />fire TYmnetk day of rtrh cad evefy aa.-unh. tnnil aid kgan rs #aily pard; pay dl tsx~ cad asxsvnenrs kvird agartst aid lrcrrrisrs cad oa this Mortgage <br />and the Bond axurer{ therrby, isrfore deiinqurrxy: trerai$r approved rrran~a:rce trpan the brrirdugs thervma m the siren of 3 34 , 900.00 payable <br />m sad aeersr's at}~ph{ . ,e~y. to said aSSOCIATION atpun demand all ternary by rt pad fat ssadr taxes, assesaaenis arks inwraacs with iatettsn at <br />litre . ksgtd rate thc3ecra_ fsa.,r da3r ..t p~.vrneaz ~ at whiff ~+ritg~. 2earb;• mr->rs is paY; per~_t at wale oa s~ prcmess:keep snd resrplY <br />ayth ~ sire agaetments cad erta~Erans of ilre Hand far 5 34 , 000. ~ this day PJ+Ta by the aid Mortgagor ro said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />sBh a8 the'ts of the Constrtutrm a~ Hy-taws taf said ASSOC't ATION: three these presents shall ba-atrx curl and void, oiherwis thry <br />r~ vela m fry fsa,rse aed mat he f~rexktsrd ai the t?pt~s of t)g art ASSGClaT10N afar fadurr for thrx ntontbs to mate nay of aid <br />prrymc+rts or be litter months in aararo m nxa~r.. said mtxrthly payments, au to ktxp and rarnply with tirr sgrrxnxnts and conditirtns of aid Hoad; <br />cad tAe agax to hour a receiet appisu:red farthvrxh rn su3e farcc'hes:ur pracsrxiurp~. <br />n tLoe s aey m uwaaship a# the teat rstatr mrv;gaged trtsam, by ok oc atbrswr ipe. tMst the eatitc remaituag indebtedness hereby <br />tttrtasaC ahti. at she api~nn of 71+e tgaitablr HuiLi[ng cad t_rua Aaarcistrua ati gnat Island, Neixasta, beaxxtre irmnediatdy dtr cad payable tvitltaut <br />farms asxrae, cad the araarnr! scmaurmg doe vadn aid brad, and any at1-s lard far any a3rlitiona7 advawxa ntadr th-rcrmder, stra®. from the <br />Sale trF exesmse rrt sad aptim, heir urtrresi st thr rrna.smatn kgrd ram, curt the na,ripge may rhea be foredosrd to atisfy the amwmt dte an aid <br />Lamd, rend cry odu hood fax ar}ditirmaS advaoecs, together w4rh a}t aar~ pool by scud Ti he Equiratsk Bealdiag cad t.nan Assoeiation of Gtmd lidand, <br />NeYtagta Far ier>tuanis, taxes and tssrtrarrnu, and aMua:tme atensuan ~>: with irurrr,Y therein, Gant dam of payment at the maximum <br />~~ <br />As pms~ed is the Hoed suzssri Snot}. eLur thrs raxt{~gr rums rr, rffr.:t the rrrrrtggee any hrreatter advancti; additiaaul nuns w the <br />skais taf mid Btsad, tirrir atagus c+r =--^-°-~i st artterrst, u•in:#t saatr+s shalE tr vrittun the srcurdy ui this rnartgage the same u the (rinds origina5ly <br />tecrrred they, the fatal aranant :d paaa:ipa! drbt twit to rxutrd ai rurr tntre ttr::urgud amoant of this rn~rtgagr. <br />34th d~ er -__ January ~. n., iv 80 <br />1 <br />J ~ r. _. <br />r' era? <br />Jilt A. i!!~1 <br />sr/l~ of A. ~ a~ fan the 14th dtY ~ January re 80 , befrrrc roe, <br />cxxirrs~v of xt-id. <br />the rmdernsmd, a Natary Pubirr w cad ixsr sad Cotwty, praaaaally came <br />JiI~+Jp~{e3 atld Ja~iet A. Usl~el, each in his and her own right, and ~s spouse of each other <br />. ~. w u at'e pcnondty trrarwa to <br />ere +e ere the idratied prasam s vrhhate rramr3 are affixed tU trio abate rnaruisent as mtrtgagiN s and they scveraily <br />the cad aatruarorw un be their soiatwy acs and deed_ <br />rn>~rss ~ ~ aoe ~ sew ~ cost? .rain <br />NY fo~tm ettpbes Y ' "~ <br />dFiF7gt art ev.3ta+tdttdrasta - Nutary~{y- <br />uasar m r r ;srr; r~[y ~,. <br />